Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    The lady who said this in "ANIMAL CONTROL" her name is Angie, and she's an animal control officer for Clayton.
    Her email address it

    She brought it up, she knows about it, she needs to be questioned. Why she didn't try to stop it when it was happening? Why she didn't report it until now? I want names of all involved.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    From my understanding, Rick Hester not only runs the pound, but he runs a myriad of many other departments.
    How about if Mr. Hester gives up the "POUND" (and keeps all his other departments) to a EXPERIENCED, COMPASSIONATE, ANIMAL LOVING PERSON.

    Then for Roger, have him just do "ANIMAL CONTROL" and hire a
    FULL TIME VET/Director just to deal with the animals.


    THis person would report directly to the commissioners. Rick would be out of that part of the picture, and Roger could stay aboard and do ANIMAL CONTROL.

    Im sure there is someone out there, a intelligent, smart, educated vet who could assume those responsibilities. What do ya'all think?

    And obviously, if the vet is there, they would do needle injenctions and hence get rid of the CO-Chamber.

    Even if this position is offered for say $50,000-80,000 a year, I believe that the county should and could find the funds for this person.

    So county officials, think about it for 50,000 -80,000 a year, Smithfield would have the most humane shelter. The gassing would be gone, Rick Hester could concentrate on his many other departments, and Roger Davis could stay and just handle ANIMAL CONTROL (wildlife, etc, etc)

    This could all be a HAPPY ENDING if this could be accomplished. Just like thousands of all other shelters do...

    The county citizens would be thrilled, the animals will be saved, and Rick and Roger would still have their jobs and Johnston County will look like they care and actually do care.

    Off My soap Box
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    final post

    this is it folks. I am done

    Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:25 pm Post subject:


    WAIT A MINUTE !!!! I have not ever said I was affiliated with any group!!! I am not...I am just an individual who cares about animals. The animals that were getting their necks broken was BEFORE Roger was emloyed there. someone said "this is the one who new" like i was aware of or condoned such behavior. I DID NOT! I knew after the fact and after people were already fired from this incident. And there was alot Roger could not do as director when the shelter was under the Sherriff's office control. As far as getting an animal that was not spayed or neuterd....the adoption fee covers the deposit to get them spayed and is up to the owner to see that it gets done. And fleas...Well I am sure that anyone who gets a new dog, especially from a pound or shelter EXPECTS that it has come with its problems. Of course we expect them to be healthy and fully vetted when we get them. But perhaps we should look to the county managers office, as he is the one who oversees the shelter and it's budget. I am proud that I love what I do, and to the person whoi posted my webpage, I am not ashamed of who I am or what I stand for. EDUCATE yourself folks before you jump on someone elses badwagon. I will be glad to discuss this like adults with anyone who truly wants to listen. again, I am not a member of the JCAPL...and my beliefs do not represent my employer, they are soley my own.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Oh kay, so People did GET FIRED for breaking dogs necks??? So this should be very easy to verify with human rescources??? Im curious, did these NECK BREAKERS face criminal charges? I'm very curious about these NECK BREAKERS from the Johnston County Animal Control. I will still demand a full investigation and I really believe that the people involved if not criminally charged, should be brougt to justice now.

    And Angie, Im glad your employer THE wake county SPCA, does not hold on to your beliefs. That makes me feel alot more confident with Wake County then Johnsotn
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Enjoy your postings

    Bullet guy, you are my favorite poster. Literate and armed with experience and facts. Please continue. :D
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    CORRECTION! Angie does not work for the COUNTY SPCA, she is employed as an animal control officer for the town of CLAYTON.
    THE SPCA is a privately funded organization
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    To everyone thinking about going on Monday to the town meeting.
    If you are planing on speaking make sure you have all the facts straight please.
    See you all there.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Why are you blaming Rick Hester for this? I think Rick is overwhelmed with so many departments. He should just give up this one department and concentrate on the others. Soltution fixed! Obviously you are a good friend of Roger Davis. That is very commandable. May I ask, are you Roger Davis' wife?
    Thank you
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Plese let us not forget our intent is to expand the shelter so that no more animals in quarrantine get murdered accidently again. I look forward to meeting with some of you Monday evening.

    Habitat for Niko!!

    Do not let him go in vain.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    First off, I can't believe that you people are serious. Let me point out, as certain people on here ask everyone who post in defense of the animal shelter if they are the wife of Roger Davis or a member of the JCAPL. I am not married and I am not a member. I am a Johnston County citizen and pet owner. From what I have seen the JCAPL do, it is WONDERFUL. I have seen the JCAPL at the shelter arranging to get cats into their program and I have seen the JCAPL at petsmart giving their valuable time, spending their Saturdays at adopatons trying to ensure that these homeless animals get the good safe, permanent homes that they deserve.

    I will first quote the couple who were Niko's owners. "I decided that it would buy me 10 days to figure out what to do- either build a higher fence, put him down, or give him to a rescue league." Apparently the owner's did consider the option of having the dog put down. My sympathy does go out to the dog. I feel VERY bad for him and the situation really is a sad one for all involved. Being a dog owner myself, I have actually had to quarantine one for 10 days. We did have the option of sending him to the shelter; however, that was NEVER a choice for us. There were other measures that could have been taken. They could have gotten him a kennel or kept him in a room in the house for 10 days. But, no they allowed him be taken to the pound. That was THEIR choice. You all can say what you want, but EACH of you know that there were other options. Why would they send him to the shelter where he could possibly contract some disease? Why would they send their dog knowing that he would probably think that he had been abandoned by his family?? A pet is a family member and what kind of family would send one of their own away?

