Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    My heart goes out to you and your family. THis is a mistake that should have never been made, Niko was obviously a well-loved, important part of your family! I hope that all parties who played an irresponsible part in this horrid act are repremanded!

    I know how much I love my dog, and I just absolutely feel horrible that your family has to experience this loss. Take Care.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank you all again for all your support, prayers, and advice. I will post an update tomorrow after my trip to the Johnston County Animal Control office in Smithfield. I hope to see and meet some of you there.

    Niko's Dad
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    What would the reaction be here if the dog had jumped the fence and gotten on top of the neighbor's child? Would anyone here be hollaring about the mistake if that were the case?

    I for one, have a hard time believing that this was the first time this ever happened and would be curious to a follow-up on that. (Four foot might seem sufficient, but anyone with a large breed dog knows they can easily get over that height if they truely want...that's just a fact and ignoring it can only lead to bad outcomes, i.e. present time and place.)

    As far as turning this into a gas chamber rehash of the earlier posts, does it matter how the dog was put down? The fact is he's gone, how it happened is irrelevent.

    While the outcome of the situation is tragic and horribly regrettable, I would just like to hear both sides of the story before putting animal control on a stake. Maybe whatever has been relayed is all the story, but until you know all the facts, it's kinda early to draw a conclusion that animal control is a buncha horrible people.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    We all know who you are "guest" Haven't you said enough already?
    You are so uncaring its phenomenal!!! Why don't you keep your big mouth shut already, before you get yourself into MORE trouble.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I for one, have a hard time believing that this was the first time As far as turning this into a gas chamber rehash of the earlier posts, does it matter how the dog was put down? The fact is he's gone, how it happened is irrelevent.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    specifically to Guest

    Guest, In response to your comments. I am or shall i say was Niko's owner. You are entiltled to your opinion however my biggest issue with Animal Conntrol is that they made a decision mistake or not that should have been mine.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's Dad,
    Can you update us? Did you go down there today? Is Niko definately in heaven? Did you speak with the Shelter Director? Is there anything you want any of us to do or call for you???
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You people are nuts!

    Niko's dad shouldn't get another chance. He shouldn't be allowed to have another dog either. He has proven that he can't be responsible with one and doesn't understand the potential danger and training needs of a german shepherd. This could have very easily been a child. In many other cases it HAS been a child. Would you give this guy another chance with Niko if he lived beside you and you had kids? Not me! He had his chance to show what a responsible owner he was and he blew it.

    Niko's dad, if I was your neighbor and it happened in my yard, you'd have a lot more to worry about than your dog being gassed.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Bullet girl/man

    You are a cold hearted moron.

    The law is the law

    Tney have to keep the dog for a certain period of time

    That's it. end of story

    The shelter manager should be fired.

    AND HIS BOSS This is not the first incident. I remember a few others.
    Dogs have been killed before their time.

    I am going to search the records and find them and post them

    We need someone responsible for these animals who can not defend themselves.

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Had the animal been properly contained, then there would have been no way in which animal control would have been placed in the position to make a mistake.

    I'm judging by the indirect skirt of the question that it wasn't the first time it happened. That was my inquiry, moreso for the rest of you CENSORED to consider your own pets than to spite the owner.

    It's just tiring that people don't take responsibilty for their initial actions and then blame the fallout on others. This is obviously an extreme and entirely preventable but preventable on several fronts.

    It's not judgemental to lay out facts. I have in no way implied anyone wanted any of this to happen, far from it, I questioned how it came to be so it wouldn't happen again to someone else.

    The owner is airing this to make others aware I'm sure, not to grieve, people don't do that in a public forum. I asked a few questions for the same reason.

    In response to the never ending thing, if it never ended, he'd be able to grab his dog right now, that's not happening, so obviously it ended at some point. Regarding where I got my info. as far as the animal getting out, I didn't, that's why I asked.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Yea right guest! :roll:
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I am outraged by what some of you are saying here.
    I am involved with this in situation and I KNOW THE FACTS!
    The fact is and law states that if a dog is picked up on the street it has at ten days in the pound before its life is to be taken. Now Niko was put there for quarantine not to be put down.
    Weather or not this could of been prevented isn't relevant at this time because it already happened. All that matters at this time is that no one should have to go threw the pain that Nicos family is going threw.
    Also I was down at the shelter when Nico's family went there to get the facts for myself and the shelter said we made a mistake.
    Best of luck to Nicos family and friends.

  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Niko is gone and it was not his time to go. :cry: The Animal control people put him down instead of quarrentining him. Sorry is not enough. There was a lot of hemming and hawing on the part of Animal Control this morning and Nikos family showed great restraint. This is not a done issue.

    :arrow: I felt safe living next to Niko and his family. They are responsible pet owners who love and care for their pets. Their childern will be heart broken. Niko did a bad thing when he jumped the fence and no pet owner can guess what their animals every move will be. Niko did not attack a child. Niko deserved to live in a yard with a higher fence. He did not deserve to be gassed by Johnston County.

