Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Well Guest Ha ha HA ha on you.
    Sorry I have a life , (unlike some), and did not have time to post Sunday or monday.

    To those loyal supporters, even if you did not attend our meeting, thank you for your support and I am sorry for the delay in posting.

    Saturday morning I to meet CJ, his Mom, Shelby, and Freedom, as well as several other very nice people, (you know who you are, hee hee). I enjoyed my time and I enjoyed sharing ideas with other reform minded folks.

    Saturday afternoon as most of you know was our first meeting. To start off I must say, that not everyone who came were my friends, family, neighbors or otherwise people I knew. It was wonderful for some of you from this board to come by and share ideas. I am working on a location for our next meeting at perhaps a better time during the week where more people can attend.

    For those of you not in attendance, Mr. Ernie Wilkinson, (the gentleman who was appointed by Rick Hester, the county manager, to look into the shelter as a constulant ), attended our meeting. From what Mr. Wilkinson stated, he sees the need for reform. He sees that things that need changing; but it is up to the county manager to implement these changes. Mr. Wilkinson is there as a conslutant. He will recommend ideas and things to be corrected and taken care of at the shelter, but it is up to the county to follow through will them.

    Habitat for Niko does not simply want it's name in the paper or up in lights, what we want is to be certain that errors of the magnitude that caused Niko's death, never happen again. Mr. Wilkinson is researching how other shelters and organizations are run so that he can build an operations mannual of sorts. This mannual will become the guidelines for running the shelter in a more successful manner. To much has been left up to individuals in the past. Having structured rules to abide by will make the shelter run more efficiently and the employees will have a chain of command and a book of proceedures to follow. My hope is, that this includes checking and rechecking so the proper animals go to the proper places. Seeing how other shelters operate may help us here in Johnston County. As paraphrased by Niko's Dad, it would be nice to see Johnston County Shelter, be the one that other counties want to copy.

    Many programs were brought up that could possibly benefit the animals of this county. Getting the animals to the people via a mobile unit or a shelter outpost were mentioned. Making more affordable adoptions for seniors wanting pets was another. Of course, the horror of the gas chamber was touched upon. This is a matter that we were all tossing ideas around with.

    Our immediate goals are to raise money to assist the animals. Nothing moves quickly in government but if we have some money in hand then we can be more effective when the time is ripe then if we stand around saying that we have nothing. We will be planning a fundraiser. What it will be is still up for grabs and I welcome any suggestions that anyone may have.

    Planning is very important. We all have a lot of research to do. I welcome ideas and suggestions from all. If you do not wish to post publically please feel free to email:

    By the way, can we please take the school yard battling somewhere else? We are trying to do more constructive things then call each other morons and whatever else. If responding to a post you do not like is not possible, then ignore it.

    This is just a breif summary of what was discussed.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Note to all. This is PASSIONATE ANIMAL LOVER posting under GUEST. You can always tell her style - she has to type in BIG letters and stikes out agains anything she doen't like with comments that make no sense. Plus, she doesn't even live in this state and didn't come to the meeting after mouthing off for almost 2 weeks about it.

    I find this statement very telling -

    Did you ever think that they don't want to share the information because OTHER people will try to run with their ideas?

    So it REALLY isn't about helping the animals! If it was they wouldn't care WHO carried out the great idea! Looks like this has collapsed into glory seeking and local political paranoia.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dear guest I guess you know everything.(Not).
    So If you do not want to help just go else were to start trouble.
    Also what does it matter if an animal lover lives out of state and wants to voice there opinion?
    All constructive ideas are welcome even from you. (That's not a shot at you either)
    So I am asking everyone please if you want to help in one way or another please do. If you don't just go away.
  4. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

  5. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member


    How Dare you or anyone else post under someone elses name!

    This is an attempt to get me banned.
    Those of you who are on these boards all the time can perhaps tell me who it is who is using my name and writing things with foul language. The He He He thingy above me is not me.

