Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Good Morning Niko’s Mom
    Good Morning GUEST

    Too bad the dream that I had last night that moronic idiots like the above Guest who is blaming the family didn’t come true. I was hoping that perhaps a heart and brain could grow from that solid mass of dead tissue he or she is currently trying to think with.

    No Niko did ever attack any dog or anyone before. (I’m sorry he is gone now because I really would have loved to see him bite this GUEST putz in the tush.)

    No Niko did scare the neighborhood. He was a happy tail wagger.

    Niko acted on the spur of the moment. As to why, we will never know. And thus far the only vicious thing I have seen is GUEST trying to annoy the heck out of the family and sabotage any positive efforts we may have.

    To Niko’s Mom: Ignore this jerk and maybe he will go bother another board. When I see you personally, I will use more colorful language to tell you what I truly this of this arrogant, mean spirited, person
    :D :
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok once again some jerks are not looking at the real picture here just what they wanna see. It sounds like to me that you either work at the shelter or know some one who does.
    The point here is not that Niko bit my puppy. The point is to make sure no other animals get put down by mistake.
    So redirect your anger to a good cause and move on.
    Like I have said before If I can foregive Nilo and GOD can why can't you all?????

    All my love to Nikos family.

    From the puppys owner.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Has anyone contacted CNN?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I have been sitting here this a.m. reading all the comments people have posted about this sad situtation about the Johnston Co. Animal Shelter and this terrible mistake, I have had the unfortunate task of turning in stray dogs that came to my house that I simply could not afford to keep up, i already had two of my own, in my younger years when I was able to work I would have four or five at the time, mostly strays, I always seemed to have some strange animal-magateism, they just showed up at my house--now some of these poor craturesn moone would take--if it had not been for the shelter, what could I have done with them, the vets don't put one down out of the goodness of their heart. The shelter is there to help these animals regardless of how some of you want to see it, there's no way they can take in four hundered dogs a mo. and have a no kill shelter--if this is what you want, why don't you talk to your Co. commissioners and do something about it--it would take a building the size of a tobacco warehouse to house all these animals coming in every day, then there's the spaying, the neutering, the feeding, the shots , all the medical care that would go into such an organization--who's going to pay these peoples salary ?? Not the Co., you can bet on that---
    You need to try and be supportive of the only thing this Co. has to deal with a situtation , which is overpolulation of pets--it's not the animal shelters problem --it's the people in this world that will not take responsbility for their pets and it can be prevented even if you can't afford the spay and neuter at the time your problem arises with your pet--there's such a thing as an electric fence around the outside of a females pen if she's in her season, to protect her from that romeo roaming around loosesince his owner doesn't give a hoot about where he is--people that really care about their pets, if they are not totally ignorant about repoduction, can keep it from happening and if for some reason it does, the vet can give the female a shot within 24 hrs. and keep her from having those poor unwanted babies if you are aware of the situtation that occured.
    There are between eight and nine hundered miles in this Co. and only three officers to cover it in their FREE furnished vechiles--what makes you think they're free and why would you think that these underpaid officers should have to put over a hundered miles a day on a personal vechile answering the calls of the people in this Co. ??? They have to answer some really imature calls, for example, the neighbors dog crapped on his neighbors grass--guess who got the caqll to drive to the other end of the Co. for something like this ?? Now why could these two grown adults not sit down like the side by side neighbors they were and discuss this and settle it without the taxpayers--that's us--paying for the miles on that vechile, plus all that expense gas ---once again it comes back to the people--us--all of us, taking responsibility for our pets--then there wouldn't be a need for a Animal Shelter--would there ?????
    When I was in school many years ago, I was taught that we humains were the most intelligent of all the mammels {excuse, probably misspelled that, but I'm sure the smarter ones of you out there no what it is} anyway, we're supposed to be the smartiest , but when I see the way some of us throw away out pets , the way some of them are abused, I really wonder about that--they cry from pain just like us, they bleed real blood just like us and they love just like us--and yet look how they will forgive you when you loose your patience with a harsh word, or a possible slap--people could learn a lot from animals--
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Let me start by saying that I am an animal lover. I feel very sad for Niko and his family and the other family involved. I agree that the animal
    shelter made a grave mistake and should be held responsible. Several
    years ago we had a run in with the Animal Control regarding a next door
    neighbors dog that came into our yard while we were outside with our
    Yorkie the other dog killed our dog. The AC basically did nothing.
    They left the dog with the owners and told them to keep him in a confined area. They had a four foot fence that the dog would not stay in. The very next week, the dog was out again. I called AC again and they had
    NO record of what had happened less than a week ago. Having said all of this, I do feel that Niko's family should have been more aware that a dog
    of that size and leaping ability needed an 8 foot fence. Again, that
    certainly does not take away from the fact that a mistake was made and
    they need to pay. I certainly hope those responsible have to suffer the
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Why is this off the front page? Does anyone know?
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OK it's back.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Whenever there is a new posting this topic goes back on the "front page." If everyone allows this topis to fade away, then we will be off the front page and just lost in the oodles of discussion groups on

    Let's keep Niko's memeory alive.

    Habitat for Niko
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Has anyone seen the article in the Herald yet?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Just pick up the paper. Every thing in there was true nothing more nothing less. if you have a voice then please email Suzette with the paper and let her know how you feel. This is the only way now to keep Niko alive. this can not be brushed under the rug. even though animal control would like to see that.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I just emailed dateline a letter plus many others
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I am very glad to see the article about Niko is on the front page of the Herald. Now even more people will become aware.

    My thoughts are still with you, Niko's Family, as well as Angel and her family! :)
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    We need someone to let us use your facility for a meeting. Please contact us as soon as possible.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If anyones sub division has a club house the can rent cheap let us know for the meeting.

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