Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    quote="Anonymous"]...the puppy's mom this ...the puppy's daddy that ...the puppy's grandma ...Niko's daddy ...losing a pet is like losing a member of the family ...the person who put the dog down should die ...his [Niko's] family, mom mostly, has patiently trained him to be a gentleman ...Nikos dad and neighbors, I can't express my sympathy for you. Im a "Cat person".

    Pet owners are perfectly sane and logical people ...sure ...whatever. :roll:[/quote]

    I am sorry to be writing again, for I was not going to say anything else after my LONG statement earlier, but did want to respond to this "guest". Yes, pet owners are perfectly sane and logical people! Some of us have raised our pets from the time they were small and have loved them and provided for them practically all their lives, so it does make us their "mom", "dad", "grandparent", etc. WE DO LOVE OUR PETS AS WELL AS THEM LOVING US! From what I get from your post is that you have never had the wonderful experience of being a pet owner. It is too bad for you do not know what you are missing. I also agree it is sad that so many animals are put down due to lack of having someone love them and making them a part of a family. I have 2 "mutts" and 1 pure breed poodle, but she was given to me due to me suffering a loss of a beloved pet. All 3 of my dogs I have had from the time they were 3 to 4 months old. 1 "mutt", 3 months old at the time was from a person who did not want her any more and was giving her away, the other "mutt" was found wandering the streets and in pretty bad shape and I got him from our family vet, and the poodle, I received as a gift from my mother-in-law. I wish I could take all the unloved animals, but space, time and money all contribute to that factor. The animals that "have" to be put down makes for a sad, sad situation. Maybe you, Guest" could open your heart and help save one of these animals and experience the joy of being an animal "parent. I am sorry for maybe voicing too much of my opinion, but I just want it known that I am VERY PROUD TO BE A DOG MOM!!

    Oh and to the other"guest" or maybe the same "guest", yes people can be responsible for what pets swallow especially when something is left where it shouldn't be and then animal does not know any better.

    Again, it seems everyone is getting off the subject, and myself included this time. Maybe everyone should just stick to the real problem is, which is animal control making a horrible mistake that should have never happened and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. I fully believe by making the public aware of what has happened, that is a start.

    Again, I know there will probably be some "comments" in regards to my opinions, but that is ok.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    To the animal control workers I would like to say of you are in the position of putting down animals I'm sure you have guidelines to follow. There must be more than one step which is taken before you put the animal down. Is it put in a certain area, tagged, listed on paper as to the color and breed, maybe size? You would think this error could have been prevented. the person in charge of this duty was just too damn lazy and irresponsible to follow procedures (obviously a German Shepard does not look like a Terrier). What kind of idiots are running this shelter? Someone has to take responsbility for this. Nothing can bring Niko back but I hope the right people can change things so this kind of mistake can never happen again.
    To Niko's family, you have my deepest sympathy for your loss. Also to your neighbors, I applaud them for their support. And finally to "GUEST" I have one question? Are you the dumbass who turned on the gas?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    No It probably is The Johnston County Animal Protection League.
    Time and time again, they have been called with problems over the years.
    But, they are in real good with the shelter and Mr. Heckter.

    If you call them with a problem they always "Will get back to you later"
    Nothing. But if you call them to offer them donations, boy they call you back real fast.

    I know the JCAPL is going to try and get the "shelter directors position.
    This is factual. They tried once before and failed, and they vowed to one day, take that part away and run it THERE WAY

    Take in account, they haven't helped ANYONE with these problems, Did they call Nko's family back? No! they don't care about dogs (they are cat people) and they really dont give a flip over the CO-Chamber.

    I want this to be on record. If they do fight for Roger's position JUST SAY NO!!

    We need A MAJOR ANIMAL LOVER, ADVOCATE who has worked at a NO-Kill SHelter to turn this death trap around. Someone who loves dogs as much as cats.

    Johnston COunty Animal Shelter, with the right educated, experienced and loving person, could make this tragedy turn into a positive thing.

