My pup ate the pillowbacks off of my love seat and couch. I am waiting until he grows out of teh chewing stage to get a new set.
the only 'net they had back then was for fishing........ :jester: but when you pay taxes, you've already rendered to Ceasar whats his - so I figure it off of my net pay. :mrgreen:
According to Wikipedia.. "tithe" translates to one-tenth... so anytime the word tithe would be mentioned, it would mean 10%. "A tithe (from Old English teogoþa "tenth") is a one-tenth part of something..."
I'm looking for a play kitchen with any/all accessories (the more the better) in great condition. If you're making room for Santa to visit at your house and need to weed out something that your little one doesn't play with anymore, this would be a good opportunity for you! Please email me with what you have, pics if possible, and how much you're asking for it. Thanks!
tithes are mentioned a lot in Leviticus, Number and Deuteronomy...Go to and search the King James Version for tithe and it will bring all the verses up. We actually tithe off the gross as we want to give to God before the government gets ahold of it. I'm not saying either is right or wrong, you have to pray and do what you think is right.
just let me know, its also a vac, hell maybe I will give it to you and buy another, you know help kick start the economy. LOL
Oh.. I was thinking it wouldn't be powerful enough! Hey, if you're in the market for a new piece of lawn equipment (and I know how you guys are) that would be great!
I can leave it on the street corner or in front of the icehouse at food lion so my cover isn't revealed. LOL
Haha. Been a while since I had an Icehouse. I'll send you a PM and we can meet up somewhere this weekend? Thanks.