    If the shelter is SO bad, why would they send their family pet there even for 10 days? THEY had options. Just as it was a mistake/accident for the dog to attack the smaller dog, it was a mistake/accident that the shelter made by putting the dog down. Why is it okay for one party to make a mistake, but not the other?

    Yes, it is a "horrible horrible situation", but Roger Davis and the shelter employees are not to be blamed. It's people like those of you who criticize who are going to cause him to quit that job. I commend him for staying so long. I know that he contacts rescue groups to get some of the animals out of the shelter. I have been told by several rescue groups themselves. I know that he has adopted from the shelter as I have seen one of his own adopted dogs. Do you think that if he is fired, that some great saver of all animals is going to take over??? His absence is not going to close the shelter. He will be just replaced with someone else. More than likely someone who isn't going to bother calling rescues, someone with no compassion. He is the BEST thing that has happened to that shelter. If those of you who criticize would concentrate on those who let their animals reproduce, those who drop off their family pets at the shelter because they no longer want them and on those who abuse and neglect their animals instead of criticizing the shelter, we would probably get a lot further.

    There are over 400 animals each month that come in that shelter. I am NOT for the euthanasia. But, what do each of you propose we do? Let Johnston County become even more over populated? Let them run free? Can you imagine how 400 abandoned, homeless animals per month would populate the county?

    Roger does the best he can with the resources that he has. With 400 animals per month coming in and VERY few employees, what do you expect? I think that once in a while a mistake WOULD happen. I bet all of you make mistakes at work and in life. The shelter doesn't have the advantage of having several employees b/c they have limited funds. MAYBE if some of the people who are ABLE to work and who receive public assistance, would actually get jobs, MAYBE then there would be more money for the county to put into other things, SUCH as the shelter. Maybe if they had the money, they could implement a spay/neuter program for Johnston County. The way I see it is that if you aren't doing anything to help the situation, then you have no right to sit around and complain about it.

    Why don't you all volunteer if you want to help out? It amazes me that people are so quick to judge without knowing the whole situation. Go there, visit the shelter and you will see. That's exactly how I got my facts straight as I used to feel the same as some of you before visiting shelter, speaking to Roger and his employees. It is apparent that all of you do sincerely care for the welfare of animals as does Roger Davis. All of us animal lovers need to join forces against people who have no regard for animal welfare or life.

    Jodi Parrish
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thats wonderful news!!!

    It may have been THEIR choice, but the law is the law is the law. And anyway you crack it, babe, they broke the lwa

    EXACTLY! A pet is a FAMILY member!!! That's why IT IS such a TRAGEDY!

    How bout if he brings some dogs to PetSmart? How bout some brochures,
    pictures in the newspaper etc.

    One Mistake? You are ignorant babe. This is a living breathing creature, not I overharged you to much at the store mistake

    So, you think If they get money, they should use it to implement a s/n program?? Hmmm... How would that help the animals now??? How bout if that money went to an Educated Vet or advertising, or better conditions for the animals!

    [/quote]. I am not married
    If those of you who criticize would concentrate on those who let their animals reproduce
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I do agree with one thing that you said in there.
    Yes we do need to unite to help save the animals.
    However in the real world not "JOHNSTON COUNTY GOVERNMENT" at a job if I were to accidentally kill some one I would be fired and sent to jail also.
    As for everything else you have said I wont argue because I do not have all the facts in front of me at this time.
    However I will leave on this note. Some one was recently at work and was working for the state (NC) and was driving a vehicle drunk and hit and killed someone. Should they be given another chance or should they rot in jail?
    I would like to know the difference because both cases were accidents.
    Otherwise I am looking at making the shelter a better way for the animals.
    I am not going to picket. I will look into the state and federal laws a bit more before I state my case.
    Yes I will have all my facts then.
    Until then if the shelter is so under staff like you said the county needs to hire more people. Even if the means Rick or other higher ups need a pay cut to make the county rum right.

  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok, not to get my head chopped of but just to let you know he really does contact rescues. He contacted a deaf rescue group about a pointer at the shelter which Contacted CJ's Dalmatian groups that contacted us and we assisted in getting and helping transport to a Deaf Dog Rescue in GA.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I thought that was called off to after tomorrow's meeting? :!:

    AMEN To that!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    So, YOU ARE NOT affiliated with the JCAPL, but yet, in your own words, you say that YOU HAVE seen them at THE SHELTER arranging to get cats. So what are you? A "Pound" groupee? Do you just hand around shelters all day long?? Everything you said was a big load of you know what.
    You contradicted yourself so many times. I don't know Roger, but Roger tells me, blah blah blah.... Your a liar..... Oh...... If you just happen to be at the shelter when the JCAPL are there, why aren't you helping them or affiliated with them? That makes no sense? And why so defensive that your are not Rogers wife??? What's so wrong with him? That is a put down, like you would be embarrassed to be married to him. Shame on You! You unmarried cat talking lunatic! Now go talk to you 12 cats, pick the chin hairs from your chin, and finish reading the Enquirer. What a RIOT!

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