Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Prins, Let it go. There is no talking to an idiot. Let him/her have a say. One of this country's basic priniciples is freedom of speech. Just consider the source and move on.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Dana and all the good people of Johnston County and where ever else,

    Thank you for all the support you have sent our way and to the Davis family. I think that in this sad time we all need to remember that we are the care givers and voices for the animals that can not speak.

    I do not know how long Roger Davis was put on leave for or if anyone else was immediately affected. I am not sure but County, town and state employees are usually reprmanded three times prior to getting fired. They will only make special provisions in certain circumstances. I do not know what has happened prior. The Animal Control Business in Johnston County seems to be up in the air for the moment.

    Your warm extended family can help us all pray for a day when no animal has to go into a pound or shelter because there is no love for him or her. I hope that responsible people spaying and neutering their pets will help to control the over population we now have. Too many "babies' are in search of forever homes. I can not save them all. No one idividual can. Perhaps together we can all make a difference.

    We have a sponsor a highway and adopt a highway why can't we try sponsor a pet at the Johnston County pound. People could donate to keep that pet healthy and fed until it can find a good home. Just a thought. Maybe we need a bigger kennel facility. Habitat for Humanity builds homes for homeless people. Habitat for Niko can help build a larger kennel so no one needs to get pushed out before they can find a home. Hmmmm???

    Call if you wish. I would love to help.

    Goodnight Niko. Goodnight friends.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    PS: Peppercorn is the name of my other dog...for those of you who were wondering hee hee
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I is don't know is to spell Also I is not not knowins is how to used a period period that the end of me saying lotsa stuffes period
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Bring. ol'. Fido. on. over. and. let. him. run. up. on. one. of. my. dogs. tough. guy,. then. get. used. to. your. three-legged,. one-eyed. dog. cause. he. ain't. gonna. leave. the. way. he. came.

    I have no interest in any harm coming to yours or anyone else's dog, as long as they stay on their property.

    As mentioned prior, those little dots after the words are called periods. Next time, use them to seperate your one giant thought.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Niko's dad wrote:
    Too bad you don't understand an even more important founding principle of our country ...individual liberty ...more specifically "property rights".

    I hate you lost Niko, but I also hope you don't let your next dog get loose in your neighbor's yard.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Once again we are back on the subject of what Niko did. WE KNOW FOR GOD'S SAKE WHAT NIKO DID!!!!!!!!!!! This is about WHAT THEY DID TO OUR DOG WITH OUT LETTING US KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!!!!! This should not have happened, and if "EVERYBODY" that includes the ones talking smack would help do something then it should not happen again.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I think the message in the criticism is to talk with the pound, forgive them, and then move on ...just as your neighbor did after being bitten by your dog. You are very lucky to have a neighbor like that, and your unwillingness to forgive appears to show that you don't really understand just how lucky you are.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I for one am willing to donate money for that right now!! That is the nicest, most special thing anyone has written on this board in months!
    Habitat for Niko should be ALL of JOHNSTON COUNTY'S new "baby"

    Let us KNOW how we can help??? I think this would be a good trade for a lawsuit! What do ya'll think????

    Are there any contractors on board???? I will call Habitat for Humanity a call when they open......

    This is a wonderful iddea and cause, please crosspost this to all reporters, television, radio and newspapers!!

  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member



    FOR Nikos family and neigbor. Please, Please ignore BULLET GUY,

    this lady is affiliated with Roger Davis. We know who she is (via cookies on computer) don't take what she says personally. She is a very ignornant person, with no heart.

    Like I said, I will not say her name, but she has a HUGE affiliation with The Shelter, just let her comments come and go without a response.

    That will drive her crazy!

  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    For NIKO's HOUSE

    Maybe that ABC show EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER, will come and do their wonders???
    Should we all give them a mass E-mail?

    Maybe we can all convince ASHLEY TURNER, who builds HUNDREDS of homes in the area to build Niko's Home?

    Any thoughts on either of these?

