Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.
    Please for more information.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.
    Please contact for more information.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dog warden sues bosses

    By Jon Fleck

    Staff Writer

    A state dog warden says his supervisors looked the other
    way when county officials ignored his pleas at the way animal cruelty at the local animal shelter was being administered.

    Tracy Miller, a state dog warden for Bedford and Fulton counties and
    a DuBois-based dog rescue group filed a federal lawsuit in Dauphin
    County last week accusing Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement Director
    Mary Bender and Director of Enforcement Rick Burd of threatening and
    intimidating them when they tried to make their complaints public.

    "The association between Myer and the shelter manager has enabled her to enjoy special protection" the suit states. The complaint states
    that close connection with political connections, such as Holloway know they have regular and persistent protection from prosecution." "
    has denied the conditions reported at the
    animal shelter. After the last round of charges,
    A department spokeswoman said Friday that they knew of
    the lawsuit but had not read it.

    The suit stems from Miller's filing of animal cruelty charges last
    year, which the department ordered he withdraw. In a letter to
    Miller, Bender stated that dog wardens do not have the right to file
    animal cruelty charges under state dog law.

    Animal cruelty is part of the state criminal code, but
    it's not specifically mentioned in the dog law, which the department
    is charged with enforcing. Animal cruelty charges carry possible
    jail time and fines more than the ones in dog law. Miller filed dog
    law violation charges in previous years.

    The Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, which is a branch of
    the state Department of Agriculture, allowed the animal shelter to continue to operate, never enforcing the animal cruelty laws that was happening at the shelter. According to
    the suit, Miller was suspended without pay for an undisclosed period
    of time and had his job threatened if he did not withdraw the animal
    cruelty, a charge he had filed against others throughout his 20-year

    The suit also accuses Bender and Burd of threatening to
    have Keystone Golden Retriever rescue President Christine Kougher
    arrested "in an effort to shut her up and discourage rescue" from
    further contacting elected officials and the press.

    "Dogs were forced to stay and lanquish in filthy, sometimes flooded cages, where they were being forced to lay in and walk through piles of feces and pools of urine, which were interspaced with moldy, decomposing dog food full of dirt, matted hair and other waste", the complaint stated.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    For those of us that can't be at the meeting in person. Would you please post that night, or next day of the summary of the meeting?
    I know of at least 4 people who want to go, but can't because of prior commitments.
    When you have your next meeting, could you possibly try and have it at night on a weekday?
    Thank you
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Great Job CJ and Mom!!!!

    I have really got my fingers crossed that all those babies find homes. That was a terrific idea! The more places the pics of the dogs and cats that are in need of homes are , the better the chances for adoption. It only takes one person, the right person, to change the life of an animal.I have a houseful or i'd be taking more home. Dogs already out number people in my home.

    I plan on going to CJ's party Saturday morning to show my support.
    I am not sure which dog(s) I am going to bring, but we will be there!

    Habitat for Niko is now a fornals organization able to raise money to increase the size of the "shelter!!!!!" (I am really learnign a lot here)

    I hope to meet a lot of people on Saturday. Come out and show your support for Niko's Family and Habitat for Niko.

    Besides I need all the help I can get so stay on my diet..So much good food at Gandolfo's!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I wish I could go to both!! But like the other guest said, I will be there in spirit! :D
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Way to go CJ and Mom
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I hope to see alot of people Saturday at the meeting.
    For those of you who can't make this one we do understand and will keep you in the loop.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.
    Please for more information.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Habitat for Niko

    Meeting Saturday 10-16-04 Meeting

    First Meeting for Habitat for Niko

    3:00 PM
    5638 NC Highway 42, Garner
    Just west of I-40 and east of Cleveland Road

    We are the family and friends of Niko the German Shepard who was wrongly put to death by Johnston County Animal Control when he was mistaken for a terrier. Niko was supposed to be held in quarantine for ten days, instead, he was gassed after only one.
    Please contact for more information.

    Our goal is to create a non-profit, grass roots organization in memory of Niko so that this grave error never happens again.

    This first meeting will be to come together as an animal loving community and discuss our goals for a better organized, improved animal shelter.

    Please come and submit your ideas! Stop by to show support!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Can anyone come, even people that think what should really happen is a good ol' fashioned ass kicking on Niko's owners for their responsibilty issues?
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    When's the meeting? Could some one please post it again and again and again and again. :roll:
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    What are you saying?

    I don't understand this statement. Please reword. Thanks.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member



    Please everyone, go to the meeting to improve things at the JCAC. Thank you.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    This is a free country. Anyone may go to the meeting.
    As adults, I ask that if you are going just to bash people or start trouble...please stay home.

    Solutions, not problems please.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Is there a contact phone number for this group?

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