Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OK people its not "who made the mistake it's how to stop it from happing again."
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    But someone should be held accountable. Thats how life is. Should we all just forgive and forget? That's not how things happen. If I did anything half as bad as killing a dog, you could count your tootsies, that I would be fired.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You know this how? Thank you
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: Peppercorn

    THey are not trying hard enough.

    Perhaps you are, or you know someone there. I do not stand to say that they are all a bunch of heartless idiots. There are good folks, who mean well in every organization. What we need to do , is find that guy/gal and have them help us find the problems. Our goal is to actually help the shelter do a better job in getting animals adopted and back to their homes. We want to make sure that quarrantined animals are kept separate from the rest so that this error that happened to Niko never happens again.

    Those who work at the Animal Control do something I am incapable of doing...looking into the eyes of a trusting animal and saying, "you gotta die."

    Hopefullly, in Nikos memory we can help more animals, get rid of the uneless employees at Animal Control, (keep the good one or two) , and create a better organized , more precise, more accurate way of handling animals.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OK so I typed my name in the wrong spot...the above post is me.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Terrible Mistake

    I just wanted to express my sympathy for Nikko's family. My friend actually told me what happen and I was deeply upset. There is no price that anyone could put on a dog. I would be devested if that were to happen to me. I hope this will bring awareness to all animal shelters including this one. I hope justices is served. Again my deepest sympathy for Nikko's family.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I just came upon this now, I moved to Raleigh from Maine about six months ago. Why is the animal control officers euthanizing the animals?
    Was the Veternarian out that day? Don't you need a cetain type of specific degree of some sorts to administer the medicine?? Please someone give me a quick update

    I love you Bryan.... You are my hear and soul... The "Maine" Iac!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    For Tess

    In a nutshell..
    The shelter doesn't have a vet, they still put the
    animals in a gas chamber.
    Basically, if a vet was there, will all their schoolin, they
    would be able to tell the difference between a terrier and a german
    shephard! I hope Niko bit the crap out of the person
    who stuck him in that Holocaust box :evil:
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Lord Have Mercy! How horrible! A dog pound without a full time vet?
    Do they go out in the public without getting checked out? Is this a new thing? Did they ever have a vet? Im in disbelief! Horrible. Im sorry to the family of Niko. So Sorry
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not Tess, people can just go out and get a dog willy-nilly ...then if they don't want him anymore ...leave him at the pound willy-nilly. Sounds like a good program doesn't it?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    How about it Niko's "dad", was this the first time

    I have been keeping up with this and kinda had this is the ack of my mind hoping it wouldn't come out as I assumed my mind would be put as ease. I have posted in support of the situation but it continues to bother me.

    Niko's owners have yet to answer something that has been laid out very clearly, "Was this the first time he escaped or was there a pattern?" Their silence in reference to this is kinda bothersome.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OK let's get one thing straight. You can call us irresponsible idiots. But i know we are not. Niko was a family dog that tolorated kids dressing him up, kids playing catch with him outside the fence, well trainded, and most importantly HAPPY. We have one other dog who is 5 and two indoor cats.

    We do not know why Niko did what he did, but he did it. the puppy is ok, she is jumping around and playing with her familys other dogs. I was the one who cantacted Animal control, I was the one to put him in the back of the truck, I allowed them to pull away with Niko. This was going to keep other animals safe, (the animals that are running around my neighbor-hood) with no owner to be found. And also to give us 10 days to FIX the problem. Niko gave no warning that he was going to attack the puppy, and if he would have given me a warning i would have brought him inside the house. When we called down the next day to find out about visitation, we were told when roger davis got on the phone with my husband that "we have a problem" Your dog was Mistakenly but down today. The dog had been dead at least 3 hours, and they never called us to let us know there was a MISTAKE.

    Yes a new dog was offered to us " we can buy you a new dog" so obviously we are not bad people. we have not been investigated for being bad people "who should not have another dog" We love all our animals, and we loved Niko.

    This will not die down as long as we have the support from the community, speaking out, comming out with their stories, good ones and bad ones.

    It is not about the $$$$$$$$$, we have not even talked to a lawyer guys.
    and if we deside to go that route, you all will know about it, and the $$$$$$$ will not benifit us, but for everyone who loves animals, have animals, and want animals, we hope to educate, train, the right people to take care of the animals the way they should be taken care of. and if it takes a law suit then so be it, some one has got to stop this from happening again. and we the Davis family, will make sure this does not happen again.

    Niko is gone and no one can bring him back, but maybe just maybe he could be the last one to have to die in the gas chamber.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    The answer to your question is NO NIKO NEVER HAS JUMPED THE FENCE TO ATTACK ANTHER DOG BEFORE THIS!!!!!!! but you are going to believe what you want to believe. [/quote]
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    this about how The animal shelter took our rights away from us. they obviously are not responsible enough to care for the animals in a way they should be. Niko was in there to be quarantined for 10 days. they did not double check and the only criteria the people use is a kennel designation? Why was he being kept with the dogs getting ready to DIE or even with the dogs waiting to be adopted. We have not been contacted to let us know what is being done to fix this. Are they even investigating this? and if so who is investigation? some one from the outside needs to be investigation not someone with-in.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko is in heaven... I never knew him but I love him! :cry:
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I think that you are a liar. If not , why would you have made the statements

    1. "Niko gave no warning that he was going to attack the puppy, and if he would have given me a warning i would have brought him inside the house."

    2. "The answer to your question is NO NIKO NEVER HAS JUMPED THE FENCE TO ATTACK ANTHER DOG BEFORE THIS!!!!!!!"

    The first gives mention that in your head you knew he was capable or there would have been no reason to bring him in. The second kinda has gives way that it's very obvious he has done it before, just "not to attack another dog."

    OK, so now it's very clearly out in the open, they knew. Now people, perhaps you can find a new martyr because this one isn't worth it.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    NO we did not know. I never lied and will not lie. My dog jumped the fence YES, he attacked a puppy YES, he never did this before, ANY DOG IS CAPABLE TO ATTACK!!!!!!!! and if your arguing this then maybe dogs should be ileagle. all dogs. I am not denieing that Niko has never jumped the fence before. but he always came to the front door.. this just started about a week before. i will not lie about any of this. I have no reason to lie. but again the point we are trying to make here is that Niko was misaken for another breed. thay did not check to see if they had the right dog before putting him down. they messed up and we want them to fix the problem and hold up to their resposabilitys.
  20. birdap

    birdap Active Member

    Guest, why must you continue to questtion everything she says. Nikko's mom clearly answered your question.
    If you don't like the cause that these people are fighting for, find a cause that you do believe in and just move on.

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