Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    If Mark and Peppercorn aren't the owners of Niko, who is? I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know! :?:
  2. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member



    When is the next meeting for Habitat? Also, have you heard anything else from Ernie? Thanks!
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Let's start with ASPCA, League for Animal Protection, North Shore Animal Protection, WWF, if you can even figure out that one, Best Friends, and on and on and on. Took them a while to get where they are now, but unlike the coward who won't give it's name, with the love, devotion and caring for animals, they have made a huge difference in this world. DUH! GET IT????
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I am not sure when the next meeting will be. Probably in a few weeks. I am getting that whole tax-free, non-profit stuff straightened out. I am looking for suggestions as to where to hold it and what days are best.

    FYI - I have emailed Ernie with all the info and imput that we got from the first meeting, as well as some info for those who attended.

    On the earlier pages of this board niko's mom and niko's dad came forward and admitted they were wrong for underestimating their dogs ability. They never had reason to worry and were quite shocked. As was I...I am the neightbor who was bitten along with my puppy. I by no means condone what Niko did. My puppy, Angel is now terrified of larger dogs, (only those outside the "pack" in which she lives). I am trying to get her less afraid and desensitized. She freaks out if they even look in her direction and she still has nightmare sometimes. :cry:
    My issue is this... Niko could have lived behind a higher fence and as long as he stayed in his yard - I never would have cared. 8) Niko's Dad was in Lowes the next morning pricing stockcade fencing to keep him in. They paid our bills immediately and were extremely apologetic. It still doesn't make Niko a good dog for what happened.
    That part that was wrong is the fact that Animal Control had no rules and checks in place, so some employee, still half asleep grabs the wrong dog and puts it down. If Niko was not going to stay in his yard, if something in his head "snapped" and he was agressive then it was the choice of Nikos family to either get rid of him or put him down in a more humane way then that horrific gas chamber. :!: That is what Habitat for Niko is looking to do - make the Animal Shelter own up to it's mistake and implement policies so they can not make errors like this again. Many long time residents have told me stories that this is not the first oops. I am looking to help the county change the Shelter so it is a more efficient and humane place.

    If you had read this posting thread from the start as I have you would know these things. It's too long to read now, I understand. Too much bickering also. I am guilty of that too because I sometimes lose my patience. - sorry:roll:
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Keep strong Peppercorn!
    I don't know why there are two or three women on this board that are so into bashing the cause? :roll: It makes no sense whatsoever. They obvioulsy hate animals, and want the shelter to keep killing the innocent, or they are sick women who enjoy the fighting. Whatever their reason, keep the rest of us informed on how we can help and what we can do.

  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    It's odd that I am receiving criticism for posting under anonymous, when in fact, everyone here retains there anonimity. I could post under whatever name I wanted over here with no recourse from anyone, as evidenced by this post.

    On to more, I am well aware of the wording and meaning behind the word "genius". It was done in sarcasm, idiot. That was sarcasm as well so you need not post again.

    On to more a pressing subject though. I notice per your Freudian slip via the word "animnal" that perhaps you have a problem. At no point and time should the words animal and anal be combined. Not in verbage or in practice. You people might wanna look a little closer at your backers, might be a hidden agenda there somewhere.

    As far as idiot being at Lowes the next morning, too late. They have admitted they knew he could jump the fence so this wasn't a freak thing. You bet your A he was there first thing, it's called liability and he was scared of it. If it was in fact because he was a resposible pet owner, then it would have been taken care when he found out, not after he attacked.

    The owner is an irresponsible idiot and it's a shame that he has more dogs. You people have become a bore, clever bantering is one thing and it started out that way, but you people are just too ignorant to bother with. My fingers are crossed for you but I just don't see it happening.

    For the record, you don't know me, I'm not a female and in no way associated with any organization. Just someone with a touch too much free time.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Love all animals not all people.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    News Flash: Whenever an untraceable guest is quoted, it come through as anonymous.

    You may post under any name you wish but it is far more respectful not to use the names of others on the board.

    Sarcasm is understood. I am not an idiot.

    As far as pressing subjects go your attempt at humour only leaves me wondering more about you. I do believe most folks looking at my improper spelling would have chalked it up to typo, but the fact that you immediately saw anal in "animnal" frightens me. Also in the very next sentence you refer to my "backers" - I really don't want to go there.

    But, alas, I have become tiresome for you, the ever witty intellectual. Please forgive me but I have not the time nor energy to but heads with you any longer. I wish to pursue Habitat For Niko and I am hoping it will make a difference.

    After all is said and done , thanks for crossing your fingers at least. I will need all the help I can get. :D
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    AND GUESS WHAT, THE "QUOTE", I believe WAS NOT written by Peppercorn, who is a champion for all animals!!!!!!!!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    But it only takes one accident to make your level of caring irrelevant. When a child's jugular is exposed through the hole in their neck (yes it has happened right here in this county!!!) it's too late to show how much you care then! Why take that chance with a german shepherd, pit bull, mastiff, rotwieller, etc. in a subdivision?

    Peppercorn, statements like these just underscore the fact that you still don't get what some of us on here have been saying since day one. Dogs are neither good nor bad. There's nothing there to condone! They're just dogs ...doing what comes naturally. The responsibility rests on the humans involved, not the dog!!! If you'd like to say that you don't condone Mark's actions, that makes sense. Otherwise, I would have to assume that you have had some success reasoning with a dog!

    Maybe not, but I don't think it's exactly an epidemic. Dogs getting out and crapping in peoples' yards, running out in front of cars, and threatening kids IS however an epidemic. So please understand why I think that all your indignation and energies are misdirected.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    Peppercorn, read your note on page 54 about the animal shelter owning up to it's mistake with Nicko--reread your paper, the News and Observer, Oct. 12, titled Shelter Reacts To Pet's Death---They did----
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    yes, I know the shelter has begun to take aim to correct it's problems. People like me just want to make sure they follow through.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Changes will continue as long as we keep on them.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Read the new post from the Veternarian, you might have a case! :twisted:
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I have read and posted. Thank you.
    Also Niko was not my dog however thats another story.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


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