Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Geez Louise!!! I go on vacation and look what I come back to???
    I can't comment much, I have alot of posts to read!!! WoW! To the German Sheps family, I'm so sorry!!!! I can't even imagine how I would be if that happened to me!!! You will be in my prayers tonight. I will post later or in the a.m.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Write to the Howard Stern Show!! He's on E-Entertainment. He loves dogs and I think has a potbelly pig!! Call him up with your story, I'm sure he would totally go bonkers!!!! :twisted:
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jen ! You will have a lot of reading to do. This has been one busy board. From tears to a few jokes, this board reads like a soap opera.

    Niko will be missed and we would like to do something to honor him. He didn't deserve to go out like he did.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Johnston County Representation
    2003-2004 Session

    District Member
    12 Fred Smith
    District Member
    26 Billy J. Creech
    28 N. Leo Daughtry
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Hey, Niko's Mom,

    I was wanting to talk to you about the babysitting. I don't know if you saw my reply in the other post.

    CJ also wanted to talk to you about a memorial garden idea he has for his future dog park.

    Email me at
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    The tragedy of Niko is absolutely heartbreaking and my sympathies go out to his owners for their loss. However there are several facets to this tragedy! :(

    Animal shelters all over the country are overflowing with unwanted animals that must be put to death daily by the thousands. Is the dog that was to be euthanized instead of Niko or the dogs that were put to death with him any less a tragedy? Overworked, underpaid employees who often make mistakes run these shelters or pounds. Why? Cities and counties simply don't have the budgets to properly care for these animals indefinitely.

    Cities and counties don't have the money to care for thousand of unwanted dogs a year simply because irresponsible pet owners don't think it necessary to confine their pets properly, socialize them, train them or have them spayed or neutered. City, county and state governments shouldn't be expected or obligated to care for 7 out of 10 puppies that are born to irresponsible pet owners.

    By Niko's owners own admission in his original post on the website there was a possibility that Niko would have been turned over to a rescue or euthanized. Turned over to a rescue? This type of thinking on the part of irresponsible pet owners is the heart of the entire problem!

    How dare these irresponsible pet owners expect rescues and shelters to solve all their problems and take on every neglected or problem dog ever born? Why expect rescues to provide a safe home when they aren't willing to put the time and effort into doing it themselves?

    No the blame here isn't on the overworked underpaid employees who made a mistake because they deal with so many unwanted dogs every day that after awhile they can't tell one from the other. The blame lies with the "it's everybody's fault but mine," mentality and owners that don't take responsibility such as providing proper training, correct fencing, socialization and spaying and neutering their pets!

    Instead of thinking of filling your pockets through greedy lawsuits, put your efforts to work on solving the uncaring attitude that leads to these tragedies.

    Become a responsible pet owner and educate irresponsible pet owners! :roll:

    Posted by applesmom
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's Mom wrote:
    I want to help people see the other side of this tragedy.

    I'm all out of ideas. I'm afraid a child or an elderly person will have to be killed by someone's loose dog before anything is done about the problem. And even then I think pet owners who view their pets as equal to humans would prevent any meaningful changes.

    Only because you've been very lucky. Your neighbors have let you off the hook pretty easy, leaving you free to criticize a mistake at animal control with impunity.

    Mark wrote:
    That is wonderful, and I really believe that you all are good people who have learned a valuable lesson. I agree that what happened to Niko should never happen again. What I'm doing here is trying to get dog owners to reform the way they handle situations. I'd like other dog owners reading this to learn the same lesson you did without having to go through what you went through. "I didn't know he could get out" and "you can't stop dogs from getting out" isn't good enough when you're talking about a 50+ pound dog. What that really means is that you've not had the proper education and training before getting your dog's license. That is the fault of the lawmakers.

    FBG wrote:
    I couldn't care less if you thought I was a toad, Delmar.
    Its just a higher intellectual level than what you're probably used too. After you've read for several more years, you'll learn most of those big words. :wink:

    LeeAndLeigh wrote:
    Well, he could do a few cartwheels or turn three shades of pink, but I don't think that would bring Niko back ...a new puppy seems more appropriate.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I only have a small printer also, but I would definitely be willing to print out some flyers to help! I may also be able to get friends and family members to print out some. How many do we need? Maybe several people can print out 20 or so each? What do ya' think?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 6:15 am Post subject: Tragedy


