Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Yes, but I've never heard of one killing anybody.

    Only because they have such forgiving, animal-loving neighbors like you who aren't playing the role of "victim". If they were my neighbors, they would be playing the role of "defendant".

    That's your opinion. I'm not bashing you for it, but I believe there is another side to the coin and I'd like everyone reading this forum to be exposed to it.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OK here we go.
    Lets stop this smack again and focus.
    As I said before my wife and dog got attacked not you.
    If I forgive and GOD forgives "WHY CAN'T YOU???"
    This is what needs to stop. Also people like you are intitled to there opinion.
    I do not meen that in a bad way so please don't take it the wrong way.That is what makes this country so great.
    I am not asking you to stop having an opinion because that would just be wrong
    As you know everyone will not agree with everything they read and see in the world.
    Thats just fine.
    The only thing I wanna see done here is animal lovers unite and make sure this never happens again.

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I can. I forgive the guys at the shelter, because they don't accidently kill dogs everyday and I've walked several miles in their shoes.

    I'm not so quick to forgive your neighbors because I believe loose dogs are a serious problem in this county, especially in subdivisions, and especially with the large breeds like rottweilers and pit bulls.

    I could not disagree more! It is NOT about the animals. It is about PEOPLE and their safety, especially that of kids playing in subdivisions throughout the county.

    Yes, let's.

    The only thing I wanna see done here is that people who may be reading this call their county commissioners and make sure people stop letting their dogs get loose and then say "oops, I didn't know he'd bite".
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    You either want to help or you do not.

    If your not willing to help then leave it alone

    If you are willing to help then come up with some ideas

    This is about JCAC Not about What Niko DID, or what we did not do
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Bullet Guy,

    I understand what you are saying.
    Now what we are doing here is getting the JCAC to reform the way they handle situations.

    Thank you.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Bullet Guy - let's stop the trash talking. Animals DO get out, however they do it, and without their humans even knowing. I have found several dogs, who were well confined. Fortunately, I did find their owners, and, yes, one dog had a collar with ID, I called the vet, found out where the people lived and brought him home. The owners were not home, so we went into the yard, which had a secure gate, and opened the sliding glass doors to the house. Can you just imagine the amazement when the owners returned? I would guess they were looking for their beloved furball. AND, they had a huge, and I mean huge picket fence, so? How did he get out? Only puppy knows. Another occasion, (your favorite breed), a German Shephard was walking down the middle of the road. At the time, we had our own German Shephard. We brought the lost one home, he was with us about 4 days. What a ball we all had, I mean that. We did find the owner, a doctor, whose property had a 6' fence. So please do not blame the owners all of the time. Yes, I must admit, a lot of people should not have an animal in their care, since too many are irresponsible.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Is that Rick Hester? That might be a good idea Peppercorn. I mean he is the one who should be overseeing Roger Davis and the whole department.
    Is he also the fella that offered to buy a puppy? Did he hire Roger Davis?
    Did he oversee the department? Did he listen to Roger Davis concerns.
    From what I learned after working in corportate for many years is, if there is a problem in a company, you don't go after the subordinates, you go after the President/Ceo, which I believe is/would be Rick Hester. Correct me if I'm wrong, Peppercorn, is this the correct gentleman that oversees the Pound? If so, maybe Rick Hester should be held just as accountable as Roger Davis. That's how it works is corporate america, shouldn't those rules apply her?
    David Jordan
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Bulletguy, If I list my phone number would you call me? Heck I'll even let you call collect. I live in Smithfield, so It should be a local call. I want to hear your voice. You write like a woman, sound like a woman and u are most defiantly affiliated with the Shelter, and probably the county manager.
    I will take your comments alot more seriously if I could speak with you on the phone. Because, to be honest, I don't believe your a "guy" I don't believe your an ex-old man animal control officer, I believe you are one of many young women who are defending the men of the shelter and the county. If you are a "Guy" you are the most effeminate, faggy man out in Johnston County. Would you like some marachino cherries and hair gel? :wink:
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    David and Co. - I too understand how this system works. It seems to me that Rick is supporting the actions of his employee. He is the main honcho, the county manager, and I feel that he needs to get a kick in the butt too. A good manager is only as good as his employees. If Roger is a reflection of the type of people that meet Ricks hiring requirements, then he needs to demonstrate that he has raised his standards and will not tolerate stupidity. He can show the people of Johnston County that by getting rid of Roger and starting some real reforms at the pound. If he had a brain, he would begin to meet with various groups to get their imput. Then, he should come up with a plan that will make the majority happier. Sorry, but I am not certain that the county manager is that bright. For too long the county employees have been living in a 1950 suburban, farming community. Maybe a lot of people didn't pay attention before. Maybe they didn't care, but the people seem to care now, and the county is getting its boat rocked. It's about time. I love the rural life here, but in some aspects we need to catch up a little. This gassing business needs to stop. The mistakes need to stop.

