You are most welcome. Anytime....come back and see us now, ya hear. So, offenders name please? I have nieces and nephews in FL ......I'm waiting......
It's not bashing just happen to pop in at an unusual time with an unusual name and avatar too close to mine! i still smell a rat! Just my opinion!
Leonard Camarata he raped my best friends 3-yr old daughter. There was a post about him last year and the news article had expired so I looked it up here since I heard someone posted the whole article. Check it out. He moved to Boynton Beach, FL. I found his tax records w/ his new addy and went to a forum (where I am ALSO CTurtle haha) and warned people there. Here's a link to that:
I've used this avatar since Halloween on a forum I frequent. Is that your tatoo?? How long you had it?? I've had my turtle tatoo since 1993! And, to quote my Dh, whenever I say I 'smell' something, it's usually 'your upper lip!'
I don't think cturtle is #1mom. #1mom would already be having a cow by now. I checked the Boynton, FL link. That much, at least, is true. But I agree with the rest of you that the stuff yesterday had a trollish feel to it.