Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Cal, Thank you so much for your support. I as not sure it would be a good idea right now for me as the owner of Niko to come down there Monday. As of right now we the family have not looked into lawyers, and i would hate my being down there would anyway hurt this case. if we do get leagle. the $$$$$ will not benifit us but will benifit the whole cummunity, and most importantly the animals. But understand I want the right people running the shelter as much as the bad ones being removed.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH I hope you understand we are not willing to be there, WE ARE. and Love the fact that people like you are willing to make a stand for what they believe in. that is why we are keeping quiet.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's mom,
    Im trying to get a bunch of people to go and picket on Monday. (We may be trailer hayseeds, but put us all together, and we got some big red neck mouths!) :evil: I agree that you shouldn't go and picket. To the person who started the post, I don't think it should say "Fire Roger Davis", maybe it should say, [u]Stop Senseless Killings[/u],
    or Innocent Dogs are Killed here... Something in that area. Just an idea, but I think the people in the cars would be more upset to hear that Niko was murdered, than trying to fire someone. But thats not for me to decide. I hope you do sue the shelter. Maybe they will be more careful about messing up the identity of an innocent dog :(

    My husband is in Iraq fighting for you! Never forget the importance of THE RED, WHITE & BLUE!
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If you go picket make sure its legal.
    You need some kind of permit.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    KEEP NIKO'S MEMORY ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Good Job Mark for getting the deli to donate their space for the all-important meeting. They are the greatest and deserve a world of thanks. Folks, if I didn't live 7½ hours away, you bet I would attend.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok people we all need to focus on the point at hand.

    1. Mr.Davis should be fired.

    2. Getting procedures reformed at the animal shelter.

    Unfortinatly having them turn it into a no kill will not happen .

    3. HABBITAT FOR NIKO will do alot of good in many diffrent ways for animals.

    Just remember people at all the meetings cool,calm and collective will get more done then any yelling will.

  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    It might be more beneficial to picket the county manager's office on Monday. Isn't he the putz who keeps him in place? What about town hall or the county seat? If it is the building I think it is on Main st in Smithfield, I do believe that there might be more visability there.

    The idea is to see and been seen. Make signs. Honk if you hate the pound or honk if you love animals. Make strangers feel involved.

    I can not be there on Monday during the day but I will be attending the meeting in the evening.

    Does anyone know a printer. I have made up flyers for the meeting on Saturday. I would like to get them printed and distributed around the county ASAP.

    THanks to all !!!

    Hey Sara - skip the wedding - an animals love will probably last longer then the marriage anyway. LOL just kidding - have fun and happiness to the couple! :lol:
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I LOVE PEPPER CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    GOD BLESS YOU NIKO's mommy and daddy
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank you Woof. Can you be my campaign manager?

    Anyway if you know a printer please contact me 934-6185.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's mom wrote:
    And what had you been doing that previous week to rectify the problem?

    I'm glad you understand this. So of all the breeds you could have chosen in a subdivision where kids play outside, why on Earth did you choose a german shepherd!?

    Join the club. Most people in your situation say the same thing. I would not say that you are stupid at all. On the contrary, like so many other dog owners, you are smart enough to properly control your dog, but you lack the proper education and are too naive about the dangerous potential of your particular dog. This is a problem with the law. The only thing you needed for a license was a warm fuzzy feeling, a rabies shot, and a dog. Now you have a neighbor who's been bitten. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that licensing laws need to be changed.

    That is beside the point. A small child could have been scarred for life or worse, killed. This level of risk should not be acceptable to the citizens of Johnston county. If I'm driving drunk though your neighborhood and accidently knock a kid off their bike but they don't get hurt, do you think the neighbors will forgive me?

    Of the tens of thousands of dogs that have gone through the pound, animal control has recently made one terrible mistake, but people letting their dogs get loose is a mistake that happens everyday ...several times a day subdivisions throughout Johnston county. There is no excuse for either, but one will be corrected while the other is allowed to continue. The real shame goes to the latter.

    It's great that you're working to insure that no other dogs are mistakenly killed, but just remember that you wouldn't be talking such a big talk if someone had been seriously hurt by your dog. I know you already knew this ...I'm just here to remind you. :wink:
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    oh Bullet Guy? have you ever seen a poodle attack anybody? Regardless of the size and breed of the loving "furballs", even the littlest of breeds can become escape artists and do viscious hurt. So, please, do not blame it on the big guy, Niko, and his breed.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I love what is being done on behalf of Niko, but let's all remember the kitties who meet the same fate. I LOVE ALL FURBALLS, nothing can be better than to have these furballs as members of your family. THEY ALL DESERVE A LOVING HOME, and, how do we get to the slimeballs who just abandon these pets only to meet the same fate as Niko. These lowlives should be gassed along with Roger and his co-horts, they deserve nothing less!!!!!!!!!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok Once again we are straying from the subject.
    The question here isn't if someone or something made a mistake when NIKO got out.
    The question here is to make sure that the shelter doesn't make this mistake again and put down an animal before it should be.
    Also we need to remember that Nikos family they are the victims here this isn't bad Nikos dad for not having a higher fence.
    Just a reminder my puppy and wife were the ones that got attacked .
    So in closing I would like to ad that we all need to stop bashing each other here and come together and fight for reform at JCAC.
    As always we miss the "BIG EAR FREAK" (NIKO)

  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Peppercorn for Pres.

    Love all animals.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


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