McCain suspends campaign

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by my4kiddies, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Thanks... I was fine until I read the "deal with it part" and then I had to just type or I might of said a bad word! LOL

    I honestly had all intentions to ignore him but had to get that out. LOL Thanks!!
  2. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    I will forever have the back of those that serve and their families.
  3. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    :iagree: ...except BobF for the going to hell stuff. I'll let BobF decide that part, I aint gonna wish it on him.

    Thanks to ALL who have served... ya'll are my HEROES!
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    As a former Army officer who served in combat, I did not take any offense at Bob's words. I don't believe he was trying to slam the honor of anyone who had served. My interpretation that for all the heroic stance that McCain had achieved as a POW, especially refusing early release from Hanoi, his indescribable torment at the hands of his captors, etc. McCain's subsequent conduct tended to negate all that good stuff. Bob's complaint was the political actions that McCain has taken.

    Mine ring closer to home.

    As an officer, one's conduct must be above reproach. McCain admits to several sexual liaisons that reflect poorly on his judgment and personal conduct as a Naval officer. His subsequent conduct with Cindy while still married to his first wife is another example of that conduct. Officers are held to higher standards, as they should be. And before I get slammed for seeing this as a class distinction between enlisted and commissioned status, I started an a soldier, became a non commissioned officer, and then my commission. Honor is reflected by the person's actions, not his rank.

    McCain's proclivities alone would be scathingly derided on this board, if his name was John Edwards or Bill Clinton. All three of these are morally bankrupt. McCain can't claim the high road here.

    In find McCain's lack of civility when questioned, and his lack of a moral compass to be overwhelming indicators of an intemperate person. I don;t think that McCain is the one to lead this nation. I have more respect for Romney and Huckabee.
  5. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    you apparently missed the point as much as you all dislike Mcain this was about DAH's father not Mcain Bob F-er made a remark that "he may still be a hero" may still be? how bout he is a hero. follow the posts. Don't let your feelings cloud what you read or perceive.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    You ever serve in combat? Placed your life in another's hands? Led soldiers who looked upon you to make the correct decisions because they had a trust in your personal convictions? That's what living a code of honor provides. Soldiers trust their leaders because they believe that their leaders are honorable. Soldiers have a quite remarkably accurate BS detector. They know when they have leaders who are FOS, and leaders whom they willingly follow out of trust and respect. The moral code of the armed forces necessitates a high degree of honor, and personal leadership.

    I have utmost respect for my fellow veterans. I, like most veterans, will tease as to interservice rivalries, etc. When the chips are down, my brothers and sisters will always have my back, as I have theirs. I don't demean their service. You can ask any veteran on this board how good a BS detector they have, and how they knew whether person "A" was the real deal, or a feather merchant.

    My point is that the heroic actions that McCain took were disgraced by his violations of the code of honor.

    If you haven't served in this capacity, then you have no currency by which to judge my remarks.
  7. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Hatt once again you amaze me with your words. Very well placed. Your a man of honor.
  8. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    You need to do a little research. John McCain is no friend to Veterans. His Senate vote on key bills for the support of veterans is sadly a "no".
  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I'm curious why you continue to inject Mcain into this. The subject as I see it was Bob's comment made about a father may still be a hero, this I thought was made clear by Browns which he or she even pointed out in their post but you continue to throw Mcain into it. I assure you I do have the currency to comment on this.
  10. seabee

    seabee Guest

  11. BobF

    BobF Well-Known Member

    Deal With THIS!

    Deal with the fact that the Bush Administration has pushed to weaken the Bill of Rights, and Johnny seems OK with that.

    I'm sure you can't.

    Big Al gore sigh...

    So you don't believe me? How about if I let John McCain tell you himself:

    The Arizona senator expressed regret for that stance on Wednesday, telling the audience of Republicans: "I feared that if I answered honestly, I could not win the South Carolina primary. So I chose to compromise my principles."
    "I promised to tell the truth always about my intentions and beliefs. I fell short of that standard in South Carolina," McCain said.
    So is McCain telling the truth here, or is he lying?

    I'm willing to accept either answer.

    So John McCain wanted to 'free people'?

    Why don't we ask some of the people he helped to 'free' what they think about that idea?

    Let's ask this guy:


    Hmmmm...he doesn't seem to want to talk.

    Maybe he just needs a few more volts.

