where is the one prision.....Arizona? Where the warden has no sympathy, they wear pink prision outfits? I think all prisions should be like that.
That's not a prison, it's a jail. (I was in Arizona prison) If you ask me, spend a year in one of our luxurious prisons (I doubt if many of you could do it, even if you had to) and then tell me they are too nice.
Oh, we are all "soft" huh? How would you know that? It's amazing what a person can endure when they have too. I'd wager most people on here would adapt and endure. It's human nature.
prison is not suppose to be nice, it's suppose to suck bad enough that you never want to go back......
That's not what I said. That's you opinion, and I have mine. You keep yours and I'll keep mine. It does and I don't. Even with the fact that they had satellite TV (the the inmates paid for).
So they still have not identified her body yet? That sounds ominous. Either they already know who did it and are gathering more evidence, or something really heinous has happened to this poor woman. I so feel for her family right now. :cry:
Imagine not seeing your loved ones for a whole year. Do you think that you could spend a year without hugging your child? People tend to think that prison's punishment is in it being a cesspool, some garbage pit where the trash is thrown. It's not. What makes prison a punishment is complete isolation from everything you hold near and dear. You might think you can do it, and maybe you can. But most here I doubt they could do it.
What other option do you have other than to "do it". It's even hard to commit suicide in prison. Are people probably going to suffer depression, or more mental problems. More than likely. Thousands upon thousands of people are "doing it" everyday. Some get worse in prison, some reform their lives. I wish there were more of the latter than the former.
I could not do it..be the first to admit it. When I took my daughter down to the Sheriffs Dept for a scare session.. I was terrified to let her go and she was terrified when she got out.Realized home and moms rules were not so bad.
Not as hard as you think (and not all suicides in prison get reported on TV. It happens more than you might know. Be that as it may, though. Like I said, you might be able to do it, and more power to you, but two posts after the one I'm responding to suggest that you are in the minority.
I know more about it than I want to know. Have a close relative who was a guard in Fla prisons til she retired last year. Her stories make me doubly glad I've never been to prison. :?
They found a body and they are awainting autopsy reports to idetify the body. Could possibly be her... :cry:
They know if it is her or not. A body doesnt decompose "that" quickly. Unless the noggin was removed, they know full well wether it is her.
No prison isn't a walk in the park, by no stretch of the imagination. With that same token I believe that it isn't by no means tough enough. Clif, what about those people who commit those heinous crimes and have no one near & dear to hug. I believe prison is a big whoop to them. All they have to do is wash a few sheets and they make enough money for that satellite you spoke of that they pay for. I don't think they need any money in prison to pay for that satellite. They need to work to pay the guards' salaries or the food that is fed to them or the sheets that they're sleeping on etc. The weight sets, the TV's, the games they play, all need to be sent to boy's and girls clubs or the like. All these perps need are books... and NO teachers to go along with those books. They should have kept their behinds on the straight and narrow so they can go to school on their own dime. Has anyone else gotten that email about the prison in Cook county Michigan or somewhere. I know it isn't true b/c I've gotten it twice and both times it said a different location. It looks like a prison. I would just love to know if it is a real one or not; because I wanna break a law or two there. It's NICE! :evil: