Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: Roger Davis

    Correct me if I am wrong he is/was the director of the shelter?
    If that is the case he needs to take responsibility on what happened because his way in handling this manner was not the right way.
    Also like I have said before the shelter needs reform If that means get rid of Rodger so be it.
    If he is part of the problem.
    If he is part of the solution then let him fix it.
    All I know is that there was a horrible mistake made by Niko and he was put to death and allot of you are saying good.
    Well does that mean since Rodger and his staff made a mistake they should be put to death also?????
    Just a thought because that's what some of you are saying indirectly when you yell and scream it was a mistake and that's what happened to Niko.
    I hope that Rodger and the staff there get what they have coming to them from the NEWS/MEDIA..
    I need to see reform at the shelter and I will see it. I will not just sit by and watch animals get put down "BY MISTAKE"
    I will do everything in my power to help not hinder.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    OOPPS The one above is me.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Gee, thanks guest - I didn't know I was an angry lesbian. Someone might want to tell my husband. ooo he might lik....never mind.

    Anyway, the focus is about pound reform. Reforming the way that animal control handles it self and various situations. I would like to see a separate area for the quarrentined animals so that this error never happens again. I would like to see a bigger pound facility so that more animals can stay longer and be adopted. So none have to be gassed because of space. I would like to see more advertising of available pets.These are the immediate concerns of HABITAT FOR NIKO. this is what we will be dicussing st our metting on Saturday October 16th at 3 PM at Gandolfo's on 42 in Garner.
    I would love to see the gassing stop and a vet handle putting them to sleep in a painless, nonsuffering manner. All in all, I would love to see a no-kill shelter, but I understand that this may be a long way off due to money and space. But it never hurts to try.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Peppercorn wrote:
    Peppercorn, I understand your focus. My focus is on comments such as these and other comments that Mark has made. I still don't think you understand where the responsibility lies. You are suggesting that we hold dogs legally responsible for their own actions and that is very disturbing to me. Niko may be a family member to you, but under the law he is property. Dogs cannot read the law and make informed decisions about when they have a right to bite someone. Laws are made to guide the actions of humans, not dogs. It is the owners who are responsible for Nikos actions. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see that a german shepherd in a residential subdivision is a potential hazard to your neighbors. The fact that you can't see this and that you would not be willing to take responsibilty for such a poor decision is exactly why we need laws that force you to act more responsibly. There is NO EXCUSE for your neighbors dog crossing their property line ...period. This is aggression against the individual rights of another. Until you and your neighbors can understand this, you don't deserve anymore pets.

    ...and it sounds like there may have been several times when you all needed a good spanking as children, but didn't get it.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    It's common knowledge who you and your plethora of "guests" are.

    Just a question? Would and ...will Roger come to your defense when your job is in jeopardy?

    I called Mr. Hester's office today, they connected me to Human Resources.

    Take that how you may, but it sound like Roger is going to be in another department
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Oh... Bulletgirl, like writing negative things all in CAPS, WOW. WE WOULDN"T CONSIDER THAT THE SAME PERSON! YOU ARE JUST TO SMART FOR US HERE REDNECKS!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Are you retarded??? U scream that people are writing under "guests" and look what you write under??? You are hysterical!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I called Mr. Hester's office today and asked if Rodger was still employed and they say he is still a full time emloyee.
    Take that for whatever it is worth because I have no idea at this point.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Can you let the rest of us know who bullet girl is and there friends?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Again may I state that I am not a lesbian but if I were what the heck is it to you? Are you a guy or a girl? Did I turn you down for a date? From your nasty tone, I would say, that I would turn you down no matter if you or I were gay or straight. And not for nothing, gay people can love their animals just as much as straight ones can.
    With that said let’s move on...

    I have been busy posting when I get the chance. Do I need you explain this to you? No.

    I am helping to set up the Habitat for Niko meeting to try to get more space added to the shelter and to see some shelter reforms take place.