    My dad, who died in 2000, was a WWII vet, served with Patton's Army, saw action in Africa, Italy, France, and Germany. Three of my uncles are Vietnam/Korea vets. My brother is a Vietnam era vet.

    ...and none of that is relevant to John McCain's suitability to be president.

    Let's focus on the relevant stuff here, OK?

    Maybe you could ask YOUR president to 'deal with them' rather than shuffling them off to substandard health care and diminished services once they are discharged.

    I find the way we treat our veterans to be a National Disgrace. You seem to want 'more of the same', including continuing to send them into the Eternal Unwinnable Mission, and treating them like an expensive nuisence once they return home. Why pay for better veteran's services when Steve Forbes REALLY thinks he needs another tax cut? :ack:

    I don't need any lectures from anyone who holds such disregard for our Brave American Heroes.

    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  12. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Have a great weekend BobF and thank you for your service.

    To each their own.
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    One can respect and honor a man's service, and still deplore what he does years after that service has been completed. His honorable service does not give him a pass later in life for whatever behavior might be convenient.
  14. BobF

    BobF Well-Known Member


    I appreciate the thoughts, but I'm not a veteran, and never claimed to be one.

    ...just someone who knows many and am related to quite a few.

    They deserve better than they have received in the last eight years, IMHO.

    Have a great weekend yourself.

  15. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Those pesky facts, again.
    To most, that I was discussing that dishonorable acts committed after honorable ones degrades one's heroic status, should should have been self evident.

    Certainly, I expect no free pass based on actions today, by claiming that my past should preclude judgment based on my actions then and now.

    ....Seabee...does Hueneme ring a bell? Worked with some folks out there in the mid 80s, joint stuff.
  16. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Oh yeah Hueneme did A- school there right out of boot camp. Didn't get to see much off base. From there went to Gulfpit to a battallion. Seabees at times were trouble. :lol:
  17. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Dude, I rank the SeaBees I knew right up there with the Kiwi's and Aussies for being able to drink many rounds of brew, and start/finish fist fights among their own kind, cementing the comraderie in the process. Gulfpit made me LOL. Had heard it was the armpit of the Navy.

    We actually used PH for our base of ops for moving covoyed materials from Fort Ord to the port of LA, onload onto an LST, sent the stuff to Olympia, and road march it to Fort Lewis. major joint logistics exercise. I got choppered out from Hueneme where I'd have much rather stayed, to Camp Roberts, near Paso Robles. One of the transportation nodes there was upgefucht, as we said in Germany, and I was selected to go unduck it.

    I drove a CUC-V, new army purchase at the time, with camo and bumpers marked, from Barstow doing logistics stuff with the Marines at Yermo and Dagget, to Hueneme. Of course, those were days long before mapquest and GPS. The directions I received were kinda like, go west, if you see LA, go north. After I got near to where I thought I should be, I pulled the mil vehicle over and asked for some directions. Got blue lighted immediately by a policeman who told me I had stopped (unknown to me, really, honest) along hooker heaven. They were kind escort me to the front gate. I drove in, dropped the vehicle at visitor parking, and joined the policemen for a meal break and a ride along. I fell in love with Cali at that point. Venice Beach....the Trancas bar near Pepperdine..Good times...
  18. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    At least he said something other than "present." I'm not going to dig this one back up but you quoted me so I responded. I assume you consider Obama a soldier's best friend huh?
  19. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    as a veteran, I expect better treatment of our veterans, and believe that McCain should have led the support of veteran's causes. Certainly, if you support, as McCain does, placing young men and women in harm's way, you have to prepare for the aftermath. He has not. Those service related disabilities should be at the forefront of McCain's list of priorities. That has not been the case. If a politician is going to tout his status as a veteran, and must depend on the veteran's vote, he'd best do something to show those voters that he supports their needs. In my mind, he has not.
  20. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Gulfport was alright the worst part was weather it was nasty hot, as bad as I've been in, so damn sticky humid other than that I liked it. Good cajun food and fresh gulf shrimp. yeah ole seabees would generally leave their mark anywhere they went. There was an area in Hueneme that was torn apart by the seabees because one of them were rolled at a bar needless to say they took care of that place, I beleive it was NMCB 40 that tore it up. For the longest time they were banned in that area. we certainly knew how to have fun, there was a different kind of atmosphere in the seabees thats for sure.

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