Jury Duty

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by firefly69, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    having been a state correctional officer when Polk was located on Blue Ridge Rd. I can whole heartedly agree with you.

    And can honestly tell you that if someone wants to witness the closest thing you can to real prison life rent and watch the HBO series Oz.
  2. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    It seemed for a few years that I got called every year. Now, it has been a while although I probably just jinxed myself!
  3. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    1. I've been "put in the box" for questioning 1 out of the 5 times I appeared. I, more or less, told them that I don't believe there's any equality in the judicial system, and any decision I may make, may be influenced by my opinion that I'm dealing with a corrupt system. It brought a quick "Dismissed" by both sides and a dirty look from the judge.:cry:

    2. A county "Jury Commission" composed of three private citizens creates a master list of voters and drivers license holders and names are randomly chosen from it.

    We have software that can thread an 85 ton spaceship through the eye of a needle light years away ...... and they can't find a software that would fairly choose names for jury duty?

    I get the letter, like clockwork, every two years! I don't know why, maybe because my surname is unique and stands out?? I think that if you get the letter and you've appeared more than once, you should be able to call the clerk of court and assign the duty to someone you know has 'never' served!!!

    PS: And I never cash their stupid $12 check.

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