Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    What a warm hearted person you are!

    You called yourself a believer? We as humans are responsible for the creatures who can not speak for themselves. Many homeless are homeless because they are drug addicted, alchoholic or mentally ill and unwilling to seek help. (I understand not all)!!!!!

    Heaven is reserved for believers who do not condemn or judge others. It is reserved for the believers who are kind to ALL of Gods living creatures. Not morons who hide behind their religion while saying thay are going to shoot innocent animals.
    Careful, Heaven may also have a literacy test - which you would clearly fail for lack of spelling and punctuation ablilties. Only Kidding hee hee.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    From what I have found out Chad is the one who picked Niko up at his house for quarantine then the next morning he had Niko gassed.
    He knew why the dog was there and in his mind didn't realize it was the dog he put there? I don't buy it.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If you'll check you'll find that Heaven isn't reserved through acts. The sole ticket to entry is through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. :)
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    peppercorn i'm not hiding behind anything i just don't think you all will ever understand that housing more dogs and cats is not the answer and won't help a for calling myself a believer i didn't but am proud to say i am.did enjoy your cut on my spelling and punctuation because i know they are terrible.i wasn't a literature major in college just an ole ag student.[/img]
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    [quote="AnonymousIf you'll check you'll find that Heaven isn't reserved through acts. The sole ticket to entry is through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal saviour. :)[/quote]

    Religion is a personal belief. I have my faith, and I respect all others, no matter what my personal feelings may be.

    Thank you very much Guest for your beliefs however we need to keep this board for Niko. Thank you.

    I would like to think my heaven will be filled with those I love, including those who have wagging tails. To this day I can not read Rainbow Bridge without getting teary. That poem has comforted many during thier time of loss. It is not meant to slander anyone belief in God, but just to offer comfort where it is needed.

    Habitat for Niko!!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    No hard feelings Guest AW. I welcome all suggestions and thoughts. Sorry about the spelling crack I couldn't resist. If you could see mine before I check it over , you would really have a laugh!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Guys i just want you all to know we want to be part of the solution not part of the problem. I think we have bashed each other long enough. if your willing to make a change then by all means let us know your ideas.

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Let me just get this straight, Peppercorn and Nikos parents, dont want Roger Davis fired? They NOW want to work with ROGER? Im a lil confused? What happened? You have to admit ya'll just did a full circle!
    The thing is, Niko was your dog, and if thats what you want. So be it.
    It's just strange. Really strange. Anyhoo, I heard Roger Davis will be back at work end of the week, and Chad is just on unpaid leave.
    I hope ya'll get what you wanted. Best.... Samantha
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Not everyone believes In Jesus Christ. Does that mean that heaven isn't full of dogs, cats, lions, turtles, etc? I disagree. I believe heaven is for people with pure hearts and souls. And all animals fall into that category.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Let me say I never want Rager Davis Fired I never said that. It has always been and will be about fixing the problems. and if Mr Hesler feels mr davis should be let go or any other person for that manner it will be done by his hand not mine.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You didn't??? :roll:
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    i wasn't a literature major in college just an ole ag student.[/img]

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    to the idiot guest who thinks heaven is reserved for believers of JC. Ever been there, you idiot? Guess if one is not Christian, in your eyes, then they are good for nothing. Well let me tell you, I don't give a damn what ones color or beliefs are, once you take off the wrapping paper, you find out what is in the package. Obviously, your head contains air and no brain. What the hell does this have to do with Peppercorn, Mark and all the others who are working so hard to improve the conditions and methods at the shelter?????? All they are trying to do is to make the Animal Control shelter a better place for our four legged furry friends.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: niko

    such a ray of sunshine, is that what your preacher told you? i'm glad to know that you and your preacher know all about heaven and god. How about me I'm Muslim, where do go? How about now I'm Buddist, no heaven for me? Wait now I'm a dog, i have a purer soul than any human on this planet, guess I'm not worthy though. also, didn't your preacher and god tell you that i after e except after c? You ignorant, stupid, Nazi, pig!! God bless Niko's family and the good people of Johnston county for pursuing this cause.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I'm kinda guessing that the blessing that you placed on Niko and others won't hold a lot of water after calling someone a Nazi pig.

    I think I'll go elaborate on my other post.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Nice to see we have reallly stayed with the issue here... :roll: .

    I don't care what religion anyone is....
    I don't care what country you or your ancestors are from...
    I don't care what color you are....
    I don't care what sexual orientation you are....

    All I care about is that you love and care for animals.
    All I care about is the you are willing to help me and Nikos family, make the lives of the homeless, helpless animals in Johnston County better.

    Niko is gone.
    He was not supposed to be.
    Chad Massengil from Animal Control took him out.
    Chad was wrong.
    Chad is now suspended and/or going to get fired.
    Let's see to it that this mistake never happens again.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Chad Massengill was also the one who pick him up from the Davises. just thought i would throw that out there for you guys to bash.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: NIKO

    This person who always feels the need to post their messages in LARGE LETTERS AND A DIFFERENT COLOR must do so because they feel inadequate. And anyone who thinks that heaven is full of turtles, lion, cats and dogs doesn't have any theological base in a spiritual belief system. Do you really think that the cow that was slaughtered for the steak you had this weekend is now flying around with wings on some meadow in the sky? Please please please bring up your belief that animals have souls and go to heaven in Sunday school sometime. I would love to hear your defend your "beliefs."

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