NET FLIX is awesome! Signed up last night and watched 2 episodes so far. Thanks so much for the suggestion!
I'm looking for old dairy farm related items. Old churns, the metal milk cans, butter presses, electric churns.........that sort of thing. I found one milk can last weekend, but it's in pretty rough shape and not sure it will survive the refurbishing. I'm enjoying it in it's rusty beauty now.
If Michelle doesn't need yours or you find a few I would like to look at them as I need a few to finish an area I am working on. Please PM me. Thanks, Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. db, We have not forgotten about the trampoline. As you know we have been tied up on our end so my daughter will network this week and so will I. We do know the family that has one without the net still wants to get rid of the one they have. Sherry
KDC, I have an old metal milk thingy like you're talking about. My father stole it from a farmer in England ( or so I've been told) but I don't want to get rid of it, lol....just thought I'd share. On another note, I have a whole basket full of Partylite stuff if anyone is interested, and a few old church cookbooks. One is from Germany.... <~~is trying to declutter her house....
Rub it in Jen!!! I would love the church cookbooks, let me know what ya want for them. I can get them when I get the purse thing.....8) I'm supposed to be getting an old glass hand-crank churn soon from a lady in Christiansburg. I can't wait.
Kdc...I dunno, what's fair? $5 each? I really don't know, and I'm still finding them, so I may have more by the time you come by....
I am looking for... Soccer cleats. Mens size 10.5 or 11 Boys size 4 or 5 (probably 5) Boys size 11 If anyone has any in good condition, please let me know. Soccer starts in a couple weeks and I want to be prepared - and really don't want to spend the money on new ones. Thanks!
I am looking for a water table. Sorta like the one at marbles museum. Or a sand table would be nice also.
I've got some free gas cans (2) and a non-working weed wacker if anybody is interested. It is fixable, don't know what the issue is - we have two of them that's all.
non working weekwacker, would take off your hands since DH is a master at fixing those type of things, how much?
selling both so I can get an SUV. It makes more cents to me. :mrgreen: Found one on CL that I LOVE already. u need a car or truck or harley or mustang? :?
well hopefully i will be in my new office at 42/50 by Wed if the jury duty does not last till then, will give ya a call and come by to get it either at lunch time or after work. Thanks :grouphug: