Most Wrong Gift

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Clif001, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Aww sweety don't be a hater! [​IMG]
  2. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    this thread sure went downhill fast. 8)
  3. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    A little ceramic bowl of seasonings... that had another person's name on it. Didn't know what to say, and then felt like an idiot because it was too hard to hide my confusion. :lol:
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    He better back off!
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine opened one of her presents at her wedding shower and it had a card inside where the person who gave it to her had received it as a gift at her wedding the week before!!! Tacky!
  6. seabee

    seabee Guest

    a majority head that route anyways.:lol:
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hey, we're just being honest!

    If I wore something like that my husband would have to roll me in flour and wait on me to poot to be able to find them!
  8. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    i was gonna post mine but i think you've got me beat. :mrgreen:
  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Oh my gosh, that is bad. My gift, from my cousin, had one of her friend's names on it. At least I knew it was a new gift, but I wasn't sure if I should tell her that I got the one with Cami's name on it or not. She may have gotten us the same thing and Cami got the one with my name on it, who knows. Anyway, it was a very awkward moment. :)
  10. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Oh come on girl. We're all friends up in here and there ain't no shyness. Show us what you got!
  11. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Michelle...............Oh my............LOL
  12. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    My dh brought me home a brand new top of the line (at the time) washer & dryer about 13 years ago. It really wasn't a bad gift since I needed it but being newly married I was a little insulted.

    All these years later I would be very grateful for the same gift!

    The worst gift I have received in recent years was a pant suit (I don't wear pant suits) that was about 2 sizes too large.
  13. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    I got a manicure set for little girls once from my brother-in-law. He said he always saw me doing my nails and thought it was nice to get. He was serious... LOLOLOL
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I wouldn't know where to begin! LOL

    Funniest was a set of bookends my SIL got me..............they were BOTH for the left side, not one for the right and one for the left. She was embarrassed, I laugh because obviously she didn't put much thought into that one!
  15. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I gave the wife a "Jack Rabbit" in her stocking when we were first married. That went over like a fart in church.
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    she was not appreciative? dang.
  17. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    That would be filed under "Most Wrong Gift Given".

    But, I did basically the same thing. A girlfriend who I hadn't been intimate with (at the time) and I were discussing what we wanted for Christmas. She said she wanted a "Jack Rabbit", and being the dutiful boyfriend, I complied and that's what she got (opened in private, of course). She wasn't embarrased, but she did inform me that she was only joking. Too bad real life doesn't come with smileys. :)
  18. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Wanna sell it?
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Control a Woman Remote Control: As seen on "The Stepford Wives"! Just aim this little beauty at the wifey, and she'll obey your every command. Honestly, nothing I can say about this product beats the actual marketing copy: "How many hours have you spent puzzling over the mystery of the wonder that is women? Now you need waste no more time understanding the strange phenomenon of the female species when you can control them, and all from the comfort of your arm chair. Such life essentials as beer, sex and food are all available at a touch of the button. Not forgetting the all important mute button, because if she looks good why ruin it with those pesky opinions. Our Control-a-woman is a truly life-enhancing gift, if only it worked. No batteries required -- powered by positive thinking!"

    Feeling left out, ladies? Never fear, the "Control Your Man" remote is here! This one stereotypes men and women with equal zeal, including buttons you can push to get your beloved to buy you things and tell you secrets, as well as controls that allow you to raise your man's maturity level and lower his ego.

    Boob Job piggy bank: Let the world know that you're saving your pennies for a brand-new pair of silicone jugs! This one gets extra "yuck" points for its website of origin -- an online store that specializes in girls' bedroom decor.

    Keyboard for Blondes: Still find "dumb blonde" jokes funny? Then this is the (fully functional!) keyboard for you ... or the stereotypical hot-but-stupid blonde in your life. Buttons labeled "Yes! I Want It!" and "WARNING! size XXL letters" replace complicated keys like "Enter" and "Caps Lock." One thing I find mysterious: What is it about the "Shift" keys that suggest the names, "Smart Blonde Button" and "Very Smart Blonde Button"? If even I, a brainy brunette, can't figure that out, then this keyboard's target audience may be in trouble.

    Weener Kleener Soap: It's round with a hole in the middle! Get it?

    From our friends at Axe: The spray-on deodorant that is supposed to double as a babe magnet but smells like a New Jersey night club at 2 a.m. is back with a pair of exciting, new products. The Axe Detailer, a loofa sandwiched between what appear to be two mini-tractor tires warns its wary, adolescent audience, "When girls check out guys, they notice every part." And then there's Axe Dark Temptation. This body spray works on the assumption that, since chicks dig chocolate, they'll be all over a dude who smells like it. Best of all is Dark Temptation's unfortunate mascot, a white guy who turns into chocolate (check out a TV ad here) after dousing himself with the spray. Because, uh, once you go "chocolate," you never go back...
  20. seabee

    seabee Guest

    been nice knowing you Frosty, you have heated it up today and now your melting, better find a freezer.

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