work with JCAPL and just be clear that the new adopter needs to understand about the cat getting out, etc. Ask to stay involved with the adoption process and see it through to the end and then you'll be able to rest easy knowing she ended up in a good place.
Jennifer, Do get me wrong, I understand you situation with your cat not being a stray. I was commenting more in general. When I first brought my stray home I was criticized by some rescue group people for not forcing the cat to become an indoor cat. You are doing the right thing by looking at all the options and deciding what you feel is the best option for you and the cat. I know its a tough decision.
Well, I left a message for JCAPL's cat lady last week, and she hasn't called me back yet. So, I'm still feeding her, and giving her belly rubs on the back deck, but I still need to find her a safer, permenant home.
Spoke with Becky last night, and as soon as I can get a pic of Snuggles and a bio put together, we're going to list her on JCAPL's website. They can help me find placement that would allow her to be an indoor/outdoor kitty... However, she is going to continue to live under my deck until such time as we do find her a suitable home....
Update Here's Snuggles info on petfinder... Come on, doesn't someone want a new kitty??
Really cute kitty. Invisible fencing isn't only for dogs. They have cat collars as well, been told it works great. They also have systems for inside the home to keep indoor animals contained in certain areas within the house. Just a thought. Good luck on finding Snuggles a home.
This cat is precious and I would have the perfect place for her out here where we live now except someone left a cat here so we have claimed her. We have a barn and a big cotton field full of mice. The cats love laying out at the edge of the field. I really wished I could take her.
Thing 1 wants to know if your kitties will be there tonight. DON'T get any ideas. If that box is meowing, we're not opening it!!!
FYI- I will be surrendering Snuggles back to the JCAPL on Saturday unless anyone decides that they'd like to adopt her. She really is a wonderful cat, who is very loving and would make a great companion. I just can't accomodate her *outdoor* habit. Free to a good home if anyone is interested....
Bumping because... Snuggles still lives outside at our house. How she survived last winter, I have no idea. I feed her everyday. She'll come up on the back deck and love on me if I'm up there alone. She's been outside now for over a year. Someone please....don't you need a good barn kitty? Someone to control mice or snakes? (Cleo!!!)
Maybe you could contact Alley Cats & Angels? lol I changed my mind about getting a cat for the time being.