You just use regular gift cards for the music purchases, we got DS a mix stick mp3 a few years ago, and he got his music from WM with reg gift cards he got
No you didn't... Clif stated that the ipod worked no better than his 20$ model and you flat out told him he was wrong. Then he clarified, to which you responded with ^this^. I've reread the thread twice....
I know, you just got caught up in the agitator. My panties do that sometimes, in my regular washer though, not the 4042 one. :lol:
I guess it depends on the child. My 8yr old daughter has had her's for about a year now and there is not a scratch on it. I explained to her how expensive it was and that if anything were to happen to it, she would not get another. To protect it, she even has a little traveling case that she keeps it in. I would much rather spend money on good quality products, that she will get years of use out of, compared to the junk that we usually weigh her down with (Barbies, Littlest pet shop, Dora, etc.). But hey, she has had her own laptop since she was seven. I guess I'm hoping that with all of this technology, she will one day have more "sense" than me.
It does, and my son is a scatterbrain when it comes to emptying his pockets before he washes his clothes. But I'm not complaining, I made 4 bucks last week just for throwing his stuff in the dryer. :lol:
well now it's moms responsibility to make sure what goes in the washer is washable... I mean what else is there for you moms to do? :jester: J/K
The main reason to buy an iPod over the no name brand is by buying a video iPod. You can download TV show, movies, videos blah blah blah. I don't think the Kohl's one will do that. It might but I don't think so. I had an iPod Touch. It's iPhone without the phone or camera. It was cool but I have satellite radio. Overkill, so I sold it.
If you want to discuss video iPods, we can do that too. But we were discussing regular iPods (the video iPods aren't the $129 model). You certainly can't get a video MP3 player for $20 at Khol's, or anywhere else. But then you can't get a video iPod for $120 either.
In my own terms an ipod is an a it the shuffle or the touch. I don't recall in the original post that there was a distinction as to a plain music only ipod/mp3 player versus a video ipod/mp3 player. And is I was going to purchase one for my personal use it would definately be a video version, as I point blank would rather have the option of having video as well as music than just the music. Craig
The right hand column of this site on Amazon has access to 100's of free songs, a lot of them from compilation albums, featured today is a free tune from the Firemen (Paul McCartney) that I heard featured on NPR earlier today.