:lol: You know we're not going to see any snow, I thought maybe everyone would like to be at the beach because it's so damn hot outside :mrgreen:
HG, The teen has been out swinging on her hammock and listening to the iPod most of the day. She came in about ten minutes ago and asked me if she was getting a tan...how funny! I showed her your Christmas at the beach and she states she needs an adoptive aunt who enjoys long walks on the beach, tanning and leaving teens alone. I told her I would let you know..........8) Hum, wonder if I got a tan sitting on the couch today......gotta run to see...just kidding. Happy holidays, Sherry
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-38oelOufDc What I would wish for for my 4042ers in 2009 :lol: Sherry, I hope you don't have any rug burns :lol::lol::lol:
You are one awesome person and so funny. With friends like you and Kaci life is great. Both of you seem to always understand me and hit the nail on the head. I do love the Rug Burn poem written by someone else. “So if ever someone says to you, ‘Life isn’t fair, Get used to it’, Then you should say, ‘Well it might be, If folks like you Would let it be’.” Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and dear hubby. Thanks, Sherry
Merry Christmas to you all. I'm so excited! I can't wait for the kids to get up. Wonderful news today. My hubby is going to become a "Grandpa" next year!
Merry Xmas Merry Christmas to all on this forum. I know that I have stated this before and If I am repeating myself. I'm sorry. I want to thank all those who have blessed myself and my family this year following our house fire. You all have a heart of gold. I know that some of you that have helped us out have now yourselves had difficult times with recent layoffs and all, the donations we have received have truly been a blessing from God and the wonderful people out here who have faith and believe in helping those who suffer. From my family to all of yours Thank you so very, very, much. This past year has been a whirlwind of emotional ups and downs and through it all we have renewed faith in Jesus Christ. Please all of you who are suffering through any type of hardships, remember to have faith and everything will get better. If not sooner then later, I wish I could reach out to help you all indivdually, but please accept my family's blessings towards all of you out here. Merry Christmas and hopes for a Blessed New Year.
You're welcome!!! And maybe nextyear you will be in a position to help someone else. I wish the best for you guys! Merry Christmas~:cheers: