McKinley's SUCKS

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ImTheNormal0ne, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Erin is no longer working there, that is confirmed. Not sure if she gave her notice, or was let go, but alot of people knew about it the week before her last day.
  2. High Plains Drifter

    High Plains Drifter Well-Known Member

    Funny thing is one of Erin's daughters is about the only one there that has any type of personality.

    My last straw came when the young girl behind the bar (dark hair) refused to turn the music to a decent station. I went in there with my friend one Friday afternoon around 3pm as we have done for about 8 years. With about 4 people in the entire place I asked her to change it from Hip Hop to classic rock and you would have thought I had asked to stand on her head. After one classic rock song she changed it back to the hip hop station. She then started talking to some loser at the bar and went out of her way to let us hear her conversation with him. She said "I don't know why people think they can change the music here."

    My buddy said "maybe it's because we spend enough money in here to keep you employed." Of course she acted like she didn't hear us.

    Barbara kept my friend and I coming back and we spent major change in there. Now that she is gone hell with them.

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