Knew a racehorse trainer: Dickie Smalls When I was a kid, I had a friend whose father and uncle were both gynecologists. Last name Biever. Would you go to Dr. Biever, the beaver doctor?
There is one in VA whose name is Dr. Ruth (marginally better than Biever!), there is also a dentist named Dr. Butts. Obviously their parents didn't know what profession they would go into, but still funny!
Celebrities really come up with some odd names for their kids, but I went to school with a few whose parents must have been on drugs. . . FEMALE - Aino English : pronounced "I know" The joke in school used to be "Do you know Aino English? I also went to school with Peter Rabbit, and Bob White. Worked with a girl named Princess - it wasn't a nick name, that's what was on her social security card!
Rabbitt Raper He lives in Lucama. There was also an Indian guy that lived in Wilson who's last name implied he liked to give oral sex to the opposite sex.
My sister teaches in Charlotte. She taught 4 of the 5 children in one family: Devlin (his mom called him the devil), PrinceWilliam, Precious (the only girl), ThankGod (the girl was quite a handful), and Michael (the only one she didnt' teach. He was only 5 when she taught ThankGod). The names are actually spelled with the capital letters in the middle. When she worked in industry testing DNA for parentage, she tested to find the father of Lemonjello and Orangello. A former coworker's husband couldn't believe it when his coworker named his son (pronounced) shi-thade (spelled head at the end and no hypen!) One of my former students thought the capital of Burkina Faso would make a beautiful baby girl name. I asked her why she already hated a child who didn't exist. The capital is Ouagoudogou.
People who do this kind of thing to their kids should just go ahead and hand the poor kid a crackpipe while they're at it. :roll:
There is a lady I work with whose last name is Payne. Her father is Richard, goes by "Dick". As if that is not bad enough, he's a retired army general...General Dick Payne. I am not kidding.
Forgot the best one! In our hometown, the last name "Horney" is seen a lot, LOL. My Grandmother's doc's name is Dr. Horney.
mshirlmac I know a couple who named their last son Don Greg and I met a lady yesterday whose last name is Kingsolver