okay, I usually don't respond to idiots but I feel I need to in this case. In Japan and China, children are taught karate from a young age, that's true. However, it's serious and there is no playing around, etc. They are expected to practice daily and take it seriously, not as a fun activity. As you're well aware, the culture as a whole is very different in terms of discipline, etc. (Our culture could learn a thing or two from them) My husbands school takes the same approach with teaching children. Not his choice, it isn't his school and he would make it more fun if he could. He is great with kids and relates easily to them but the school really isn't that much "fun". The school is designed more for adults and has produced state and international champions, including those who have gone on to have parts in major movies. No matter what you think, your child is only learning a little bit of martial arts and mostly just having fun running around and getting out energy. I was just trying to point out to the mom who originally posted on here that as long as you're okay with that, then pay your money. However, a lot of schools charge quite a bit of money and move the children through the ranks rather quickly so the kids and parents think their child is really advancing and learning a lot. I'm not saying don't put your kid in karate, just be careful that you don't do it too soon. Our society isn't the same as the Asian culture and because of that, I doubt your child is practicing and taking it seriously enough to really be learning anything tangible and useful, should he or she ever need to defend themselves. My point is this--what can a 4 year old really be learning about martial arts? Not much, so just put them in gymnastics or something like that. My husband has 19 years in marial arts (12 years teaching) and will not put our son in karate now because he feels he is too young and isn't physically able to correctly execute the moves. One day he may follow after his dad, but only if he wants to.
You guys are crazy. Start your kid as early as YOU want. If the instructor does not want to teach your kid, find a different place to go.If you need to know one PM me. I'll give you someones name who will help any age. Karate teaches self control and many young kids need it. I know a 4 year old that is awesome in karate. If your kids shows an interest, sign him/her up!
Both of our kids are learning karate. They are 5 and 3. Yes, they are having fun but they are also learning a great deal of self control and self esteem and to follow directions. Children do not and should not learn Hard Core anything they are KIDS. They also have learned a great deal of Korean. I don't speak Korean or Spanish just plain English. So they are also getting a language out of it. They have an excellent teacher with incredible patience.