Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ya'll should really consider a lawsuit.. Niko to them was a"prblem" not a travesty. Hey I heard that someguy got Executed today? They said he was killed by Lethal Injenction. This guy raped and killed a little girl, yet he dies peacefully with LI. But Niko, they shove in the oven left to suffer and howl and scream for up to GOD ONLY knows How LONG!
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I'm sitting here with my paper and just read the article about the Davis family--first let me say how sorry I am about your pet and I'm also sorry for the folks at the Animal Shelter--this was not something that was done on purpose--it was just as the paper stated, a terrible mistake--why are all you people out there on a witch hunt for the manager of the shelter ? Why don't you let the Davis family and the shelter settle this between them like mature adults should be able to do and all of you tend to your own affairs ??
    They called Animal Control, they did, the officer told them they could keep their pet at home, yet they refused--there are three reasons here I read--and the second one was that they themselves had even thought of putting this dog down. That does not erase the fact that it was their decision to make, it was, but after they saw that attack on that puppy, they were scared--make no mistake about it, they were all scared, both families---if someone had not been there, that puppy would have died a terrible death, the beloved pet of the Davis family turned into a monster right before their eyes that they didn't recognize.
    I raised two German Shepard pups once, their mom was killed by a car, the neighbor gave away seven pups whose eyes were not yet open--I got bottles and powdered milk and raised two gorgous dogs, my childern, the male weighted 110 lbs. and the female 98---as my neighborhood grew, families moved in, one p.m. while I was in the yard with my dogs, two small childern playing next door started running and yelling and screaming around their yard, my dogs took off like a bulliet after those kids, I ran screaming behind them and stopped them just before they got to those babies--I was so scared I just sank down on the ground shaking like a leaf--i finally got them back to the house and in their pens, the next week I had my vet come out and put them to sleep--I buried them in my back yard so I would know where my childern were, that they would not be abused and they would not tear two helpless little childern apart right before the eyes of their parent or me beofre I could stop them---inhumaine you say ??? not so in my eyes and I'm sure I loved my two as much as the Davis family loved theirs, their dog wasn't near grown, from the picture I saw of him in this paper, he would have been a huge animal--how do you know what he might have done in the future ???
    You can not compare an animal to the worth of a human being regardless of the angry you are feeling at the moment , from the articles I have read in the past about the manager, he has done a great job and is trying to make changes for the better for the animals and the Co.
    I read some of the other things people were having to say about him, I only wonder how they would feel if they were in his shoes, I guess it's just human nature to think you can always do abetter job than the person that's doing it--here is a man doing the best he can, trying to support his family with this hellish job . I sure don't want it---
    Once again, why not let the Davis family and the shelter handle this business, it's a hurtful situtation for everyone and harsh things are being said that shouldn't be, it's the easiest thing in the world to critize someone else when you're not in their shoes.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    the community

    Lets see there are 261 post on the animal shelter issue and 51 on the school lunch issue.

    What does that say about our community?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Because a LIVING BREATHING DOG THAT GETS GASSED WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE is more than important than if your kid gets tater tots!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    now now children play nice

  6. She's baaaaack dodoo doddd dooo dodooo
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I think they should take his dog if has one and the same thing to it and see how he feels.. :evil:
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You can not compare an animal to the worth of a human being regardless of the angry you are feeling at the moment , from the articles I have read in the past about the manager, he has done a great job and is trying to make changes for the better for the animals and the Co

    I must disagree with the your statement regarding the worth of an animal versus the worth of a human being. You must think of a pet as a very small child. Both rely on the adult community to feed them, keep them healthy, and try to read their minds. Neither a pet nor a very small child can tell you when they feel pain or where it hurts. They rely on us to figure out where it hurts.

    Also, don't forget about the disabled in this world who rely on our four-legged friends to assist them in there every day life. The blind, the physically disabled, the elderly.

    I am not claiming that the manager has or has not done HIS BEST, but maybe his best is not near good enough. I am well aware that changes need to be made. However, they are not being made swift enough or in a timely manner. This is the whole point to getting this story out, that changes need to be made NOW! And if as you say they are trying to make changes then obviously problems exist and have existed for some time. Have you ever considered that just like any other situation in a democracy this may require the public to get involved.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I am sorry to hear about your dog. But you have to think in reality. What if it had been a child or what if the neighbor had been hurt. People don't think about what really could happen. They just want money and things for free in life. It is bad that it happened, but instead of all the lies and ugly remarks....people should actually think about what could have really happened. But people don't think before they speak. Everyone has to but into someone elses business instead of keeping things to their selves. People also want someones job taken, and half of them probably do not have a job. Excuse me when I say this. But most people sit at home on their ass and want everything, while us that work hard and try to make something to keep up the slackers that stay at home to get money off of us. I think it is crazy. I think people should stay out of this except the parties that are involved and let them resolve the problem. I think there is a good county manger and I think the situation could have been worse. I think things right now are being handle very well than what they could be.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Almost forgot one last thing I wanted to mention in my last posting.

    I believe in everyones right to an opinion. Having stated this is the reason I do not have a problem with some of the negative postings sent in sicne this discussion began Tuesday afternoon.

    But, if you are going to have an opinion and state it, why hide behind a guest login. At least let us know who you are. Don't you think? :wink:
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! The ugly remarks are not helping the situation or solving anything. What lies are you referring to? You are correct that there are many people in this world who are out for the money. Now, answer me this? have you heard or seen anywhere that Niko's family has brought up money? Your opinion on the county manager and the county's handling of the situation is yours to have. I will defend everyones right to their own opinion regardless of whether I agree or not. I guess as time goes on we will see how well these people do in handling there mistakes.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    and if he is.............
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I am not saying that his family is out for money. I am saying that the people who say get a lawyer are mainly thinking about money instead of this terrible situation and the family
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    No "GUEST" the family is not after it for money! You are probably the biggest hypocrite!! I guarantee you would be the first person to sue.

    And why shouldn't they SUE??? They KILLED or shall I SAY GASSED a member of their family!!!!

    Do you get it???? Get it through that bleached blonde head skull of yours!
    They GASSED. KILLED, MURDERED a living, loving, sleeping, happy, sad creature!

    I say they should sue, and sue everyone!!!

    This way if they do sue and win, the county will be alot more pickier on who they hire and how they run their "SHELTER"
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Guest, Your last comment has been heard, i understand that you are not claiming that WE are out for money however when you post statements such as " People dont think about what could have happened, they are out for the money and the free things" It looks as if you are refering to us, seeing as how in this case of Niko we are the only ones that could sue the county on his behalf as his owners.

    Please be careful with the wording of your comments. we are interested in discussing the facts and ways to improve the countys procedures. we are not interested in a discussion group filled with bashing.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    BUT IT Wasn't a child!! Get that through your bleached head already!

    Even if Niko did get a human. THE LAW states that the dog MUST BE HELD FOR a CERTAIN TIME!

  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    YES Jennifer, you have made yourself clear!!!!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Dont BREAK IT,
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I strongly agree with you. People need to pull together and try to figure out how to improve things with the county and their workers.

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