Lifeguard saves child at Riverwood pool

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by reeteach2, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    I certainly hope that we don't ever have to start justifying the brandwidth we use!!! Could you just imagine justifying the "random thoughts" thread :) Who would we need to justify them to anyway? That's one job I don't want.
  2. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Well I was one of FEW that was applauding police officers for checkpoints but thats another thread! My husband is a police officer and he does recieve cards or calls thanking him for things that he has done for the community, and I think that if everyone did care more about police officers,firemen,drs etc then this world would be a totally diffrent place! We are so use to hearing such awful stories each day that when a great heart warming story like this comes up some people just dont know how to react!
  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    But you see my point. Those police officers were saving lives with every DUI arrest they made, yet most were against them being there in the first place.

    So, where are the threads here about it? Why does this one lifeguard who was simply doing his job get high praise, yet your husband gets nothing but a paycheck? Of all people, you should see my point.
  4. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

  5. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    just my 2 cents, but it says nothing about the fire department that responded and actually did the work, from what I heard all the life gurad did was pull him out and the fire department actually did all the work.

    But Clif, speaking on whether he deserves the praise or not, in prespective he doesnt save lives often like fire, EMS and police do on a daily basis so to give him a little praise for not freezing on the spot and getting him out quickly I guess deserves a little praise.
  6. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Why not? Wouldn't it be, as in your own words, "a great heart warming story"?

    Ok, so the life guard wasn't praised by his superiors, so he's praised here. That's fine.

    Ok, so the life guard didn't actually save his life, he just put the kid in a position where the EMS could do it. It's funny how that particular part was left out of all the praise.

    So, let me see if I understand you. He get's praise because he doesn't do it very often, but those that do it on a daily basis don't need it?

    Isn't that a little like saying a firefighter who saves a life on his first day should get high praise, but the same firefighter who saves a life on his 20th anniversary shouldn't?
  7. mayday

    mayday Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting a positive ending story...we could always use more of those.
  8. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    No Clif, but think in terms of how many drownings or rescue's does a life guard do in a days or even a weeks time. Compared to that of a fireman, EMS or police. They do there job on a constant they get thanks on a daily basis from the people and families they serve (for the most part) how many people walk by a life guard and say thanks for watching me swim today so when he does his job then he should get some thanks/praise for it.
  9. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I asked someone that goes to a local pool all the time (all summer).
    -- She said that the Guards "leave the stand" maybe 3 times all summer. That is all the guards & all summer. Most often it's only for a little one that has fallen in & they just give them a scoop-up. It's almost NEVER for a drowning/CPR/9-1-1 case.

    But still- I'm glad the life guards are there & working to keep everyone safe.
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Good Lord!! Is there anything that can't be picked apart? ANYTHING??:rolleyes:
  11. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Nope. :p ;)
  12. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Not likely.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    ROTTEN.....all of you's.....pure rotten. :mrgreen:
  14. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Was the child that was saved from Riverwood Child Development Center? Article in the paper did not say which CDC was involved.
    I am glad the lifeguard did his job!
  15. Tonja

    Tonja Well-Known Member

    Yes, the child is in the Summer Camp at Riverwood Child Development Center. He is back at camp now. My daughter said he is doing fine and the kids and teachers are glad to have him back.
  16. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thank God the life guard was doing his job instead of slacking off. If it were my child I would feel forever indebted to him.

    But, I would also never ever never send my child to a pool with her daycare at a young age unless mommy could take off that day and go also. Most cases the daycares do not have enough people to watch the children. A child can drown in seconds and they can drown with a lot less water than in a pool. I know from watching my own child . Children are very brave they have no fear ,they do not always want to stay with the group at that age and you turn your head one second and they are out of sight. I think this should show people do not trust someone else to watch your child around water imo its a risk not worth taking . Well, unless maybe its 2 kids per adult more than that I think its not possible to watch them with the attention that each child needs.
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I don't think that is a fair statement, to group all 'daycares'. My kids have been swimming with the YMCA (their 'daycare') since they were 4, 3 times a week, with a 'group' (sometimes up to 50 kids), and they will be 11 on Sunday. Not only have they survived, but not one of their classmates drowned (or nearly drowned).
  18. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    It may not be fair statement . The daycares that I know of send 2 teachers to watch like 8 to 12 kids and imo thats not enough supervision. I think ymca send more adults with the kids I don't know my daughter never went to ymca.I do know the daycare my daughter went to 2 years ago asked parents permission for the swimming and they said when I asked how many adults per child they said it depended on how many kids could go. It ended up that 14 went with 2 teachers imo thats just not enough eyes for 3 year olds. So mine did'nt go. Thank god nobody was hurt but I just felt it wasn't enough eyes.
  19. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Same as for Building Blocks, they have 3 teachers that go with 25 kids, one is a trained life guard and all are CPR certified. Two teachers in the water and one out to watch the kids. Very safe in my opinion!
  20. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I maybe over protective when it comes to mine swimming. When my daughter was 6 months old I would put her in the pool with me ,at 2 she got lessons and can swim very well now . It was important for me for her to learn. I have been told by my mom I am too protective over the water thing but when I was 7 my cousin and best friend at the time was 7 also drowned when we were swimming and lots of adults were there it was at her pool she went under wasn't down even a min and couldn't be saved died on the concrete before ems got there.she was given cpr by a nurse ( my aunt) and they said she just had took in to much water . She could swim so we don't know if she got tired had a cramp or what she was there one min. and the next she was under and everyone was going in to get her out. I imo think it was just her time god needed her . But I am still very overly protective .

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