    I am been meeting with the media to get the word out there about what happened, so that it does not happen again.

    You have been sitting at your computer complaining about me when I am the one trying to work toward a solution. You are doing nothing more then playing devils advocate.

    If you want to be part on a solution to be certain this error never happens again then please come to our meeting. Maybe we can put the loud mouth of yours to work for shelter reform.

    I fully understand what you are saying Bullet guy. Perhaps I have read too much of your stuff, but I do not say that you are wrong. Owners should be responsible but sometimes things happen. As I believe in this case. It was not foreseeable that this would happen. I have owned dogs all my life and none have ever attacked anyone. All have been fixed and had their shots. All have been members of my family. All have lived to ripe old ages in comfort. I am and will continue to be a responsible pet owner. What I will not do is condemn my neighbors for something their dog did.

    Niko did not deserve to be put down by the pound when they were only holding him in quarantine.
    That’s the issue. Focus on it.

    PS: As far as spanking goes... I did get spanked as a child, but no thank you ,I am not into that as an adult.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You know who it is!!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If I did I wouldn't ask.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    "Are you retarded??? U scream that people are writing under "guests" and look what you write under??? You are hysterical!!"

    If you had been keeping up you would know who I am. Anyway, that was directed towards AnotherParrish and he/she knows who I am. I stated my point AND I posted my name under it. Common sense would tell you to go back and READ. You figure it out, bright one.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Its' Rodney King. Can't we all just GET ALONG!!!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    [sTo "GUEST" who is gay bashing. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING????? YOU ARE A REAL SPACE CADET. I am A-1 straight, and you know what? 2 of my best friends are gay and wouldn't trade them for another human on the planet. So space cadet, keep to the issue, which is what happened to Niko, and Pepper'corn's and Mark's working furiously to get things improved in JC!!!!!!!!ize=24][/size]
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I think you would feel differently if a child had been killed by your neighbor's dog. If you wouldn't, I don't know what to say ...except that I feel sorry for the children living in your neighborhood.

    I got it I'm sure you've got my point too. I don't disagree with you about Niko's death, I just don't think you're seeing the big picture. A bigger shelter ...a new dog warden ...injection instead of gas ...its like rearranging the furniture on the deck of the Titantic. I suggest you become as educated as you can. Make your reaction count so that it doesn't look like a knee-jerk reaction. Give yourself time for research, go visit several pounds ...ask to go along with an animal control officer at one or two pounds for a day and get some behind-the-scenes experience. Get your info from animal control sources ...those are the people who see these problems everyday. Talk to the people who train the officers. Many "animal protection" organizations are inneffective because their ability to think logically has been clouded by so many cute and cuddly little puppies and kittens, and they just refuse to face the cold hard facts. When you kill thousands of puppies each year, you can't help but see the cold hard facts ...and you become jaded when you see that nobody cares enough to change anything. Euthanization is increasing exponetially in this country and has been as long as I can remember.

    In case you haven't already been here, maybe this will provide some useful info:

    Good luck.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thank you Angie (Bulletgirl) for the link! It is very interesting!
    Thanks for sharing! :)
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Well Peppercorn did accomplish something. I believe RicK Heste is going to make changes at the pound??? That is a big accomplishment, eh?

    And what does the lesbian on the inside mean.?

    What does that have anything to do with this?

    If your calling her a lesbian, I have one thing to say to you.

    Your rubber Im glue, anything you say to me, bounces back and sticks to YOU! :p
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You're welcome, but my name's not Angie. I doubt the town lets her surf the internet while she's on duty.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    the bullet guy Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:13 pm

    So Angie, your the one that has saying all the nasty things about the Johnston County Animal Protection League all over this forum?

    All this time we thought it was someone else. When we make a mistake, we will admit it. And we did think it was another person.

    Since you are a county employee, please refrain from anymore derogatory remarks about us, or we may have to consider getting a lawyer.
    Thank you

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