Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Please guys come in with another name than Guest. so i know who is who. i think that the guest that is talking crap is the same guest talking nice. playing games. this is not a playground for you to come and play on. GROW UP
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    and also someone was willing to take the tax payers money to buy us a new puppy. I guess this is ok with you guest?
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I personaly have had enough for one day. but my husband will be up for a while. so feel free to ask the questions, make the statements, and i am sure he will respond.

    Again thank you to everyone. for their support. i just wish the bashing would stop. this is about fixing a problem not making a bigger one.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Tonight at my HOA meeting, yes us trailer living people do have HOA meetings, talked in depth about this horrible Mistake.

    What we don't understand is
    1) Who is doing the investigating? If it's Johnston County, how fair could that be?

    2) Rick Hester is Roger Davis' boss, he should be held just as accountable for he is the supervisor and actually running the ship

    3) Why are they still GASSING????

    4) Why would Rick Hester offer a new dog? That is laughable and and dang pathetic!

    5) Can the public get a copy of the "Investigation"

    6) What is the county going to do, to rectify the whole Pound from soup to nuts?

    7) Where can we go to voice our opinion to the county? When and where?
    Are we allowed to address the forum???

    I have much more to say, and I will be back....

    And even though I live in a trailer, and my husband is fighting the war, I expect I shall hear something negative from the reporter J. Stanton.
    But! I have six "trailer" neighbors on this now, and if you dish it out lady, us rednecks will dish it right back!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    [size=18]Where is he planning on getting this puppy? From a petstore in the mall?
    Thats really sweet, those dogs are from puppymills. Geez, Rick Hester must be a member of Mensa![/size]
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If they get a new puppy, then I want a new puppy, than my sister wants a new puppy, then the whole county should get a new puppy!! It will be Anarchy!!
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    ]****Meeting Meeting Meeting**************[/size]

    OK. Mark found us a place for our meeting. The info is as follows:

    Saturday October 16,2004 at 3 pm
    Gandoldo's NY Delicatessen
    5638 NC Highway 42 West
    Suite 212
    Garner (out on the deck)

    Near the intersection of Cleveland Road, NC 42 and Old Drug Store Road. Just West of I-40.

    This will give us an opportunity to discuss what our focus will be. We all need to be realistic. If you have ideas and proposels, you may want to write them down also. This will not be a total bashing session. We need to find answers . We need to get focused on what we CAN do.

    We will also be getting a fund going. So start saving your change!

    Habitat for NIKO
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much Gandoldo's for allowing everyone to come together at your Delicatessen.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for NIKO
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    No new puppies.

    The Animal Control Peole and the County Manager are best buddies. Talk about being in cahoots! These two have been together too long. I can see people sticking together but when you are a county manager you should be fair and impartial. I bet if a new guy messed up like this he would be out because he isn't the managers buddy.

    The Davis family is not in this for the money. I am not in this for the money. I'm the one who got bit by him and I miss his big ears sticking up over the fence. Niko would come to say hello everyday when I got off from work. He would bark at me untill I said "Hi Niko, Good Boy." From his side of the fence I must add.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    1. to my understanding Hester was looking into it personaly.
    2. Yes but he to has a boss
    3. because they are still leagle and the "cheapest" way
    4. To shut the family up, or his way of fixing the problem
    5. find out monday at 7 pm at county commissioners meeting in smithfield
    6. Dito
    7. Dito
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OOO OOO as far as this geting more posting then the stuff about kids lunches....I thought that was interesting too. Then I bent down and fed the dogs and I told my kid to go make her own sandwich. hee hee

    Sara in the Trailer -you and your Trailer Buddies are more then welcome to attend this meeting. I don't care if you have ten bucks, thousands of bucks, or no bucks to your name, you definately have a great head on your shoulders. You have brought up some wonderful points that need to be addressed. I too would like to see a formal copy of the investigation. If there is a formal copy...
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Come to both meeting Sara - the one on Monday and Saturday.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I will definately be there on Monday! What time and where exactly? I will bring the ole red neck bunch.

    Saturday, I have a wedding to go to!! Shoot!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Good morning everyone, If you can make it to the meetings i would appreciate it. come with ideas, and opinions. look forward to seeing you there
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Ok I will be there

    are you coming to the RALLY on MODAY MORNINGalso

    The one that will greet Roger Davis Picketing the shelter will bring the attention back to Niko

    Alot of people seem to bew changing the subject

    I hope you and the other will come


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