Johnston County Animal Control Strike Again!!!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Anonymous, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Roger has been protected more than once....

    My husband has met Roger before and he was the one who was checking on our dog, the one that was allowed to swallow a utlity knife in their care. Rick did nothing to Roger the last time. I think it is great that he is on leave-- it has happened before and will happen again unless they change the way the shelter is run and changing the people is a start. They use those dogs in the shelter as a circus act. It is really sad what my husband was told when he went up there to confront Roger after we got the call from the vet that our dog had passed. Roger was not there but the person who feeds the dogs was there, he was later fired from what we were told. The shelter pretty much told us it was not there problem that our dog died!!! It will be interesting to see what comes of this.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    No, I did not just read that!! Rick Hester offered to BUY A NEW DOG FOR THE FAMILY???? This is getting really really weird?
    That has to be a typo??? First of all, Isn't that a bribe from a COUNTY Manager? Second of all, you just can't replace A DOG, it's not like a STOVE! Obviously Rick Hester isn't an animal person!!! He should be as much as fault as Roger Davis IMHO!!!
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    So you will just point your FOR SHELTER FOR ROGER posts under "guest",
    BulletGuy or whatever <sigh>
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I guess it is a good thing we are talking dogs and not children. Rick or Roger would offer to **** the wife so she could have a new baby. ICK!!

    Roger and Rick need to get a clue. Dogs are family not property. MORONS!!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Yes guys it is true. He offered to pay for a new dog. "and when we are ready to talk to call him". what kind of crap is that. I should not as the owner of Niko have to come down and talk to you. you should be calling me and telling me what you are doing to fix the problem. has this happened yet NO!!!!!!!!!.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    And Jen, post your "guest" posts a little further from your name. The PRO ROGER one is at 1:34, and then you posted at 1:37.
    Try to be a little bit wee more discreet. And when you write "yep" that is your signature "word".
    So please, when you write your opinionated posts that GLORIFY Roger
    just do a little bit more discreetly :wink:
    Boy, with Jenny dear writing the article for the Cleveland Post, that should be a real ONE SIDED story. ALL PRO-ROGER and all against the NIKO family! Uggh! I say don't even waste your money on that paper anymore, the Smithfield and Clayton Papers at least are biased!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    the artical will be out in the smithfield paper on friday guys. for all those interested
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    For Niko's mom,
    Isn't that a bribe from Rick??? Please just say you have at least spoken with an attorney!! Please! I don't care if my taxes go through the roof!
    Please SUE the crap out of the county. For any eggheads out there, is it legal what Rick Hester did?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Guest...your a re-My Friend......(thats being nice :twisted: )........So far i had read almost all the posts. I dont give a crap about ROGER or what the heck his problem is .......... There are a many understanding, caring people (exept GUEST) and i know people like that are the people that have hearts and agree that Yes it was the pounds fault and Yes pepper corns is almost always right......AND no it was not nikos parents fault! they care the did not know the dog could jump the fence ... he probibly never did it before so guest pull the stick out from up your butt , and just face the fact that your heartless.......
  11. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I've been accused of posting under several different aliases, and I never have. I've never been afraid or ashamed to express my opinion, and I don't feel it necessary to hide behind a ficticious name.

    The only name I've ever used on this board is the one I am on now. If you'd like to verify that with the webmaster, he logs every IP number that visits this website and you have my full permission to ask him to disclose mine.

    As far as Niko's story goes, no one has made mention of which reporter would be handling the story. John Cate and I both said that it would be done, not who would do it. The story will run as a news feature, which is based on fact, not opinion. Opinions run on page 4 in the Editorial section.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Jennifer, you CANT verify GUESTS! You know that, and we all know that!

    Some might live in trailers, but we are alot smarter than you!!!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Everyone, please read the News and Observer article and send that article out Nationally. Now that it is in print, it should get alot more interest from NATIONAL media outlets. Just put the families phone number on there somewhere so they can get in touch with them!
    Im still heartbroken for you two wonderful families. Niko had the most wonderful time on earth while he was here!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    WHO IS JENNIFER?? if you were talking to me?? Cause i m not jenifer and i m talking to the ignorant guest :roll:
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    WHO IS JENNIFER?? if you were talking to me?? Cause i m not jenifer and i m talking to the ignorant guest :roll:
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    You obviously never had a pet you were close with. Thanks for your wonderful bit. You really added a lot, idiot. People that can't love a dog frighten me quite frankly. They are the greatest thing god has ever given to mankind. How about when dog is a person's eyes when they can't see. Or how they allow a young lady to feel completely safe walking at night because she knows that dog will lay it's life on the line for her. Just coming home and seeing that little fellow at the door and he is so happy to see you, nothing like it. Unconditional love, I feel sorry for people that have never had a dog. You are completely missing out on one of life's greatest joys. My condolences (sp) to Niko's Mom, Dad, and family.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Jennifer STANTON who works as a reporter for THE CLEVELAND POST!

    If Jennifer writes the article, Im really worried about how she was make Niko, family and neighbor come out as. She's very connected to Roger and the shelter, and she doesn't play well with others. My suggestion is to just not buy the paper while she is still on staff :evil:

    She made fun of people who live in trailers. She wrote this under her name. She doesn't realize that people who live in trailers, still have feelings, money to buy things and my hubby is in Iraq fighting for her rights!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to see there are good people like you and your wife out there. Especially when we have these jerks writing that they would kill the dog if it came on their property. Like these LOSERS never made a mistake. I hope something good comes out of this. The livestock statement hit the nail on the head, too many people around here think like this. Niko looked like a great fellow, i'm sorry to everyone that knew him
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Alright everyone.... lets all remember that the main focus here is to correct a problem in the administration of the Johnston County Animal Shelter. A larger facility with caring personell needs to be established, and it can all happen with the combined support of the community. Hopefully a whole lot of good can come out of this.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    I havent had much of a chance to look on here hatly but i wanted to say thank you to all of ya'll who are being symphethetic (dont mind my spelling) I just wanted to give a big thanks to all my friends and family and anyone else i may have forgot. We WILL get justce. :!: anyways thanks again to everybody. :!: :wink:

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