Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Does that mean he was fired????? What exactly does it mean to be Put on leave?????
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Okay then...... what have they done in THIS situation??? In the last situation??? Where are they now??? Oh.. they must be with S & J drinking beer at McKinleys! :roll:
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Nikos Death

    Ok First of some of you people are heartless. You cant say that Lee Davis was a bad owner you dont even know him. Secondly The person that made the comment about big dogs with fences. I personally have a German Shepard Husky mix and She is in a 6ft pin and she can still get out by climbing over it or going through it so you have no right blaming that on Lee Davis As for animal control I really hope you get what you deserve I personally Know this family and they loved Niko to Death and Niko was trained he was the sweetest dog you could ever meet. So for all you heartless people dont blame this on Lee Davis

    Ps Nikki Davis if you read this I am so sorry about Niko if there is anything I can do I am here for you. I love you guys and Lee you give them what they deserve
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Not to get off the subject of "Niko" but the reason many people have problems with the JCAPL, is #1) They have a very good relationship with Rick Hester, and that is (In my opinion) a conflict of interest. They can do know wrong in Rick's eyes. Check out a post from way back, when he emailed someone and said "Call Ulli and have her tell you how much good I've been doing" Why would the county manager need Ulli's approval? That is just sad and bizarre.
    2) JCAPL doesn't help the POUND DOGS! Ask them the last time they pulled a dog from the pound? The women have said "The dogs are in such bad shape" they wont deal with them. This is the truth! They have said it to me on MANY occassions. Aren't the one's in bad shape, the one's that should be helped?
    3)Do they go to the JoCo pound and walk the dogs? Clean out cat boxes?
    Help clean up the place? The answer is NO!
    4) They absolutely DO NOT help strays and pound animals.
    There whole exsistence is to spread the word on SPAY AND NEUTER.
    That is a great thing, granted, I spread that also, but when it comes down to it, the immediate problem at hand, is that sickly, sad, lonely dog who is scared and is not being HELPED by the JCAPL!
    Even though they are not affiliated with the pound, they could have put animals up on their web site? It was asked of them many, many times, but they do NOT want to be involoved with the "pathetic dogs" at JoCo shelter.In my personal opinion a animal Protection League, should PROTECT animals. Animals that are in their reach to be helped. That would be Johnston County Animal Control.
    When they lost their fight to run the Animal Control, they made it no secret, that they weren't going to help the dogs there. I mean take it out on innocent dogs??? Why should they have even thought that they should be in charge? They don't DO ANYTHING for the COMMUNITY ANIMALS!
    Now that Im off my rant, I want to get back to the horror that happened. Niko. That precious angel is in heaven now, but the family wasn't ready for him to be there! Have you seen his picture?? He was precious.
    There needs to be major changes in all aspects of the Shelter. Hopefully, this will be the first step towards something positive.
    Nikos family and neighbors, God Bless you.... Niko is with Jesus tonight, giving him lots of doggie kisses. Niko will always be in all of our HEARTS.
    Please keep us posted.

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


    2 things DA

    The puppy doesn't think Nico was that sweet.

    You are part of the problem. If the six foot fence won't keep your mutt in then you oughta think of something real quick. That dog finds its way onto my property and it won't find its way off. I can assure you Animal Control won't have to be involved in any way.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    YOU heartless ignoramus shmuck.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Johnson County Animal Control (ugh) - Horrific - Nikko

    I was horrified and in tears when I heard about Nikko's murder at the Johnson County Animal Control. Firstly, all animals should be treated humanely, whether by their family or Animal Control. I have nothing, nor did I ever, have anything pleasant to say about Animal Control anywhere. These innocent animals that are sent for a death sentence is something these creatures never deserve. There has got to be a better way, i.e. spaying and neutering your animals is the most important thing, since I have such a passion for animals, except the 2 legged species. Secondly, I am very sure, that "all you hot shots" have pets, so, why not allot more bucks to the Humane Societies, ASPCA, etc., so they can take in and care and love these beloved animals. AND TO YOU JOHNSON COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL, tar and feathing you all is not good enough. How about we put you all in a gas chamber and choke to death.

    And to Nikko's family, my heart is crying for you and yes, please do get a lawyer, even if it is just to make a statement.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I am not. And you are being very disrespectful to Dana.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Thanks again for all your support and feedback. Hope everyone got a chance to catch the 10:00 news on WB22. Hopefully this will get the tragedy out further and open more eyes and hearts, (except for guest).

    Check out the website. There are many new pictures and we added some captions. Hope everyone enjoys it.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I in no way meant disrespect to Dana.
    I was instead mocking you,GUEST.
    I would love to see some good come of this.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I saw it. How sad!! Your family and Niko are in our thought!! Just curious from seeing the front of your house. What subdivision are you in?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member


  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I just finished seeing the news and hope this opens the eyes of the rest of the people out there. I also have had the opportunity to know Niko and even though I was upset with him I LOVE HIM. However this isn't about Lee or the dogs that had a fight. This is another incadent of how our system works(hahaha) .
    What we need to do is get better people in goverment who understand in this day and age that all animals aren't LIVE STOCK however members of our familys. Yes members of our familys that we love and love us back.
    Now in closing since I haven't said anything durring all this my dog was the one bitten by Niko and my wife said lots now its my turn.
    Niko I foregive you for a missjudgement that you made and I am sure GOD doe's also. I LOVE YOU AND WILL ALWAYS MISS YOU AND ALWAY WILL HAVE YOU IN MY HEART AND SOUL.

    To Lee and the family You know how I feel.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Mark, I talked to you for a few minutes on the phone today. That post you just wrote broke my heart. You are a very special person. Both of your families are wonderful... My heart aches for both of you..
    I still believe that Niko did that to your puppy, because he loved you and your wife so much, that he was just jealous of your NEW puppy.
    This tragedy hasNOTHING to do with either owners, and if the cowardly "guest" says otherwise, well screw you.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Lee and Mark, Please Sue the Sh(*T out of the shelter and county!!! Im sure there will be a lawyer willing to do it probono! It will be the only way that NIKO will never be forgotten

  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    No problem, Peppercorn, I knew that was directed at me! :lol:

    How long is Roger Davis on leave for? Is His superior Rick Hester getting reprimanded as well?

    Do you know how long Roger will be gone for?

    Is there anyway my church family can help you?

    Please let me know!

  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I mean NOT DIRECTED AT ME! This whole situation is so upsetting, Im not thinking right!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Tomorrow is only 2 hours away. This will continue. please visit the web site. and Dana Thank you so much. you do not even know us and did not know Niko and your willingness to start a fund in Niko,s memory is going beyond what most people would do. Posted earlier were numbers feel free to contact us personaly. We are willing and able to help with this. I hope others will do so as well.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Nikos Death

    To the person that was talkin junk earlier about my so called "mutt" Dont you ever threaten me again you have no idea who you are dealing with and i am sure if this were to happen to someone or something you cared about you would be saying the exact same thing I am and I dare you to do something to my dog that will be the last thing you ever do I guarentee it ok so thank you and have a nice day. :twisted:
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Re: Nikos Death

    Hint. Periods are a wonderful thing.

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