Im confused?? I thought the whole situation was that Niko was put down instead of a terrier? Oh doodles, were you afraid the dog caught the cooties from you kissing him? :cry: Why would Niko get a disease? He wasn't going there to do the "Hibbidy Bibbidy with you! Um... that is something between you and Roger. This is not the forum for you to discuss those things! Geez Where did you see his dog? At a dog/owner dance? Because you say you don't know Roger so it must of been at the Catillion Doggie/Daddy Dance {/quote]More than likely someone who isn't going to bother calling rescues, someone with no compassion. He is the BEST thing that has happened to that shelter. If those of you who criticize would concentrate on how your animals reproduce I am NOT for the euthanasia Let them run free? Can you imagine how 400 abandoned, homeless animals per month would populate the county? MAYBE if some of the people who are ABLE to work and who receive public assistance, would actually get jobs, Go there, visit the shelter and you will see! That's exactly how I got my facts straight as I used to feel the same as some of you before visiting shelter, speaking to Roger and his employees. It is apparent that all of you do sincerely care for the welfare of animals as does Roger Davis.
this is CRAZY Some people ( I for one ) must have too much time on my hands to read and respond to this.. :wink: For one, I do not know the dogs owner, however I do love dogs and I empathize. None of this should have ever happened but it did. However I do know Roger Davis on a work level and a personal level. I know without a doubt that this was a mistake and no more. It definitley does not fall under any criminal aspect what so ever. ( you have to have criminal INTENT ) . That is just not there. I know for sure that Roger or anyone else for that matter that work at the animal control would never put a dog down that was not supposed to be put down unless it was a mistake. Yes it was a "living , breathing creature" but a mistake is a mistake. I have made many in my life that I wish I hadnt made and if you are truely honest you would admit that you have too.. Everyone is HUMAN. I know that Roger feels bad for what has happened, and I know that this will not "knowingly" happen again. Unless you have been to the pound and worked for the "PUBLIC" that has no idea on what is expected of a person in a "public role", maybe you should not "CAST THE STONE". I have worked for the county since 1986 and Roger and the staff that is at the shelter now is the best that we have ever had. It is real easy to judge from the sidelines and drive from th back seat.. I love my animals and I sure you do too. there is no question in that....
You'll get a lot further with the county, if you present a carefully thought out presentation of the entire problem of inhumane conditions, than you will ranting and raving about one case. The way you're approaching the problem it seems that you all simply want revenge for Niko's death and couldn't care less about the other animals that are put to death daily. Until you can make your case that each and every animal is just as important as Niko, you're spinning your wheels and sounding like an out of control bunch of fanatics bent on revenge at any cost... Become part of the solution--not part of the problem!
I love dogs! However, I love my child more... and anyone with any sense should. That dog could have done the same to a child. Why give him the chance? I realize that it was a stupid mistake, but frankly, I'm glad the dog is gone. If I was Niko's owner, I wouldn't have given a second thought... I would have put the dog down immediately before he had the chance to do it again (maybe mauling or killing a child). Get your priorities straight, people! And yes, I agree with the 'guest' who posted earlier. If this dog came after my innocent pet and mauled it (let alone my son!), then bit me - if there was any way possible, I would have injured or killed the vicious dog. You didn't deserve a dog if you didn't have him properly contained. Ever hear of the woman in CA who was killed by her neighbor's vicious dogs? Crap happens if you aren't responsible. And I'm glad, in a way, that you weren't the one who got to make that decision. Because I'm pretty sure the decision you would have made would be to keep everything the same. And your stupid neighbor that got attacked would be OK with that... PSYCHOS!
Well guest, I guess Niko getting PTS by mistake WAS a big enough problem, or Roger Davis wouldn't be fired today!! So your the psycho!!
"Another Parrish", if you read my post throughly you would see how exactly I know that the shelter contacts rescues. ... One other question, why does everyone post under guest/anonymous? I feel that if you have something to say, that you should feel confident enough to put your name beside of it. Stand up for what you believe in instead of hiding behind a computer. There's something to say about that.
