Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Ahem - like this color any better? And I am inadequate? Let me tell you, I have more compassion and love for animals than you have in your little finger. I don't have to defend my self about anything, except my devotion to animals, but must give all the credit to Peppercorn, Mark and all the others who have started this time consumming undertaking of making the JCAS a better place. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? THE ISSUE IS TO MAKE THINGS BETTER!!!!!!! STOP this crazy merry-go-round!!!! Oh, by the way, I didn't have steak in weeks.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Got any shoes made of leather? Where do you think that came from genius? :roll:
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I'm so impressed. :roll: How do you measure your compassion? I'd like to know how you prove you have more compassion than somebody else beyond your LARGE TYPE ranting and raving.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    arggggggggggg - go find a chat room and find with somebody about inane things to fight with. Gad, amazing the airheads who post for something that is so important for most of us. Enjoy your chat room!!!!!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Is that supposed to make sense?

    And did you check your shoes? Are they made of leather? :roll:
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    oh, to guest with no name, I go barefoot, hee hee. If you live in Johnson County, do something productive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like backing the people who want to improve JCAS and go to the meeting on Saturday.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    To Passionate Animal Lover - don't make comments if you can't back them up. See ya. :roll:
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    I see that Roger Davis has been demoted,, other officers suspended thus limiting the no. of people at the shelter now to care for the animals there, thus limiting the no. of calls they can answer for the citizens in the Co. that need their help and also having to turn away people wanting to drop off animals--I can understand wanting to help our furrey friends, but what exactly have you accomplished??? What kind of changes are you going to get in a building too small to house the no. of animals that arrive so that 3 and 4 have to be put in one cage ?? Regradless of the people you have working in such conditions, mistakes happen. This Co. is being over developed at an alarming rate and with that comes overpopulation of pets--Where will they keep going--some of you really need to look at the broader picture--the SPCA of Wake Co. has nothing to do with the co., it;s operated totally on public donations--maybe you should think about trying to get out pets this kind of help--also, lobby our Congressman for stricter laws concering all these poor pitt dogs that are destroyed 30 at the time, this is one of the leading states in the U.S.A. in dogs fighting, it's embarrssing to me--how do you feel about it ??
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    And where did you get this information????
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If we could get the Animal “Shelter” made larger we could keep the quarentined animals in a separate spot. This eliminates the chance of this error happening again. Also, by increasing the size of the shelter, animals would not have to be put down just because there is a shortage of space. It might help with the over-crowding issue. (We all know that the best way to reduce the over crowding is to spay/neuter.)

    What we are currently looking for are indiviuals or businesses that wish to help animals in Johnston County. Please come by the meeting on Saturday to help. We don’t want to sit around and just complain, we want to find answers to this problem.

    Habitat for Niko Meeting

    Saturday October 16th
    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepherd who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.

    Please contact 919-934-6185 or 919-938-2255 for more information.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved
    Animal Shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!

    I personally don’t care what your shoes are made of, or if you even wear any. I am looking for level headed folks wanting to be a part of the solution.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Ok guest I see you are hiding behind GUEST any way.
    My self I can say I do not own any leather products at all.
    Also I do not eat meat and will not.
    Now the point here isn't if we eat steak chicken or what have you.
    Also according to what I have heard Rodger Davis is and deserves to be demoted. The county made that choice after going in and seeing the shelter. Not us.
    As for CHAD if he is that stupid as to pick up an animal for quarantine and then walks him to the chamber of doom the next morning he deserves allot worse than he is getting.
    Well I am done lashing back at all you ignorant people.
    However I want to say that the only thing here that needs to be and should be discussed is making the shelter a better place for the animals. Also I know for a fact they have two rattlesnakes in containment there also. Why aren't they releasing them back in the wild?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.
    Please contact 919-934-6185 or 919-938-2255 for more information.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    KEY WORD PEOPLE "HEARD" ... formulate an opinion on what you hear. Yeah, that's a good rule to follow. And do you know for a fact that Chad was the one who did this? I doubt it. Get your facts straight before talking.

    "Also according to what I have heard Rodger Davis is and deserves to be demoted. As for CHAD if he is that stupid as to pick up an animal for quarantine and then walks him to the chamber of doom the next morning he deserves allot worse than he is getting.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    yes i know chad did what he did
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    peppercorn i must tell you i wish you luck with your solutions although i don't agree with some of your opinions.looks like you are willing to work to prevent this problem from happening again.staying positive even w/ people like me who disagree is a great start.i won't be part of the solutio but i also will not try to prevent it.enjoyed my few posts on this board even if i can't spell.( good ole boy? yes and real proud of it and all the heratige that goes with it.) good luck to ya'll.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Well According to the county manager Chad is owning up to be the responsable party here.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Wow I love how focused some of the people are here.
    Whatever. Listen instead of all the fighting and such why can't we as adults get along?
    Also Habitat for Niko will grow stronger and stronger yet.
    People we need to focus on a solution not making matters worse.
    I have done my catch up on reading and disagree with allot however that's what's great about being an American we can agree or disagree with what we read and here.

    So please people don't be part of the problem be part of the solution.
    As for Chad being suspended if that's the case I guess they have found good reason.
    Also for Rodger Davis being demoted there must be a good reason for that also.
    Remember I walked threw the entire place and let me tell you the mess and filth that was there sickened me and that's hard to do. Also the kennels weren't that great either.
    I am not bashing anybody here nor will I.
    Like I have stated before we just want make sure this never happens again.

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Peppercorn has finally hit the nail on the head so to speak--there's got to be a larger shelter to fit the needs of this Co. and community--how many of you have ever been by to see how small this place is ??? It's right off Brightleaf Blvd. stuck in behind Jones Bros. furniture--is it possible to even enlarge this structure or add on where it's situtated ?? There definitely needs to be rooms to accomadate which animals are brought in for what ever purpose---Mr. Hester could answer that for you.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    True. It needs to be expanded, maybe a sitting room for potential adopters to sit with the dogs? It really is a sad place to go into. Alot can and hopefully will be done now. The shelter is really very inhumane in so many regards. Maybe Mr. Hester, will change this, and make it a Humane shelter. He seems to be right on track, so hopefully will take a real close look at this and do something.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    OK people, most of you have your hearts in the right place, as for you others who just want to bash and name call, I think there is a room, called "CHAT ROOM" for that. The purpose of this forum being instituted is something that many of you have forgotten the reason for it. So, all in support, PLEASE MAKE A DIFFERENCE and PLEASE ATTEND THE MEETING ON SATURDAY WITH SOME POSITIVE INPUT. The purpose is not for name-calling, bashing one another, but to improve things at the shelter in all ways.

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