Just "WOW"

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ffnc27592, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. ffnc27592

    ffnc27592 Well-Known Member

    I fall into that 90% that don't say anything and never go back. I'm ok with people making a mistake with my food but the waitress never came back to ask us about our food or drink. I guess like most others I'll just pick a different place to eat. It's sad because that place was an awesome place to take your kids years ago. :cry:
  2. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    So, you didn't even tell them the food was not right or give them a chance to correct it, but you were fine coming on here and blasting them? Why complain here and not to the manager of the restaurant or at the corporate level? Passive-aggressive much??
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Well this is where a lot of the spoiled brats come to cry a river. This is not the first. Last time it was Pizza Inn. Before that...I can't remember. No but wait. I think someone has started a thread about bad chinese.
  4. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    The problem with complaining at the location, or in person, is you feel like just one voice that doesn't matter. Do they really care? Is it WORTH complaining? If you say you don't like <whatever>, do you really think that will change anything? You may get your butt kissed for a few minutes, if there's a customer service manager around ... an hour later, do they remember?
  5. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I tend to agree with firefly. If you walked out of that restaurant hungry without complaining or demanding the correct food that you paid for, that's your fault. Cooks, servers, etc. make mistakes and should be given the opportunity to fix them. it's one thing to be upset if they refused to correct it, but they weren't even given the chance to make things right for your family.

    And I would agree with elims about getting more people to complain so someone woudl listen, if this were a huge issue that was affecting lots of customers. Based on the feedback from this thread so far, the majority has had a decent experience and doesn't feel the need to complain.
  6. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I just felt it was not right to cut them down on here if they didn't know there was a problem. Maybe they reasonably should have known, but maybe not. I complained to the "higher ups" about the Smithfield location (years ago) after many attempts and complaints to the manager there. Like Elims said, they didn't improve, so I moved up the chain. I received a very timely and concerned reply. It was my choice not to return to that location to see if things got better. I found another Andy's where my business was appreciated and we still go there frequently. I guess I am in the 10%, but dang, how are they supposed to know if you are happy or not if you don't tell them! I am evaluated extensively and often in my line of work and I take it seriously! I guess that's why I don't mind telling others what I think...:mrgreen:
  7. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    When it comes to service issues I think most folks vote with their feet.

    Call me "passive-aggressive" if you want (...whatever) but I can identify with the OP.

    There's been a few times when I've been a less than satisfied customer and haven't bothered to stamp my feet and demand to see the manager. Who hasn't got angry at something after the fact?

    Having been on both sides of the service equation I'm a very forgiving customer, but I definitely subscribe to the 'fool me once' rule.
  8. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Passive-aggressive is not the same as just walking out dissatisfied, or even being angry later. Refer to the previous post on that. And you don't have to stamp your feet and demand a manager to get your concerns heard and I don't recall anyone saying they did. But, whatever...to each his own.
  9. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Restaurants with consistently good service keep this mind. Some people aren't going to complain. They just aren't coming back. That's not a risk that some managers can take.
  10. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I guess it's just me, but I'm having a really hard time understanding why if the waiter got your order wrong, you wouldn't tell someone it was incorrect so that you could get the right food. I understand not going to the manager every time you have poor service, but do people really not say, "hey this isn't what I ordered" so they can get the right food?
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It depends. I was at Cracker Barrell a couple weeks ago. I ordered mashed pototos as a side, she brought me a baked potato. I only have a little while for lunch, so rather than waiting for the replacement, I just ate the baked potato, NBD right? A potato is a potato.

    I got charged extra for the baked potato because it wasn't part of the "special". Peachy. I tried to explain to the cashier that the waitress made a mistake. They said she would have to come and fix it. I don't have time for that crap, so I paid it and left. And what would they have done with the one already served? Made no sense to me.
  12. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    When I have had this happen, they just brought me what I ordered and didn't take the incorrect item away (in the case of a side dish). And I agree with Allioop, most places I eat at now have roving managers who stop by the table to see how everything is going (because they DO need to know how customers are doing). I like this practice. It gives you a chance to quietly comment on the food and service, both good and bad.
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Oh, I agree with you. I really didn't care about the potato, it wasn't worth mentioning to me to the waitress because crap happens and she was busy and it was just a potato, not an undercooked piece of fish or something, it was the issue of being charged extra over the waitresses mistake and them not taking my word for it. Like I said, I learned my lesson. :lol:

    I hate to send stuff back because of the horror stories out there and I go out of my way to be nice to the waiters/waitresses etc. I don't want anybody to spit in my food. :jester:
  14. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    It's not a matter of getting angry, it's a simple matter of someone makes a mistake and so it needs to be corrected. If you don't tell someone they made the mistake, how will they know? Why not give them a chance to correct it?

    I seriously doubt if a waitress, seeing you come in, said, "Oh good, someone else whose order I can mess up." Mistakes are usually honest ones. People getting overworked or overwhelmed can get something wrong. You don't need to get angry over it, just let someone know the mistake and give them a chance to correct it. If they do great. Tell your friends, pass on a great place to dine. If they don't correct it, then tell your friends about a bad choice to eat.
  15. April D

    April D Guest

    Would love to chat

    Sorry for the slow response to the chat that is going on concerning some visits to our local Andy's / Hwy 55 . This is my first time posting with your group, so I had to wait to be invited to respond. My name is April and I work directly with this group of Andy's. I really sorry we have dropped the ball on the our service. As I read the comments it is apparent that you know Andy's and how we should be taking care of our customers, so you know this is not the up to our standards. I am really sorry that we have let you down. Please contact me personally at this email address (aprilafa@gmail.com) or you may call me at my office 919-635-0902. Once again I apologize and hope to be able to correct the locations that have disappointed you. I value our customers comments, positive and areas we need to improve in. I depend on you to help make us better and some where you can be proud to call your local "Andy's / HWY 55. Hope you will allow me to help.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2012
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Saw that down in Stedman, NC you folks have new management and it shows!
  17. April D

    April D Guest

    Yes, we are excited about the response we are receiving from the Stedman community!! The staff is really coming together there. We hope to continue to grow and improve!
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Hey April!!! :mrgreen:

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