I'm sorry, I bow to your expertise on this matter. If you say it's acceptable to treat human beings worse than animals, I guess you know best.
Never said it was ok to treat inmates worse than animals, but having worked in the NCDOC as a prison guard, I can say that in MY opinion they are treated alot better and given alot more and have ALOT more liberty than they should. Craig
The news just said that they have identified the body and it is her. The Cary police cheif also said they think this is an isolated incident and they do not think it was random. In other words......... Also said they are watching the husband and have had a car parked outside of his house. In other words............ Yet they have no suspects. Right. I still just ache inside for those little girls. :cry:
I saw this tonight, they said they had police cars with all family members, but they also said they are searching the property with a warrent tonight! I so hope the dad wasn't involved for the sake of those little girls!
My little girls are the same age - I just can't imagine how much their little worlds are turned upsdie down. I mean seriously, kids at that age have a ahrd time when parents go on vacation without them - how do you explain death? It's so tragic, and so terribly sad. Which also brings up the whle Janet Abaroa case to me - I am ticked that nothing seems to me happening with that case. These young moms - I tell ya, it breaks my heart for their children not to have justice. (end rant)
I hope it's not the husband either, but as history has shown time and time again, it is usually the lover or the husband. It is such a disgrace and a waste of life. She was a mother and now 2 little girls have been robbed of their mother. With DNA technology today, these men (and women) that commit these heinous crimes are fools, the truth is almost always discovered!! We'll see what the police come up with, but folks don't be surprised if there is a press conference and the husband is formally named a suspect.:neutral:
That may well be your opinion, and you are entitled to it, no matter how wrong you are. However your experience as a prison guard gives you absolutely no insight into the feelings and opinions of those who don't get to go home after an eight hour shift of drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes and trying not to fall asleep. As I said earlier, spend some time as a convict and then drag your sorry butt in here and tell us how wonderful your stay was.
You know you Enlightened person and moan about being an inmate... guess you shouldn't have broke the law. I still have no pity for dumasses who break the law and get put in jail/prison/whatever. You included. Also, you are entitled to your right to coddle your fellow inmates, no matter how wrong you are.
Koo... he bitches and moans about everything. He's never treated fair no matter what he does, whether he's broke the law or abiding by the law. I still say he's a liar anyways, and who believes a liar?
That's because, in spite of what people who have never been inmates tell you, it was a bad experience. I am not proud of it, but I am not embarrassed by it either. You are absolutely right. If I could go back in time and stop myself from committing the crime, I would. But the past is the past. I have learned from my mistakes and will do everything in my power to not put myself in a position where I will go back. I am not looking for your pity. All I am doing is passing on my story in hopes that others who might think that a crime will land them a year or two in some hotel will understand that it's not the case. That prison is a bad place to be and anyone within earshot of my words shot strive not to do something that might land them there. Coddle? How is treating another human being as a human coddling?
the girls here watched, said there wasn't anything new....nothing thats not in the paper.....only thing new was that they got a warrant to search the house more in depth, where as before, they just did a quick search per the husbands permission.....
From wral.com: Police executed a search warrant Wednesday morning for the house and vehicles of a Cary woman found dead Monday evening. They also plan to obtain forensic evidence from the woman's husband, which could include DNA samples. Authorities have not named a suspect or person of interest in the case.
koo in red--> How is taking a TV away from an inmate not treating them human? How is taking a weight set away from an inmate not treating them human? How is making an inmate work for the food they will eat not treating them human? How is making an inmate work for the clothes they wear not treating them human? How is making an inmate clean their own bathroom, cell, lunchroom, and wherever else they live not treating them human? Damn, I'm being treated like an animal day in and day out. S of a B I'm abused!!