  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    My vote is for CJ to be the new director. He seems to be the only person with real care for the animals at the shelter.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I want to thank everyone for the kind words. And also to the ones that are not so kind. You to will be forgiven for your harsh words. We are not condoning what Niko did, And yes it could have been prevented. But we do not need this thrown up in our faces. The point we are trying to make here is that Johnston County Animal Control Messed up. And we are not gonna let them get away with it. We have interviewed with newspapers, and just got done with an interview with WB 22. The interview will be aired at 10 oclock this evening. This will not stop untill the public gets involved. Thank you again .
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I do know how to spell his name so do not bash me for the mis spelling of his name when you see Username.
    And oh by the way my 10 year old daughter who has tried so hard to stay strong through this has broke down. How do you tell her someone killed her dog and she will never she him again in a nice way. She now will have to live with the question of WHY? NIKO WAS A GOOD DOG HE DID ONE THING BAD, GOD FORGIVES ME FOR MY MISTAKES. BUT NIKO DIED FOR HIS WHY?

    these are my daughters words not mine.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's mom, God Bless you. I feel for you and family so much.

    I will definately watch you on television tonight. May I ask what other press you've done?

    What newspapers have you spoken with?
    Please let us know, and please let us know how we can help you!

    God Bless
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Have you seriously thought about a lawsuit? I know money wont bring Niko back, but I can guarantee that no other precious animal will be thrown into the gas chamber. Also, the suffering and emotional problems your children will be going through, deserve some compensation.

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    To the Idiots

    Ok, I can not take it anymore! I read all 5 post and had to stop half way through them to recollect myself. The Bullet Guy, you need to take that bullet and turn it on yourself, and the GUEST with all those stupid anitcs on whether or not this family was a responsible pet owner or not....You have some recieving problems. You are not recieving the simple message that is so obviously displayed here! It is not whether or not the owners are responsible for the situation or whether or not a child were to be bitten. (By the way..I would feel the same had Niko bit a child), there are rules to be followed. A dog bites once, and he/she is to be held UP to 10 days. Certianly if they decided he/she isn't worth saving, they contact the owners to let them know he is to be put down, affording them the opportunity to say goodbye. This clearly was not the case. Niko was not a dog that was abandoned or a stray where they could decide his fate alone. Even if Niko was judged to be a danger to anyone in the near future, surely the owners should of been able to say their goodbyes. This was not the case. The case was the owners made a wise decision to have Niko taken by the animal shelter while they evaluated the situation and I'm sure see how their neighbors felt about having Niko back. And while this decision was being pondered over, the JAC, decided for them by mistake. At the same time, you might take Niko's mom's quote and say if your dog made a mistake and should of been forgiven, shouldn't we forgive the person that put Niko to sleep? Well, playing Devils advocate, ironically this should be so. Imagine the very person that accidently put yoru beloved pet down. People that work at an animal shelter are usually animal lovers. So, I can imagine the person that killed Niko feels horrible they killed a dog that wasn't suppose to be killed. You must forgive before you can be forgiven. But, we as a community should not take Niko's death so lightly. The mistake by the animal shelter is not just something you shrug off, this is a life and life is precious to those that love it and Niko was obviously loved. Guest, get a clue before you post another thread because you are trying to bark up something and you are barking up the wrong tree, everyone can see you are trying too hard to disagree, because you are not even sticking with the issue.

    I remember Niko as a puppy, he was a big fat puppy that would romp and play with two older bigger Great Danes and he was adorable. I will not forget Niko and I hope none of you will as well. I look forward to hearing the newscast. By the way, not in Johnston County, but in Raleigh, a friend of ours took their shitzu, a pet of 6 years, to have shots and left them at the vets office and came back to find they too had mistakenly uthenized their baby. She was mortified, as I would have been. So this happens all too often by vets period, not just the shelter.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    The shelter is run by some really unorganized people. The Sheriff's Dept. had the brains to bail out of this mess last year. Johnston County Animal Control said they were sorry and that this never happened before. I find this hard to believe. A simple double check of the dog, it's numbers and breed would have prevented this whole mess from happening. I believe that the pound worker was negligent in doing his/her duties and did not use a brain. A little common sense would tell you to double check. Especially if you are taking something off the planet permanently. Why isn't there a method of checks and balances in place at this pound. In most other businesses people are held accountable for their error. Someone at Animal Control should be held accountable for this error. These Control Officers seem to be heartless, cruel people who just automatically put animals down with out any thought. I realize to have that job, you must have to be pretty hard, but still. Wouldn't you want to be sure before you kill something someone once loved?

