McKinley's SUCKS

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ImTheNormal0ne, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

  2. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    I agree they are preparing themselves for the Ale House but I think the damage is done and its too late
  3. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    It's amazing to read all the hate....every time I go in there I have to wait for a seat.
  4. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    We go early evening and rarely have a problem finding a seat but usually very busy as we leave but have not seen waiting diners but they could be at the bar. We like the food and generally the service is just OK unless we get one individual. She has a attitude and seldom checks on refills, etc. However some of the other wait staff will get us refills. We are looking forward to the openings of the Cleveland Draft House, Backyard Bistro and new restaurant on Main Street. Really not sure the one on Main Street will ever open. Delay after delay!!! Now if only we could get a cafeteria in Clayton or at least in White Oak!
  5. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    They've been working on Manning's (the new one on Main Street), and last update on their Facebook page says they were hoping for late June. He didn't sound too optimistic though.
  6. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Sounds familiar. Seems to be a trend. It hasn't happened to me, but I'm beginning to believe the stories. I would think they would be putting their efforts in to winning over new customers.'s+clayton+nc+menu&lrd=lrd

    "First off, McKinley's officially sucks. I will NEVER, EVER, step foot in that miserable place again. People who know me, know that I am a nice person. Tonight, I was attacked by an employee of McKinleys. I have been nothing but a loyal customer to that restaurant. I have brought my family there. I have always been a good tipper. I have always been a respectful patron. Tonight I was treated with disgusting and shameful malice. I wasn't there 5 minutes and was refused service because of something someone else said on Facebook about a negative experience they had there. I NEVER said anything negative about this place but, tonight, I am. As soon as I walked in, the "woman" behind the bar, Erin, I think, started acting like we had done something. When our friends tried to order drinks, she specifically said she would not serve us. When I confronted this "woman", she said something about Facebook. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe I was talking to an adult let alone someone in the service industry. I felt like it was middle school all over again! When I explained to this "woman" about what a loyal customer I have been, she kept yammering on about Facebook. It was PURE INSANITY. She doesn't even know who I am - it was laughable. This "woman" then tried to slander me and my husband in front of the few patrons hey did have! The best part was that the owner, who I now refer to as The Nutless Wonder, just sat there and allowed this ****-poor employee to attack me and treat me so rudely. I used to feel bad that this place was always dead on Friday and Saturday nights but, now I know why. Words cannot describe how disgusted I am about how poorly I was treated - FOR NO REASON. I challenge anyone at that "establishment" to find anything negative I have ever said about that place up until now."
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I have not darkened their doors in quite a few years because of the things I have personally witnessed...not to mention the quality of food was just not there anymore. I prefer to give my money to folks who believe in treating people respectfully. Oh, and FYI, if I am not mistaken, the owner and "Erin" are a couple...
  8. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    Well I must say I have defended McKinley's in the past but things are rapidly going downhill over there.

    Barbara is good to my buddy and me so we go there regularly. However, when she isn't there the place is a disaster in terms of service.
  9. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    i will be glad when cleveland draft house opens in clayton in september. personally we have had no issues with mckinley's lately. we like their food. actually have more favorite menu items at mckinleys as compared with cdc. we have never been on the bar side. our bar hopping days are long gone. have no experience with this "evil bartender" that everyone is slamming. never heard any loud exchanges, fights, dancing on tables, etc. once cdh opens we will probably dine at both. hopefully mannings on main street opens soon. we need more dining options in clayton. may the restaurant with the best food win and continue to serve us.
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Guess what?? Barbara quit. She made a post on Facebook last night she is no longer working at McKinleys. She will be at Mannings on Main when they open sometime in September.

    I talked to Howards wife, she said they are just waiting on getting their CO, and then they can set an opening date.

    Yay for Barbara, and Yay for Mannings!!!

  11. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I hate to see McKinley's fail because it's been our go-to spot for years but it isn't looking good.

    Bad service has been their calling card for a long time, but it was part of their charm. That Facebook page to boycott them has over 300 Likes now and a lot of complaints about one of the bartenders. The loss of 300+ customers in Clayton would hurt anyone. Bad news travels fast these days. It sounds like it's just a matter of time.
  12. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    I saw her post. Good for her.
  13. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    I've been to McKinley's a few times because there was nothing else available. Service is hit or miss. More on the miss side.

    I can assure you if a waitress lit into me like I have heard they are prone to would not end well for her. 8)

    I don't understand a business that seems to pride itself on being cliquish.

    Clayton is no longer a small town and they are cutting their own throats.
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Never been there, but based on this and other threads I was wondering if this was an S&M hangout?
  15. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Makes you wonder!!
  16. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    So excited for Manning's. Really hoping they get that last permit soon, if they do they will be part of this year's Taste of Cleveland :hurray:
  17. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    My wife & I went to McKinley's a few times when we lived in Clayton. I was never really impressed with the food or the service, but what made us stop going was the people hanging out there. Each time we went, there were always a bunch of twenty-somethings getting drunk and belligerent and/or wanting to fight. There was also an attractive young blonde who would hang out at the bar area and hustle drinks from 40+ year old guys. My wife was friends with one of the cooks and he told her that the girl was there at least three times a week and never paid for a drink herself.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
  18. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Have to say, we went to McKinley's this evening for the Sunday wing special. We haven't been in a couple of months but decided to give it another shot. I've never had the big issues that others mentioned, just the occasional poor service.

    It wasn't very busy today, just as we expected. We were greeted promptly at the door by a new employee that we have not seen before, service was good and the food was pretty much as good as it can be for wings, chips and beer.

    We noticed that they seemed to be going out of their way to greet people nicely and wait on them.
    These are the things several folks have complained about. Perhaps they are trying to fix it.
    Just giving credit where credit is due.
  19. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they're in panic mode with the Draft House supposed to be opening this month. I also saw on the Boycott page on Facebook that Erin may have either quit or been fired.
  20. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    will still never step foot back in there.....

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