Mckinley's Restaraunt and Pub

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Lisa Gross, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    <handing Regan...I mean Kaci...a towel with which to clean up her pea soup puke> :lol:

    I was wondering when we were going to hear from you, girl!

    I'm sorry...but I've heard too many of the same kind of stories about this place. The fact is that the manager sounds like an arrogant ***, who has let the fact that he has regulars that currently support his establishment, go to his head. In fact, I'm reminded of the popular football player that every high school has. He can get away with whatever wants, until he messes with the wrong person and comes out looking like the results of Regan's...(I mean Kaci's)...upchucking.

    And when that happens, he'll find out the hard way that regulars come with no guarantees. And he will begin to wonder why his flock of patrons are dwindling slowly but surely. And those who thought they were priviledged to be one of his chosen favorite patrons will wonder why they aren't part of a fabulous inner circle anymore.
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    LMAO, i knew someone would know who my alter ego is:lol::lol::lol:

    (i really really tried so hard not to say anything and i did keep it milder than i wanted to but i could not hold it any longer - Regan just always forces herself out)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2007
  3. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    At this point, I don't think any of the regulars or McKinleys are concerned with what you or anyone else think. Aside from Pancho's, its one of the restuarants thats been around the longest in Clayton and under the same ownership. I'm sure there's a reason why if you look for it, like you do everything else! Dern debate queen.


    They love the business that they've got, and if you're going to act like a jerk, they're just not going to deal with you, and they'd rather not have your business.

    In reply to Kaci, she failed to mention the events that led up to the "possibility" that they confused her with another troublemaker. It was her sons birthday if I recall, and they were sitting in the dining room area and when he ordered an alcoholic beverage, he was carded. He didn't have an ID on him, and the waitress said she couldn't serve him. Kaci tried to get them to serve him on her word because she was his mother. ALE laws people, Kaci you know 'em and shouldn't have even pursued the subject with the waitress since you were in the business for 18 years. Thats when the waitress went to the bartender and told her that some customers mother was trying to get them to serve her son that didn't have an ID. Immediately that threw up a red flag, and when you approached the bar that didn't help your cause any either, the bartender had already passed the info on to Eric. Then y'all left in a huff and said something to the effect of going somewhere where you could get him a drink. Again, there are those places that don't last, havent lasted, or probably won't last because they aren't as hard and strict to follow the ALE laws as Eric and his staff are. There were other 4042 peeps there at the bar, because there was a small 4042 get-together there that night.

    Disclaimer: These were the events as I heard them from fellow 4042'ers and barstaff, I was home sick that night.

    2nd Disclaimer: Sybils out again......
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2007
  4. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Not that I am wanting in this little tiff, but are you saying that you have absolutely no first hand knowledge concerning any of your posts?
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Please.. I said I was home sick "that" night.. but DH was there.. I'm sure he recalls the events as he replayed them to me the minute he walked in the door. We are at McKinleys atleast 3 nights a week and Sunday afternoons, we see plenty of what goes on. What we don't see, we do hear about one way or another. If I read something on hear, I ask about it there. In this OP's case, we heard about her first thing on Sunday, because as she walked out the bartender was still amazed that she had picked up and slammed the tip jar (which is really a big glass vase) down on the bar. It takes alot of brass to touch a bartenders "tip jar" (aside from adding something to it).

    I've seen non-tipping people confronted, I've seen banned people not let in, I've seen plenty of people asked to leave because they make rude comments to the staff. I've seen banned people beg to please come back (a month later), why is that if its such a horribley run place??

    I should make a correction to a previous post though... I had said that 1 out or 100 people won't get back in when kicked out.. thats pertaining to if you have actually been told your "banned" from coming in there. If you have been asked to leave nicely for some small situation, they will give you a second chance, but you are red-flagged and will be watched like a hawk. So.. my advice there would be tip properly and be nice.
  6. Steve

    Steve Guest

    I've never spent much time in bars... being more of a library type myself but.... does this kind of thing go on everywhere???? My my... I guess it's just as well I'm too timid to mix with people....people are scary...
  7. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

  8. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I know how you feel ;)
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    OK, not to rehash the whole thing - there was a very long thread about it two years ago, but the son in question was celebrating his 29th birthday, we were not in the dining room, we were at a table right beside the bar, there were at least 3 folks with the small 4042 group that were under age and were drinking. All i did was request that they reconsider considering the fact that there were underaged kids drinking at the bar and was told to leave immediately by the owner, Eric. While i was talking to the 4042 gathering, my DH, my birthday son, and my 20yo son (our designated driver, the reason birthday boy didn't have his ID), had 1 drink for my DH and 2 sodas (no, i had not had anything to drink). When i went to the table, they told me she had carded the 29yo (which i totally understand in establishments that do not know you) and all i did was request that they reconsider. After Eric's comments to me, i asked for the tab, left the minimal tip and left and was still jumped on by the waitress why we didn't tip enough:shock: Anyone that knows me, knows that after supporting my kids on tips, i am the most understanding customer you could ever want and i always tip a lot more than regular customers cause i understand the system. But again, if someone is rude, arrogant, etc., i will the worst tipper in the world (leave a penny only, total insult to a server). i have never done that myself though. Also, at 48yo i have never in my life been asked to leave a restaurant.

