Missing Dog hwy 210 HELP!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by trident2, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    Could you set out the traps again? I didn't think of it before but did you put something in it that she would be familiar with like a favorite toy? I also would put a worn T-shirt or something similar with your scent in the trap.
  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Excellent idea and maybe her most favorite treats!
  3. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    We had two different people that set out traps for us. We have things in the area with our scent all over it in the area so we are hoping she is drawn to it. We are just hoping somebody sees her or she gets tired of running and just shows up at someones house thats seen our adds. This has been so stressful.
    Again, we sincerely appreciate the out pouring of support you all have given.

    Pet Perfection was clearly negligent in loosing our dog. This should NEVER have happened and we will NEVER deal with them again. Zoey was lost Sunday and they called us Monday morning stating they have done all they can/know to do.
    We hate this happened and we have learned a lot of lessons. A boarder should have their area/fence secure enough to insure this is not even a possibility. No excuses.

    With all of that said, we hope that Pet Perfection has also learned a lesson. We know if they could go back they would have made sure this didn't happen. Its possibly too late for our dog but maybe not too late for future customers. We sincerely hope they fix (or build a new fence) their fence (and checks it multiple times daily) so this type of situation NEVER happens again to anyone who intrust their pets with them. We truly wish them the best for their future business, theres folks there counting on their job. Sometimes it takes a crisis/mistake to become a better business. I don't doubt they love animals.

    As for us, if we can't board our dogs at Stage Road Animal Hospital (which is who we usually use but were booked), they will go to Carolina Ranch.

    I have nothing else to say about Pet Perfection but the above. We will not stop looking for our dog. Thanks again everyone. You have made this situation a lot easier for us to deal with.
  4. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    I have been following this from the get-go and trident2 I give you alot of credit for holding up the way you have. My heart breaks for your family. What a terrible way to try and enjoy a vacation also. I log on here alot just hoping I see the words FOUND and your beautiful ZOEYS picture. I pray you get Zoey back soon. Know we are all praying for you and your family and Zoey.
  5. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I agree with robbie - I log in every day in the hopes of seeing the good news 'found!!'. I've seen messages floating around on facebook, so the word is out and about ... you have more support than you even know. I had the morning off so was just over driving around the area and looking around. My dogs have been lost once (they were together) and while it was only for a few hours, my heart was breaking.

    Stay strong, and positive!!
  6. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Stay strong!! If needed I will come help look some more.. I am out of work till next Thursday. I know I would want people helping me if my Roxy went missing. I like the rest keep coping to get on and see she is found safely!! Like your daughter said.... "At least you can't say you didn't try!" But that still does not make it any easier. Just stay strong & keep looking. Maybe do a stakeout one night.
  7. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    I'm not making excuses for pet perfection but unfortunately things like this can happen anywhere, even at home.

    I encourage you to check out Bone Voyage for your future boarding needs. We've used them for around 6 years for boarding and daycare. I totally trust that they would do everything I would do for my dogs.

    BEEBSLY9 Active Member

    I have been following your search for Zoey and I keep hoping to see a happy ending. I also logged onto facebook and went to Pet Perfections page, and did not see any posts about Zoey, they could have at least attempted to spread the word and own up to their mistake. Thats a shame, praying for Zoeys return...your a lot stronger then me because I would have gone up there and it would not have been pleasant if they lost one of our babies!!
  9. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the kind words everyone. Its taken everything we have not to let our anger consume us.

    BEEBSLY9, we have had at least 100 people or more tell us the same thing.

    It does bother us that they didn't post on their Facebook, hasn't continued to look for our dog and hasn't called to see if theres anything they can do to help.
    They have called us once when someone called them with possible information.
    I'm sure they want this to go away ASAP.

    I know these things can happen anywhere even at home but it didn't happen from our home and it didn't happen on our watch. We do everything we can to take care of and protect our dogs. We feed them $60 a bag grain free food to giving them a teaspoon of fish oil a day for their coat, to bathing them with organic dog wash that we buy from Whole Foods, to cooking them grass finished steaks once a week. We love our pets. If this had been a child, bare minimum someone would have been charged with child endangerment, or worse.

    Thanks everyone so much!
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  10. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    We had a small black/white female take up at our house last weekend & I was hoping it was your dog but she was a jack russell, she ended up wondering off on Sunday but oddly enough we had 4 stray dogs show up at our house last weekend. All have found their way home & I will continue to be on the look out for yours. Sending prayers she is found!
  11. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for keeping an eye out for Zoey. We sincerely appreciate it.

    I would also like to publicly thank the owner of Bone Voyage for contacting us. She had a similar situation happen several years ago and has gone out of her way to insure something like what happened to Zoey won't happen to another pet in their care.

    They offered their staff to Pet Perfection to search for Zoey, called all types of agencies for our dog and offered themselves to us for any help they can give like many of you have. That speaks volumes to us about their business and character.

    Thanks again everyone. I am very thankful to live in an area where people still care about people. We will keep this post updated with any information we get.
  12. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Can we some how get everyone together tomorrow and walk the roads?? Just a thought.. I would be willing to come.. Who else?
  13. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I can't tomorrow but how about sometime next week?
  14. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Yeah.. Now I can't tomorrow, I got called to work till 2pm.. then I have a memorial service to go to... I can do any day Monday-Wednesday next week.
  15. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for your kindness a d willingness to help us. We and many more people have rode, walked, went through tobacco fields, etc and passed out fliers today.

    If I'm honest with myself, I fear the worse. I know there's a chance somebody has her but as much as we have all tried, the last lead was a few days ago. We are still holding on to hope that she's found.

    Not only was this one of the worse calls to get on a vacation, it was even worse to come home to. You all have made it easier to handle. I guess all I can do at this point is just hope somebody sees our flier, or this post and calls me or post here. We don't know what else to do. I really do appreciate all the support from you all. Thank you very much...

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I feel bad with these storms coming through. Is your little doggie afraid of them? Our cat is hiding out in the bathroom. I hope you find her soon.
  17. Tbo

    Tbo Active Member

    You may also want to try Wake Co Animal Shelter- Alot of people from this area take found dogs there because they feel they have a better chance at being adopted. Their phone: 919-212-7387
  18. Vanosa

    Vanosa Active Member

    Would you have enough fliers for others to display or pass out? I'd still like to post them at the entrances of the subdivisions around here (I live very near Lassiter & Hwy. 210). I could get some printed if need be- Thanks!
  19. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    every time i get a chance I check this site, with the hope that someone has found her.
    I have been drivng the area , but i haven't seen her. I hope and pray someone does. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  20. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    I do the same thing peppercorns is doing.....checking the site daily and looking for Zoey when I drive. I would be more than happy to help look for her if 4042ers wanna search together. I'd also put up flyers in my neighborhood.

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