    If I were to use foul language I would save it for the low life who is trying to start trouble and then use it face to face.

    I have never used language stronger then moronic idiot and stuff like that on these boards. I understand that the afore mentioned offensive post was removed but I am nonetheless very angry.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    It seems that I can be hacked if I sign on with my "log in" name.
    That's what it looks like happened. To me anyway. Pity. Someone with good computer skills should be looking for a job or a life rather then harassing the boards.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Those idiots signed on under PEPPERCORN'S, not Peppercorn.
    They are really trying to insight a fight. Just ignore their blatance ignornance.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Whoever is signing in under the Peppercorn names. You are pathetic. LMAO! Whats the matter, you afraid Habitat For Niko will take off, and whoever your connected to might not get the glory. Peppercorn, you must make Habitat For Niko, and don't let this "individual sick female" upset you.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    TO THE SICKO IN THE RUBBER ROOM, OR SHOULD BE! You are really one sick individual, oh and you also have ESP or just plain sicko. You accuse PASSIONATE ANIMAL LOVER of posting something SHE DID NOT, plus bashing all the good people who have positive input, done some research. You really should be put away, WITH NO COMPUTER, so you don't have to take up this space. You think you really are inciting those of us that want to do something positive? THEN GET A LIFE OR PUT A SOCK IN IT!!!!!! Gee, come to think of it, you may already be a resident in a rubber room. And how dare you put down PEPPERCORN. This is a working person, a mom and a wife, and still is making time for this project of keeping our animals safe, unlike you with nothing better to do but "play with your toy".
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    This sucks!!!

    All my posts are being zapped by our Nazi Webmaster, quite a forum you have going on here. Support the cause or be zapped.

    Oh well, I'll keep posting and they'll keep getting zapped.

    I threw in a few choice words but the whole of what I was saying was you people got put on the backburner on the guide thing. Wise up, now all they have to do to put you off is say, "we're working on it". Did you get a concrete deadline? ....didn't think so.

    As far as raising money for a cause that you have no goals for. You need to be registering as a non-profit organization or that is illegal. Not that you'll have much success anyway with P/C having such a busy life.

    On the upside, two more weeks and this will have fizzled out and you can get back to stacking beer cans on your forehead.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I have never tried to stand cans on my head...why?...because I have better things to do. Perhaps my head is not as flat as yours. Besides I wouldn't want to take away the one thing you may be famous for. :?

    Our webmaster is here to ensure that all play nice in the sand box. If you are getting zapped, then my advice would be to learn words that contain more then four letters. :lol:

    And yes, Einstein, I am almost done with the whole registering thing. I am not a law breaker or a moron. I have all the necessary info. :wink:

    Oh and yes, I have a deadline from Mr. Wilkinson and more info... but since you did not attentd the meeting you are unaware of this. Sorry.:roll:
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Please, Peppercorn, tell us what Mr. W said and about the deadline, I couldn't get off work to go to the meeting.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Lotta time to post for such a "busy" person.

    I'll let the IRS know that you are a law-abiding citizen after all!

    One last time, if Niko had jumped the fence and mauled a child living in the neighborhood, would you all be so upset over this?

    That said, where are the consequences here for letting your dog get out? Yes, I am well aware that the dog was put down, that was a mistake though and is being addressed on a seperate front by your group. Why is it that nobody focuses on the initial greater problem of irresponsible pet ownership?

    Seriously, are there any consequences or is it OK to just put up halfass containment and let the chips fall where they may?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    And the SICKO refuses to quit, guess IT has no life except to try, and I do mean try, quite unsuccessfully I might ad, to get these great people doing what they can to ensure safety and good homes for the animals. Keep it up, nut job, learn how to spell, know what you are talking about, like anybody takes you seriously???. Oops, forgot, you're not capable, you are a nut job!!!!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    This sick individual is a woman with a major mental problem. Just ignore, and hopefully she will go away. What a nutjob! We should call her MadoHatter!!
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Oh, I will keep it up, until you answer my question I will try to distract and deter as hard as I can. When you respond to me, you're taking time away from your busy little schedules, to even read my worthless posts takes a few seconds from your day. It only takes me a few seconds to type and post them, but multiply that by how many read them and I come out ahead.