And your stupid neighbor that got attacked would be OK with that... PSYCHOS![/quote] Well as the "stupid neighbor" I would like to say a few things. 1.It is the Law that the animal was to be held for 10 days not killed. 2. Nikos family and my self were taking care of a bigger fence and retraining of the dog(Niko). 3.You are just another employee that either works for the shelter or is affiliated with them. 4. Nikos family has the right to make there own decisions,last I checked we do like in the USA. In closing Like I have said before the name of the game is now to make sure no animal dies like this mistake ever again. We all need to get together and make shore there are some changes made. LETS LEARN FROM THIS AND MAKE SURE THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. HABITAT FOR NIKO
Peppercorn wrote: Precisely why they don't have signs! The kind of people who would stop are the same ones filling up the shelter in the first place ...People who's common sense flies out the window whenever they see a cute little puppy with no home. As evidenced by the "rational" minds in this forum, the best thing for the shelter to do is keep a low profile. Peppercorn also wrote: Let's try to figure out how dogs get put in quarantine to begin with and fix that. One dog out of tens of thousands is not exactly an epidemic that requires drastic changes. Expanding the shelter is like digging a deeper hole in the sand in which to place your head. Mark wrote: Guess what Mark? Some one was not killed ...some dog was. In case you didn't know, there is a huge difference. Some one could have been killed by the dog, so maybe its best for the kids in your neighborhood that he's not coming back. Mark also wrote: I don't want more of my tax dollars going to clean up the messes left behind by irresponsible pet owners. Make the owners pay for their own mistakes. Fine the H&!! out of them or lock'em up! Another Parrish wrote: Maybe he could give each one a bath, tie ribbons in their hair, and paint their toenails too. What a hoot! You have soooo much to learn about being an animal control officer and working for the government.
HA HA HA HA HA You people are so funny, you make me laugh so hard. HA HA HA HA HA HA Talk, talk, talk...........type, type, type. HA HA HA HA HA HA Let's talk and type some more. HA HA HA HA HA HA See us accomplish nothing. HA HA HA HA HA HA We are funny people, die puppy, die.
Pyscho Peppercorn Posting Hey toots, I am the stupid neighbor. (well maybe wife of stupid neighbor, hee hee) Anyway, Niko was not a vicious or bad dog as I have sad repeatedly. If he snapped and was becoming one none of us ever got the chance to evaluate him because Animal Control killed him before any other decision could be made. I have seen many a barking, growling dog behind a fence and not worried. Niko may have been fine in his own yard , behind a new, higher fence. He was excellent with his family, and with mine, prior to this. He did not attack me directly, but caught me with a tooth as I helped get him away from the puppy. The puppy and I are both OK -despite the fact that you think I am psycho. I feel that it was up to the Davis family to come up with a solution. A higher, more secure fence and an antijump harness with re-training would have been ok with me. this is partly because I am an animal lover and I feel that if Niko was not responding to being re-trained or still trying to get out, then another solution would need to be investigated. No one got the chance because Animal Control put him down. That is where the problem lies. Gee, how many time do I have to say that....whew. According to your logic.... If a person kills someone then we should blame their family. No one has a crystal ball. No one expects their kids to do anything that horrible. Nikos family did not expect him to do what he did. I do not hold them personally responsible. They are not telepathic. The dog acted under his own thoughts. Niko was not told "sic'em." That would have been a whole different situation. That poor woman in CA that was killed by her neighbors vicious dogs is terrible. But those dogs were known to be, and raised to be, vicious. Niko was known to be a mush puppy. Anyway, my pyscho self want to know if Roger got fired. Someone mentioned that eariler and I am curious to know if that is true. I am not calling for his head on a platter, I am calling for reform and if that's what it be it. If not, then maybe he can help make some changes.
hey FUNNY GUY, The only thing that would really be funny, is if you breed. you are not funny you are pathetic You need to be spayed/neuted. Oh and when you go...take Bullet Guy with you. His heartless ways we don't need being passed on either.
Lotta angry lesbians around here aren't there? Oh, hold on, my bad, they're all angry! HA HA HA HA HA
Roger Davis I am saddened to read all the lies about Roger Davis. He LOVES animals. Takes them home to be tended to when need be. I can't think of anyone who loves animals more than Roger! You people need to find another scapegoat!
Well as the "stupid neighbor" I would like to say a few things. 1.It is the Law that the animal was to be held for 10 days not killed. 2. Nikos family and my self were taking care of a bigger fence and retraining of the dog(Niko). 3.You are just another employee that either works for the shelter or is affiliated with them. 4. Nikos family has the right to make there own decisions,last I checked we do like in the USA. In closing Like I have said before the name of the game is now to make sure no animal dies like this mistake ever again. We all need to get together and make shore there are some changes made. LETS LEARN FROM THIS AND MAKE SURE THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. HABITAT FOR NIKO[/quote] I have absolutely nothing to do with the shelter... just heard about this on the radio this morning, and this website.