    BTW, my DH was extremely upset at the rudeness and i had to go crazy not to get him to say anything - even though i was told it was a thing of mistaken identity with someone who had been barred from the establishment and would have been willing to give the place another try (i don't hold grudges and i understood it was easy to make a mistake), my DH would never set foot in it again.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2007
  10. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Was there twice and like Clif suggests - I ain't going back!
    I find it appalling that a manager or owner would tell his waitstaff to ignore someone. And I find it appalling that people are arguing that it is right for the waitstaff to treat people rudely then expect to get a tip.
    If I did my job poorly I would get fired and then I wouldn't have any money coming in. Ya know what I mean?

  11. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Then why are "regulars" like you responding to my post if you don't care what I think? ;)

    Man, I've never seen anyone be so proud of being a "regular" at a bar. :?

    Sounds to me like his definition of "jerk" is to refuse to tip as THEY see fit... and rather than addressing bad service provided by their staff...they want customers to just sit and take it...and bask in the priviledge of being at his establishment.

    Thanks, but not thanks. LOL!
  12. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    It's not about being a "regular" there, I don't like to see my friends slammed. And we are friends with the owner & some of the staff outside of McKinleys. We just happen to be there often enough to see & hear everyones drama. I'm just telling it from their side with their blessings. It's very simple, if you don't like it, don't go. You won't be missed.
  13. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Not to get into a peeing contest but;

    Best I recollect from that night was that the end of bar opposite the waitstaff area was where the 4042 crowd was sitting and it wasn't a huge crowd. harley, dawn, songbird, and a few others that I don't recall now, as it was several years ago. I know that of the people I knew at the time none of them were underage unless it might have been songbird which I think she was over 21 at the time. When you found out your son had been carded and refused service you voiced your thoughts to the waitress, then to the bartender when the waitress wouldn't listen, and then to Eric when the bartender wasn't having any of it. None of which mattered as he didn't have his ID. You weren't none to quiet about it and upon your leaving you suggested that everyone from the 4042 group leave as well and go somewhere else such as the club house at 4042. None of the group did, atleast for a few more beers they didn't.

    Incidentally on a side note the people who have had problems inthe past and responded as such in the previous thread usually had problems with staff members that are no long employeed at Mck's. They do still have a few people that have been there for several years now, but they also have a bunch of newer staff on the floor now as well.

  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Actually Craig, i never said anything to the waitress, i went directly to the bartender and yes, i have admitted i should not have asked and i never said anything to Eric about it, he walked up when i was trying to talk to the bartender and just told me we all needed to leave. i did not try to get the rest of the 4042ers to leave with me but several said they wanted to and there were some there that you and i do not know that were underage as they told me as much. We did not leave there and go to the Clubhouse and as you said in the original thread, you were not near where i was trying to talk to the bartender and could not attest to what happened.

    No offense Craig, but you have said you did not witness what happened and repeating what obviously the owner or waitstaff said over 2 years later is not really cool. BTW, i was not drinking that night and everyone else was so i believe my recollection of the events carries more merit.

    On a happier note, i consider you and Tassy friends and think that maybe this is one subject we need to agree to disagree on and move on :)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2007
  15. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    agreed to disagree on forever and ever... this one incident is definitely a very dead horse.:)
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Love ya girl and totally agree:-D
  17. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    My wife and I have been reading this thread for a while. First of all Judas H. Priest GROW UP.....ALL OF YOU!!!

    I live around the corner from McK's. Been there 3 times in 6 years. Don't miss it, won't miss it. I tend to believe this story and will avoid the place if at all possible.
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    And this is referring to what specifically, because if you had read the thread you would know that myself and my friends are all good about everything if you were referring to us. If you are referring to someone or something else, then i apologize for misunderstanding.
  19. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I think he's talking about the original post.
  20. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    No, all the back and forth over all the he said/she said nonsense. I know it may be hard for some folks to believe their friends would ever treat a customer bad, but more than one person had a bad experience so it may be true. just deal with it, take your business elsewhere and move on.

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