    Onward, unfortunately, I know exactly what I'm talking about. How about I start a "Habitat for Stopping Unconfined Dogs from Mauling their Neighbors", and I use your inspiration for this whole thing, Niko and his owners, as our first example.

    Deal with the real problem here and you'll go somewhere. The population as a whole doesn't care about unwanted dogs and how they die. Outta sight, outta mind. Focus on idiot pet owners and you'll garner some real support. We've all had one of these dogs wander through our yards, but none of us make it a habit to hang out at the pound.

    As for the spelling thing, oh well spoken one in green, to focus on that is even more juvenile than what I do here. ...and "nut job" as slang should be one word otherwise it kinda implies you might be heading to the urologist. NUTJOB, see, it just kinda flows better.

    Webmaster edit:
    Oh, and.......
    Next time I just delete the entire message.
    Posting Guidelines are here:
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    This is an informal poll, please copy and paste, and then answer questions. You can elaborate as much as you would like. No names need to be in the Username. Everyone should sign in as Guest.

    Male of Female?

    Do you agree with Roger Davis getting demoted?

    Do you think Mr. Hester is handling the situation properly?

    Do you think Mr. Hester should give up the animal dept, because he has about 15 other county departments?

    Do you think the CO-Chamber will be abolished now?

    Do you think Chad should be permanetly let go?

    Do you think major changes will happen at the Pound?

    Who is your favorite, most helpful county commissioner (please include Mr. Hester in this category)

    Do you think a full time Veternaranian should be placed at the pound?

    What is you favorite LOCAL newspaper?

    What is your favorite LOCAL televison news station

    What is your favorite Radio Station for Up To Date Johnston News

    Where is the best website to get up to date local info about Johnston County?

    Do you think another Grave mistake like Niko will happen again?

    Will you be attending Habitat For Niko's Meeting?

    Which rescue league is doing more for Johnston County? JCAPL or The Nine Year boy Named CJ's rescue?

    If Rick Hesters Job was elected would you vote for him?

    Would you re-elect any of the same county commissioners when they come up for re-election?

    Do you think the County Is way behind the times on issues like the pound, and need to come into the 21st centurY?
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dear Guest,
    You need to go back and read post number one. That would be the post where I tell the story as it happened. The one where I said that Niko was in his own yard, behind a four foot fence. HE was not "unconfined." The other part says that I and my puppy were the one who were victimized. Not mauled. Niko's family is not trying to raise money or have Habitat for Niko to benefit them in any way. What we, the nieghbors and Niko's family are attempting to do is get the county to listen to us regarding shelter reform. They are beginning to listen. Mr. Wilkinson is listening. Mr. Hester is listening. I have done my homework and I know a thing or two about governemnt and politics.. With the help of concerned citizens, we can make a difference in the lives of the lost and forgotten animals of Johnston County.
    You spouted the doctorine of spay and neutering your pet. That is an extremely important issue. AT this time we are not addressing that issue because that is one of the main goals of the JCLAP. They have been trying to get that word out for sometime. Habitat for Niko will support them any way we can in their fight to get the word out. Spaying and neutering your pet is the best way to keep the shelter from over crowding. What Habitat for Niko is hoping to do is make sure no animals are put to death unjustly and that the animals in the shelter get homes. Don't work against us, work with us. You've got a big mouth...use it for the right reasons. Help.

    In response to another question, Mr. Wilkinson has been hired for a nine month term. I and others expect to see results before then. I am looking at seeing changes being made ni about six to eight weeks. Say, after the holidays.

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