Posting a thread against "Jesus Saves" in the Bible belt ... Ludicrous ! Having your yard toilet papered after such a remark .... Highly Possible ! Posting a picture that depicts a large portion of the mindset in the bible belt ... PRICELESS!!
Well, now the image that NY9 posted was a group of adults having a beer. An American flag flies from their porch. The two kids are being supervised (one with hearing protection I might add) while they fire their rifles. Now what exactly is the mindset there...especially since the caption was added by one individual and apparently not originally linked to the pic? Here's a news brief for you guys...that picture could have been taken in upstate New York or in the mountains of California just as easily as in any given Southern state. Posting that pic and contributing it to southern folk mentality is borderline prejudice in its own right.
Beer drinking and guns? That's a fine match around children. Also the kids should have safety glasses and ear protection ... both of them!!! Also, you don't teach a kid to shoot over the hood of a car. The muzzle end should be clear of all obstacles. And shooting after sundown is a no no for kids. That is one of the worst examples of gun safety I've ever seen. And double that around kids. You’re only proving my point by defending it. Yep, and I saw the flag flying in the dark without a dedicated light. Those are some real patriotic gun toting beer drinkers. Look up flag etiquette. Yes it could have been taken somewhere else but it is more prevalent in the south. And those loblolly's growing in the background don't grow in New York or California.
Make no mistake. I wasn't advocating any of that which appears in the picture as being proper, but likely a common thing you'll find anywhere in rural America. Its about like saying mullets only grow (or grew) in the south when it was popular "hockey hair" long before the sport made its way to the Deep South. And I guarantee you're just as likely to find an old 77 Camaro up on blocks behind a single-wide trailer anywhere there's a trailer park. Its stereotypical for people to associate it with the South, but its not geographical proven to exist solely in the South.
leave it up to ddrdunce to take a pic like that seriously.......he probably thinks it wasn't staged :roll:
Help me out here. What exactly are the stereotypes regarding backwoods NC? If you are going the poor country bumpkin route I would remind you to take a drive through upstate NY. Yes every house has two snowmobiles in the garage but the toilets inside don't flush. Whats up with that?
Flag etiquette often goes out the window by a lot of folks and not just those stereotyped by that photo. Flags are supposed to be lit when flown at night as you have stated. They are not supposed to be flown in inclement weather unless its an all-weather flag, but they often are. Flags are not supposed to be flown at half mast willy-nilly at the owner's discretion, but sometimes they are. They shouldn't be trod upon in an alleyway either for the sake of a photo, but Bill Ayers certainly did. There is ignorant disrespect and arrogant disrespect for the flag and many fall into either category.
Ridiculous. I'd love to take a survey and find out what large portion of the Bible belt has this mindset. Assuming that picture is real (which I believe it's staged) who are we to judge someone because they are drinking beer and shooting a gun? God knows them better than we. There are always going to be people who like to put Christians in a little box and say if you don't act this way or do this, you are not a Christian. This comes from people that see the easy way out of being obedient to God is to laugh at Christianity. They blame everything on Christians so they can try to justify to themselves why they shouldn't be a Christian. All along, they are ingnoring or rejecting the Truth.
I suppose no more than we should judge someone drinking a beer while driving a car. Wait, both are unsafe and in many cases illegal and for good reason.
Hey Seabee! Glad you're back! I missed whatever happened! I'm slowly making my way back on here...hee hee! I'm on the 12 step 40/42 addicts program. :lol: