how sad!! You save everything! I admire her (Micheleking) now! Now that I know how she feels and she isn't afraid to open her mouth!! she has you on tape remember she wrote that is a post! She has you taped about your sternberg trips!!!! BTW Zoo, Melinda HAS NOT USED THE GAS CHAMBER in AGES!! Get your story right! GO ahead and tell the media, they all know about your pathetic little group!! Everybody knows! Face it, your group is a sick joke! you are all exposed!!! And there are lots more stories to come out! And I did say a thousand times that I was PAT!!!!!
Pat, you are sad... Yes I am sad. That a group who is spposed to help our animals is bringing to Sue Nut Sternberg to be killed. see you know nothing about websites, do you? No, cause if you did, you would know that if you click on your screen name, the one you use at the moment JustAThought, it gives you the option to pull all posts that that person entered and on the first page of posts you ever made there is the YAYA topic, and I went back to see just what the bug up your butt is and found it. Funny, you didn't admire wavy lines 5 weeks ago, oh, but you were whom back then, STGS??? Yeah, that was probably it... No.. I'm not STGS.. But I know who that person is. That person was banned from here. You know, banned because STGS was calling out you PROGASsERs!! I admire Wavy NOW! Now that I see she knows the truth about you people and Sternberg! And Pat FOOL, if you know so much about wavys tapes there is nothing on tthem to incriminate myself or JCAPL. There is NO FACTS that we are trying to hide. Only fools with crap to dish out trying to make people wonder, but all you are doing is making yourself look bad. Why should I NOT believe that WAVY has you on tape? wHY would she post it for everyone to see?? And don't forget Zoo, you did admit that Molly is taking surplus dogs to Sternberg to be killed... and your wonderful president went for the ride and didn't say or do a damn thing! You are judged by the company you keep my (not) friend And you IGNORANT small minded puppet - if you think that gas chamber hasn't been used recently, you need to put your head back on your shoulders and learn to think. Just think. I know it is a crazy concept, but where the heck do you think all of these animals are going when that shelter gets filled up and more come in???? unlike your parade puppet party, Mel actually ADOPTS her animals out! Yes! Good concept!!! She hasn't used the gas chamber in FReaKIN YEARS!!! You know it, I know it, you again are making lies about her to make your NAZI brigade of girls look good!!! I am not putting her down for having to euthanize - it is a sad FACT of sheltering, but it makes me crazy to think that you and some other people are stupid enough to think she isn't using the chamber. YOU HAVE PROOF??? write and sign it and bring it to me!! If you want to play the fool, that's great, fine by me...kind of amuseing to tell you the truth, but you are gonna wake up one day and realize you have been had - BIGTIME. Had, like all the people that donate to you people??? Do you tell them that you test dogs that are scared and hungry with a plastic hand then kill them!! Now IF you have something to accuse me of, put it in writing you ignorant misinformed puppet, sign it and lets see who knows what the heck they are talking about. You can't negotiate a website, so I really don't hold much creedence to you being able to spot when people stand in front of you and lie about not using a gas chamber. If you can't say something you can back up with proof - not some rantings of a crazy paranoid lady, then shut up. Back to top
STGS was not banned... The account was deleted, and at my request because I was receiving unsolicited SPAM to my PM Box from "them". And no, I have no special powers or relationship with webbie - you broke the rules with SPAMming, pure and simple. You know nobody gets banned from here, JustATwat. I mean, look at how many accounts you have created and used, OBVIOUSLY your IP has not been banned or blocked! SatanJr... I was thinking the SAME thing! NOBODY mentioned michelleking, now did they? Amazing. What do they call this sort of behavior, deflecting or just plain delusional? Thanks for the morning laugh! :lol:
You know what's sad. She knows how to quote. She's using this slueth-like tactic to make herself appear to be somebody else. You mean you aren't fooled by this? Hey BustANut, how about this idea. Capitalize the first letter in every word in every sentence. Then we'd REALLY not know who you are.
LMAO!! You know exactly what it was... YOU sent it! For everybody else, they were cut & pastes of zookeeper's posts that had been removed (along with a whole thread I suppose). Gas, bullet, lethal injection, front bumper of my truck. Either way the animal is dead, right? But, it could all be prevented if the animals were spayed and neutered.
__________________________________________________ Listen white trash mormon Enlightened person... When they start spay and neutering the mormons, then they should start spay and neutering animals. Dont worry Enlightened person, you wont get anymore posts PMd to you. You are sick, twisted psycho. You actually cried to the webmaster because you got some posts! You live in a white trash neighborhood and your a lowlife Enlightened person!
<Insert unbiased party here> Okay, I have to know, as someone who has been reading, but not joining in....... How does one expect to be taken seriously when insults and childish banter are used to prove ones point? Just curious.......
Someone clue me in, why are we sterilizing mormons? They live longer, have the highest quality of life, and lowest divorce rate of ALL organized religions. Why the hate against mormons? Next you will be gassing Jews with Hitler.
uh.. I'm not mormon. :roll: How do you know I won't get anymore posts PM'd to me? Are you mad at me now because your STGS account was deleted so you won't be sending them to me? I didn't cry, I said "Look. You obviously deleted this for a reason, and now it is being PM'd to everybody" He said "Hm. Dayum Cleo, you are so hot and by the way that is SPAMming - which is against the User Agreement". And with a wave of his magic wand, POOF! your newest moniker was gone! You're right, I live in a white-trash neighborhood. Just last week I saw the moving truck (read: Republic Waste) drop off your stuff. There goes the neighborhood!! MEOW, PFFFT PFFFT PFFFT!!!
What does any of this have to do with religion? Are you really that bigoted, stereotypical and close-minded about PEOPLE as well as the animals? That really is horrifying.
She doesn't have time for that David, she is too busy passing out Small Pox-infested blankets to Native Americans!