    I think that anyone would agree that Niko's death is an awful thing. However, as an animal control officer (not employed at the County Facilty) I cannot help but wonder who cries for the other countless animals put to sleep in this county every day? No human is immune to making a mistake. I am sure, because I know him, that Roger feels horrible about this. Do any of you know him? The county pound had no spay/neuter or even vaccination requirements before Roger took over. He implemented a spay/neuter program as well as made sure that all animals adpoted recieved vaccinations at adoption. He also met with county commissioners and helped to have adoption fees raised from the mediocre $5.00 mark. In addition..He has began working with rescue groups to have animals placed. Sure, euathansia rates are higher now than in the past, due to the fact that every moron with a logging chain who wants a dog refuses to pay to have a dog altered and vaccinated. But, unfortunatley this is a sad trade-off in the real world. Until some of the passion that I see here aimed at burning Roger Davis at the stake is re-directed into passion geared towards educating people to spay and netuer their pets..nothing will change. Animals will be born..and ultimatly animals will have to die becuase there are not enough homes for them all.
    My point is that Roger is a good man, and a respected collegue. There was an awful mistake made. I agree. But Roger is NOT the devil as some of you make him out to be. He loves animals and has done more for this county's animals than anyone in the past in his position. Does there need to be change? Sure, there is always room for improvement anywhere. But firing such a good person is not the answer. I personally feel sorry for the animals in this county if we loose Roger.
    Does anyone know that before Roger animals were thrown against walls and were having their necks broken to "save gas"!!! PLease educate yourself about who the real enemy is. My thoughts go out to Niko's family and to ALL animals who have to die due to irresponsible humans.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Then why have there been somany proublems there in the past.
    Also why is it that now that the media got involved is he trying to do something about this.
    Also if you don't work for him how do you know so much about him?????????????????????????? hmmmmmmmm
    Just wondering.

    Good luck to Nikos family and friends.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I don't understand ya'll of the Johnston County Animal Protection League. Here you are AGAIN, spreading your spay and neuter crap all over. And you are lying! When I got my mixed Lab/whatever he is, he WAS NOT spayed or Neuterd! He was a stray and had no Vaccinations at all! So This is a blantant lie from ya'll!! Believe me, I would of loved if he was all neutered and had all his shots. He also was so tangled with flea bites infested in him, and starving.
    Now, your saying that they broke "necks" of the animals? I want to know when this happened! Because NOW I'm sickened enough to take action. I want to know who was in the county when this was happening? If you knew this was going on, why the hell didn't you STOP ! Why did you let it go, that dogs NECKS were getting broken!! Because your all a bunch of worthless crap. If this is BEFORE Roger, fine, thats great! BUT you, the men and women of THE JCAPL, have been around ALOT longer than Roger, TRUE???????? And you sat there KNOWING THIS WAS GOING ON!
    That statement just pushed me over to the other side! I want a full investigation on when and who did these atrocities! These people involved will be prosecuted! And you people of the JCAPL, are just as much to be blamed. That is so Horrible, Extreme case of ANIMAL ABUSE and so horrible, that YOUR POST Will be going to the District Attorney, every NATIONAL MEDIA outlet, etc.
    AND YOU also said that they are doing this to "save" GAS? Is that why they don't use the needle? Well thank you for the answer!!!! And where was Rick Hester when the necks of dogs were getting Broken!! This is so unbelievable, what kind of animals do I have as neigbors!! This will STOP NOW!!

    L Underwood
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 6:24 am Post subject:


    I am an and I babysit! I live in Princeton, But I work in CLayton with the Police Dept. I am looking for extra income but I am not looking to beome rich! I dont have children but I started babysitting at 13 and I am 32 now. contact me if you are interested at

    Okay this came from the Person who KNEW about DOGS NECKS GETTING BROKEN. "Guests" may never be able to get exposed, BUT AN AOL ACCOUNT CAN BE WITH A COURT ORDER!!! Thank YOU For you AOL ACCOUNT, you will know be called in for this! And being a known witness and accessory to ANIMAL ABUSE. Everyone write down her address, before it disappears!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:43 am Post subject:


    Just in case she takes it off, I copied and pasted her page. Her picture might not show up, but everything else is HERE! This is on her AOL HOMEPAGE

    My Career, My Passion,
    Humane Officer

    How you see us.......

    You see us as the enemy. We are the "dog-catchers" . The awful people who snatch animals away from their owners and put them to sleep. We are the ones who knock on your doors and interrupt your lives to irratate you with complaints from your neighbors who were not allowed to sleep, because your dogs barked all night. "who do you think you are?!"

    Who we are.........

    We are a product born of neglect and cruelty. We are a result of lack of responsibilty and lack of respect for life. We are the ones who bring home your precious "fluffy" when he/she runs away. We confort and protect the scared, sick, lonley, dying and abused. We provide a voice for the voiceless in a court of law, insuring thay offenders are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Doing so burns us out because often the punishment is a "slap on the wrist'. compared to the suffering the crime has caused. We are the ones who rush out to save the public from the dangerous and aggressive, putting our safety on the line, to protect yours. We are the ones who crawl on our belly, under houses gutters, and in places most of you would never save the life of an animal.

    how it affects us........