    Some folks need to stop pointing fingers saying bad dog and bad dog owners. Sometime things happen that are a total surprise. This was one of them. :?

    As the owner of the puppy that was attacked,( and I was injured too slightly), I still believe that Niko did not deserve to go out this way. Animal Control messed up and you can't blame Niko, his family, my puppy, or the phases of the moon for what happened. Animal Control was wrong.

    I think someone needs to be fired . Perferably the moron who can't tell what dog it who up at the pound. :!:
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You have got to be kidding!!! It's a total surprise that a dog jumped a fence and attacked another dog?!? What planet do you live on that this comes as a total surprise?!?

    The owner deserves every bit of scrutiny that they are receiving for this. Their dog attacks something and they have the nerve to find fault with others!!! They should have just counted their blessings that the incident was all that happened and left it at that. Instead they go after someone else to shift blame. You can bet your dead dog that if that animal had come in my yard and attacked my dog or family we wouldn't need animal control. It would have been handled right then and there!!!

    If someone is too damn irresponsible to contain what was obviously a hostile animal, (It attacked a puppy so we don't need to argue that point, regardless of the animal's history, it was proven to be hostile that day) then the best thing happened. Put the animal down before it happens again. They've shown from their blame it on others attitude that they had no intention of addressing their own faults so it may be just as well it worked out this way. To those of you wanting to argue the point, how about heading on up to any large hospitals pediatric unit where a child that was mauled by a dog "that this has never happened with before" resides and see how they feel about, 'til then keep it to yourself because I have been there.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Johnston County Animal Control is a JOKE!!!!

    Last September we had the dame problem with Johnston County Animal Control except they did not humanly put our dog down they allowed him to eat one of their closed knives and he sat and suffered for 6 days with his bowl obstucted by the object. Our fence blew down during one of the storms and we were not at home during the time. One of the neighborhood resident decided to feed our 200 lb great dane soup. When the dog tried to play with him, it got knocked down and the man got scared and started to fight back, then our dog got scared and the man got bite in the arm. Animal Control was called they came put him back in our yard and put back up the fence for us and blocked it off with furniture on our back porch. Then 2 days later they came to our door wanting to quarentine the dog for 10 days. We took him down to the Animal Control housing building 2 days later. We called and checked and they stated he was fine. When we went to pick him up, he was so weak he could not walk. He had lost so much weight he looked like they had starved him. When he got home he started throwing up whenever he drank water so we took him to the vet. After looking him over they gave him fluids b/c he was so dehydrated and gave of medication because it looked as though his stomach had inverted. We were up with him all night giving him medication and at 7:00am he took a turn for the worse. By the time we got him to the vet he went into cardiac arrest. They brought him back to get x rays before surgery and after going into cardiac arrest for the 3rd time we lost him. We had him cremated and when we got his ashes there was a 6 inch utility knife in his ashes. According to the vet he could have only injested this in their care because when we took him he was still eating and acting normal and he would have been showing signs of the obstruction. I spent 6 months contacting the American Humane Society, the DA of Johnston County to get charges or just someone to help. NO ONE Could do anything, b/c this was just "one dog". They really need to be invetigated and if anyone finds away to bring charges we still have all of out documentation and we have the evidence. They should not be allowed to take family dogs and kill them!!!!!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dear Guest,

    You sound like such a kind hearted, sweet person, *cough, *cough, *gag, *gag. :lol:

    Please stay away from my neighborhood because your hostility is not needed. Thank you for your opinion. I do not think of animals as property who live and die at my hand. They are there for us to love and care for. If one should turn, then another decision needs to be made. That decision should be made by the family not the county- unless it is a life threatening situation.

    No matter whoses fault is what, as you seem to say... the fact remains that the Animal Control people had no right to do what they did.

    You have obviously had a bad experience and I am sorry. Perhaps if I had been in your shoes I would feel differently. I am only in my shoes and therefore I shall have my own opinions.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    To the above post. I am so sorry!

    Did you call Nancy Rich for Justice of The animals?
    Please DO her number is 919-787-5190
    She is very Willing to help with an attorney!

    This is the number of Human Resources. This is Rick Hester and Roger Davis's BOSS ! CAll and ask for PAT.

    Now is the time to
    call all newspapers and news stations.

    The local Newspapers are Smithfield Herald
    Clayton News
    Garner News
    News and Observer.

    I will look up the numbers and post them, but please call Nancy@ Justice For Animals and Pat in Johnston County Human resources
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You let that moron off way to easy!! This is an ignorant person that has strong ties with the Shelter and JCAPL.
    Just let there comments fly off your back.. This proves what a joke the Johnston County Animal Protection League is.
    The word PROTECTION is the biggest joke. And remember when they wanted to RUN the Shelter? Oy Vey!!!!!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    That is one sick lady who wrote that. Oh my goodness gracious. Your are a certifiable sick person. God Help you!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    553-7234 joanie plotnick c l ayton news

    934-2176 SmithField Herald Suzette Rodriguez

    919) 772-1166 ext. 16 John Cate (only speak with HIM! )Garner Paper

    News And Observer 829-8902

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