    Johnston County and some of the towns that reside within it need to catch up to the new millenium. Since the growth rate of the area has sky rocketed there has been an influx of people from various places. These people have brought with them different ideas about pets and pet ownership. Johnston County is/was primarily a farming county. Animals were considered property. As more and more midwesterners, yankees, and west coasters move into the area, there has been a change on how animals are viewed. Nowadays they are looked at as family members not just the dog in the kennel out back. The Animal Control Operations need to reflect that change in attitude. We need to see more of a business, more advertising of animals in the shelter, more involvement of community groups.

    The pound got three pretty siamese mix kittens in this morning. Does anyone except those who were there at that moment know this. No. Why? Because the pound is not going to advertise. OOOO that costs money! How much does it cost to put out a sign on the main road that they just got more puppies or kittens that day. Maybe catch someones eye as they drive buy. Make them think. Make then want to come in a give an animal a forever home.

    We need to see the hap-hazard, this-is-good-enough-attitude go. That pound doesn't make much of an effort to get these animal home or to new homes. If they were a business - they might be bankrupt. What I saw today looked pretty shabby, except for that nice freshly painted front office. Everywhere else looked messy and unorganized. I think some of the workers have fallen into a lazy way because of the security their job offers them. This would never be tolerated if this were a privately run business.
    I am only sorry I don't have the money to start something myself.

    Out of unrest comes reform.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dana, Thank you SO MUCH :D for volunteering to work for free, full time at the Johnston County Animal Control. We animal lovers are greatful that you represent our caring and love, and our taxes won't get raised. I know that with you at Animal Control all day, everyday, those county employees will follow procedure like they're supposed to. And if there are no procedures, you can write them and then enforce them.

    Everyone, Support Dana in her good work. She represents us all. Thanks again Dana :D
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Everyone look... GUEST is using sarcasm.

    Hey Buddy, what the heck have you done lately for your community?
    Try getting off your duff and making a difference.

    Some of us are trying really hard to get something good to come out of this and your negative, critical, bantering has not helped in any way.

    The Smithfield Herald is on this too - look for this Friday's issue
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I hope Niko's family can get through this. And for you cold hearted idiots out there that need to be complete pieces of feces every day of your miserable lives, i wish you nothing but the worst!!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    We have been in touch with Smithfield , Clayton, and news 14 said they will interview us tomorrow. im sure there is more to come. many have been emailed and called.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I don't understand

    I am still trying to figure out why JCAPL and its members are taking the flack again. It seems like no matter what you try to do to help, it doesn't matter to some people. I guess I'm just really confused.

    More importantly, Niko's parents: I am so sorry for your lose. It was absolutely senseless. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    ROTFLMHO!!! Isn't there child labor laws?? Maybe when he is legal to work but he will not do well with any dog being put down so I don't know if he could handle it!!

    I just hope that he will continue to be able to go in and get his pictures for his website and to share will all of you.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: I don't understand

    Ummm....... Maybe because they never do anything unless it benefits them!!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    This is Dana,
    I would gladly work full time for free at the shelter. Do you want to help me volunteer? Im totally serious, If this can happen I will. I will call Mr. Heckter in the morning and ask him. I will guarantee no Innocent or ANY DOG gets gassed AGAIN!
    I will get the dogs listed on the Petfinders, Listed on posters, and try to get a weekly insert in the Smithfield Paper.
    So In NIKO's name, do I have anyone who wants to help me with this?
    Im going to start a fund in NIKO's name. Suggestions how the money should be spent is requested. We shall not let Nikko be forgotten! Im shocked that the Smithfield paper is only covering this??? What about the Clayton News and The Cleveland Post?????
    Any writers, please contact the parties involved and talk with them. This is way to important to brush under the rug
    Thank you
  19. 965

    Im sorry, did you mean he "Should" of been put on leave, or WAS HE put on leave?

    Sorry, I was just a little confused
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I was told today in person that Roger Davis was put on leave. the time was around 11.00 AM. if i am wrong and i was lied to please let me know

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