    We spend sleepless nights, worried...not about the ones we have saved. We worry about the ones we may never see. The animals that are hidden or locked away,or chained behind your neighbors house...or perhaps your own. We suffer from compassion fatigue...sick and tired of seeing every day the horrors that are occuring around us, but too dedicated to stop, wondering if we do, how many will never be saved. We struggle to elevate our chosen careers above that of the sterotypical "dogcatcher". We are educators....teaching those who truly care the proper way to care for their animals. We are law enforcement...Upholding the laws and ordinances put in place to protect. We are here because we choose to be...beacuse we care. Perhaps there is still hope that society will change and there will be no need for us...WE CAN ALWAYS DREAM..BUT WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP!

    Click Here to see my pets....

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    FYI, ANIMAL CONTROL (ANGIE) posted in the babysitter forum. Thats where she listed her Aol account, what she did etc.

    Unless she is affiliated with the JCPAL, I believe they had nothing to do with the post, and knowing that dogs were having their necks broken.
    Anyone know if she's affiliated with them? If not, then they deserve an apology
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Hi all. I'd say good morning but this board is past that. It is only good for the animals who have woken up with their families. The poor animals who are lost or in need of homes are facing a much rougher day.

    The JCLAP has maintained that the number one answer to pet control is spay/neuter. That is true. How many signs and posting to we see for Free puppies, or Free kittens. This happened because of no other reason then two unfixed animals getting together as is natural for them. We as humans should always spay and neuter our pets. All mine are spayed, (because they are all girls). Niko was neutered. Every pet above the age of six month should be spayed o neutered. If we keep the population down, it will be easier to find homes for the ones that are already out there. This is their platform and it is a darn good one..

    The platform for Habitat for Niko is that the shelter need reform in order to assure that this mistake of putting down the wrong animal never happens again. By what means this will happen is what is up for discussion within the Habitat for Niko group meeting.

    If Roger or Rick truely are trying to make a difference then they need to go public and take a stand. The error has been admitted now it is up to them to tell us what steps will be taken to make sure this does not happen again. They have remained silent. That is not helping. Perhaps at the town meeting on Monday evening they will have something to say.

    Gasing is horrible enough, let alone neck breaking and stuff like that. I would like to see both stop and the injection be used. Friday they gave that nightmare of a man a lethal injection after his terrible crime against a child. Gas him and save the injections for the pets. He was a monster for what he did. An animal that gets lost and no one wants to take home is not. Johnston County animal Control is too LAZY to put up a sign on the main street advertising that they have new puppies or kittens. This might encourage people to stop. All pets that are brought in should be spayed or neutered. The owners should then be charged a fee for this. Not an outrageous one but a practical one. The pet should not be returned until it is fixed.

    There are bad animals out there. Some are the result of poor, irresponsible pet ownership and training. Rarely does a pet go bad on its own. Niko was not a bad dog. I was never afraid of him before. None of us own a crystal ball and could have foreseen what happened.

    Habitat for Niko

    That printer idea may work. If all involved printed out a few copies and put them in their favorite stores and gave them to friend, that would definately help. Great idea! Please email me at and I can send you back a copy of the flyer with all the info for the meeting on Saturday.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Someone, please post who the District Attorney and their phone number is! My heart is soooooooo hearbroken for Niko's family, but the fact that dogs were getting their necks broken in the Pound is just as horrible.
    What time is the forum on Monday? Is anyone allowed to attend?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    As per what I have red:

    The Johnston County Board of Commissioners will hold a meeting in regular session on Monday, October 11, 2004. This will be at 7 PM in the Commissioners Board Room at the Johnston County Court House Annex, located in Smithfield, NC.

    The First Habitat for Niko meeting will be held at Gandolfo's Deli on Saturday October 16,2004 at 3PM. 5638 NC Highway 42 West, Garner. West of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road. Thank you to Mr. Bailey for the use of his patio

    For flyers: email
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank You! :lol: I'll be there!!!!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Hello all.
    I am outraged by what I have read this morning and frankly sickened by it.
    If this is true some heads need to roll.
    Also the person who said necks are being broken can you supply proof?
    I will do everything in my power to make sure this kind of treatment never happens again.
    I also want to add why is it taking people so long to come forward with these stories?
    If this has been an on going problem why is it just being addressed now???
    All my love to all the animals at JCAC.

    Habitat for Niko needs to grow and fast.

    Thank you one and all.

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