    What a GREAT IDEA this is! Maybe if they reconstruct, they can reconstrut without the co-chamber!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I am a guy, not a gal. I don't know Roger Davis. Other than what I read in the paper, I don't know anything about the JCAPL either. I do have a lifetime of experience with dogs and their owners, and the on-going ...neverending ...ever-worsening problems facing animal control in Johnston county. To say I have been jaded by dealing with dog owners over the years ...would be an understatement.

    I also know that you can't tell who someone is by their cookies, even if you did have access to them.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Hey bullet did ever think you might be the PROBLEM?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member



    First of all the idea of a enlarged shelter is wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It amazing that nobody has ever brought that up before.

    There are 50 - 70 dogs killed every week because there is no room.

    They usually gas every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

    Roger is very breed selective. GERMAN SHEPARDS, ROTI'S , DOBERMAN"S are automatically gassed. They never even make it out to the pathetic dreary adoption room.


    ROGER NEEDS TO GO. Dana is right An animal caring person needs to be in charge.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone!
    I just got off the phone with the nicest person in the County. His name is Pat, and he is head of Human Resources. I called him with some concerns, and he let me bend his ear for a while. He said that I can quote him that THIS WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN ABOUT.. He said that they are doing everything to make the Pound, one of the most humane shelters in NC! So, with Pat behind animals, I feel alot better that this tragedy may actually have a happy ending. Don't get me wrong, Im flabbergasted about what happened to Niko, and I love the idea of having an extended shelter in Nikos name.
    Im sorry it took so long for me to tell the families how sorry I am for your loss.
    If you ever feel you need to rant, please call Pat in HR, he is awesome!

    Ms K
    The B. Hound Mom and independent rescue lady
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Focus people. Focus.

    If we are going to accomplish anything we need to ignore the nay-sayers. Just remember that every new idea and thought will always have those who find fault with it. GUEST, from yesterday, and Bullet guy/girl are allowed their opinion despite the fact that it may stink. If these two are such animal lovers then please try to assist us in ideas for helping those animal stuck in the pound.

    If we had a bigger shelter, the animal's time could, at the very least, be longer. A no kill shelter would be the best. If we could get policy implemented that required double checking all animal ID before any animal was moved or put to sleep, that too would help. Advertising and main road signage would help catch the attention of people to the animals inside in need of homes. There are many things that could be done. This is an opportunity for a community to come together and make a difference. Lets start to write our ideas down. Lets see what takes shape so that no animal will be put down in error again. Habitat for Niko, Niko's Reform, whatever we can come up with.

    The fact that Roger Davis has been given a paid vacation is sickening. They gave him leave WITH pay. I wish I could get that. What about the moron who mistook Niko for a terrier? I hope that person is filing for unemployment about now.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I need to let everyone know that the support that they are giving is great. With that said on Tuesday the 12th there is a town meeting that is open to the public and I think that everyone NEEDS TO GO AND VOICE THERE OPINION ABOUT THE SHELTERAND RODGER DAVIS.

    We need to find a cure about the way these animals are beeing treated and killed. All of them not just Niko. We can not let this go after a few days and must keep up with it.

    Also everyone out there that thinks what happened at the shelter is bad needs to call every radio and tv station and let them know they need to cover this ongoing story. Also call every newspapper you can find.
    I am not just talking about in North Carolina I am talking country wide.

    I am not doing this for any other reason but to make sure that what happened to Niko and his family doesn't happen to anyone else.


  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Maybe we can all have a big community meeting next week, invite the press, and No officials allowed (at this time)
    Maybe a school will let us use their auditiorium?
    We would also be able to get a head count, and names of people who really want to get involved in Niko's memory. You can count me and 6 other B Hound rescuer's. What do you think?
    Please write soon.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I will definately go to the town meeting. Do you know where it is, and what time? Please post that info.

    I also like the idea of a private meeting that B. Hound suggested, please let us know what you think of that!

    FYI... I talked to someone at Oprah Winfrey's office and Jane Pauley's office, they asked me lots of questions, and I gave them your phone number from off the post you posted earlier.

    One of the 2 sounded VERY intrigued. I encourage everyone to call Oprah at Harpo Productions and Jane Pauley at NBC.

    I will start calling more national shows


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