    If Rick is not willing to show some support to the people of Johnstom County and only wants to stick by his buddy, then I think he might need to go to. This investigation he is running is quite dubious, at the least.
    It has not been made public who was doing it and if it would be published.

    Just the fact that there has been such an outrage since my origional posting should show the people in Johnston County government that major reform is needed within the Animal Control Division.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I think you are not fully informed as to Rick Hester's job. He is not just in charge of the pound but about a million other aspects of this county.
    And how do you know he is not meeting with any groups to help with the shelter?? I know for a fact that he is meeting with 2. So before you say something you obviously know nothing about go get some facts first!!
    I totally support Niko's family and am deeply sorry for them but you need to get your facts straight!!
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I guess you work for him.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    To the above Guest, I must say that I may not know all the facts , but I am stating what is percieved by many paople in Johnston County.
    Perhaps Rick is working hard to better the Animal "shelter" but it is not readlily noticable. Maybe if he publicised his efforts a tad more or had an open forum about the pound situation, or did a press release on the matter, we, as in the general populatulation of Johnston County might be willing to support him. Since all I know, is the mess I have seen with this issue, all I can tell you is I am not impressed by him.
    I never said I knew everything that was going on in his office. I never said he was a bad man. I have simply stated what I see. Unilke some people, I am willing to review all the information I get and look at things as realistic as possible. I do not wear blinders to my cause, and I am willing to entertain other ideas. So, dear Guest, present me with facts, and I shall review them. Habitat for Niko[is a home-grown effort to help the animals of this community, not it's employees.

    And as the other Guest implied, you sound like a good county employee.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Meeting Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.
    Please contact 919-934-6185 or 919-938-2255 for more information.
    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!

    If want to help or need more information you may email Peppercorn at
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    the Meeting is on SATURDAY OCTOBER 16th.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but I am self-employed. I don't work for the county and never would!!

    I am really involved in help the shelter instead of making more of a nightmare out of the situation which is more than I can say for all of you trying to get people fired.

    Think about it for just a minute. If Rick and Roger are fired someone is going to have to be trained in their positions that takes time and this is a poor county if you are not aware of that and there is just not a budget to do everything you like.

    If you want to help try donating things to the shelter or working with a group that saves, rescues or whatever.

    Instead of picketing go adopt an animal from the shelter that will do them much more good that your yelling to fire the staff.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Well then please inform all us as what Rick Hesters job is? If he's running Johnston County the way he's running the animal shelter, God Help us all.

    What are who are the 2 groups he's meeting with? Give us the facts? Is it something to help out the animals, or something to save his job?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I In the outside world of business if something like this happened the department head would not just be the one accountable his boss would be also. Then Rick would be held accountable also. So the small guy who made the mistake wouldn't be the only one made pay.
    As far as not knowing all the facts that might be true.
    However somehow you know allot for an outsider and would love to know how you got that info.
    You also said I believe instead of picketing I should or whoever should adopt a pet.
    Well I have FOUR dogs all of witch were adopted.
    One as long back as 17.5 years ago and one as recent as 1.5 weeks ago.
    If I had more land and a bigger facility I would adopt every animal that needed a home and love.
    So instead of "saying you don't work there" tell us how you get all your facts. Please I don't want any of this to sound nasty because its not meant that way.
    So once again tell me were you have gotten all this wonderful info from.

  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    [quote]If Rick and Roger are fired someone is going to have to be trained in their positions that takes time and this [/quote]

    Are you that stupid "guest" First of all, could It get any worse? A dog gets killed, and his boss offers to buy the family a puppy? How disturbed is that? If they both were taken their duties away, Im sure there could be an interim person to run the Pound, until they found 2 suitable replacements! I think that cty mgr and shelter director should be "Elected" positions, believe me. Mutz and Putz are worthless! Yes, worthless. Mutz(R. Hester) has not made any public apologizies or statements, has he??? Mutz is doing an "investigation"
    that is so stupid..... it's sad. Of course, the "investigation" is going to come out to favor Mutz and Putz! What we need is a neutral third party to come in and do a real, unbiased investigation. The fact remains, Putz will be back at work, and Mutz will just be laughing at all of us while everyone gets involved with other matters and people go on their next tangent.
    My question is, Who is over "Mutz". Why don't we contact that individual?
    All I would like to hear from Mutz is a public statement, a town meeting, an apology, and something said about the investigation. Is that too much for a county citizen to ask??
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


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