Wasn't someone looking for a decent player? I bought this for DD #1 on Black Friday. http://bfads.net/2GB-MP3-Digital-AudioVideo-Player-at-Kohls I have since decided to give her something different. So.....if anyone wants it, I paid $30 for it, and you can have it for that. Otherwise I'll just take it back to Kohl's.
We decided to give my oldest his mp3 player for his bday this past weekend, and he loves it! It was the one that CVS has had on sale for $25 the last couple weeks (with the video screen). I was afraid it wouldn't be any good at that price, but it's perfect for him. He's got 50 songs on it so far that we've downloaded from our cds, which comes out to 4 hours, and it says it holds up to 32 hours, so that's a lot of songs! One question though: I bought him a walmart gift card for 15 songs, and I cannot get the thing to work. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not. I go to the website on the back of the card, enter the number, and it says "you are entitled to 15 songs for free" and it explains that when I buy a song, it will list it at $0.00. So I go to the website, pick out songs, they're listed as $0.00, but when I checkout, it says my card is not valid. But over in the side box it says I have a 15 song credit until 2030. Has this happened to anyone before? I've tried a million times, and it keeps doing it!
Our family has had iPods since they first came out. My teen now has the video one but does not use the video portion like she should. My iPod has over 3,000 songs on it and I just love it. I don't use iTunes but the teen does. I think Real Player is easier to use when transferring my data. The teen now has teachers who Post links to Podcasts so they can listen to a book being read or explanations on certain subjects. She takes advantage of the Podcasts but I still contend that reading must be done as well. To me it is cheaper for the teen to have an iPod because she doesn't need a stereo system, like I did at that age. She can charge her iPod up on a charger that is a stereo as well, but smaller. Problems with the iPod are many. They freeze up, which means a person has to reset the iPod. Be careful resetting it because you can lose your music. I purchased a piece of software and hardware that captures the data so that we do not lose any data. The screen has been known to crack so make sure to buy insurance. The environment does matter. If one uses the iPod in the cold weather the battery life is lower. If one uses the iPod around an indoor swimming pool the battery life is lower. We love them. We use them in the cars instead of the radio if traveling a good distance. They are portable so if people visit and one wants music outside just bring out the iPod and stereo charger and party on. We tried some other MP3 players and they just could not handle the file size, heavy usage or simplicity of the iPod. Our opinion and good luck, Sherry
It depends on the formatting of the song. One can use it but must change the song's format, which can be done. I have software that helps with this process and if you need to use it I will close my eyes and let you (don't want to break any laws). I think the license is for three users and since you are a sista you will fit right in on that agreement. It is an easy process and can be done in mass with this software. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071219103959AAFvFj3 Sherry
DMJmom, In response to your question...that is just one reason I prefer Real Player instead of iTunes. My teen only uses iTunes but she does not understand the formatting problem and all. You might try hooking your iPod up to your computer, canceling out opening iTunes and open Real Player. In Real Player click on add to Library. Let the program run and it will kick out the songs that are not formatted correctly for an MP3 player. This will not mess up iTunes or your iPod, just make sure you have enough space on your hard drive. Real Player will list the songs that are not compatible and will ask if you want to reformat those. Of course, you will click on Yes or OK (this will not mess up anything) and see if it will convert those for you. Real Player will also show you, when going through the library, in a column to to the left of the song if the song has the correct format. You can sort those and just work on the ones that need a new format for any MP3 player. PM me and I can walk you through it. It really sounds like it takes longer than it actually does. Sherry
I am still working on transferring my old albums onto CDs. Once I have mine done a bunch of my neighbors want to do it. Guess I am the guinea pig. Sherry
Have you created an account login and password? once you have done that, you can validate/register your gift card. once that has been done, you should see a credit of the dollar amount of the registered gift card in the top right hand corner of the MP3 downloads page.
Kell, In doing the above does it automatically format for MP3 players? This would be new to us. Of course, we started doing this a while back and I have not checked the site for new items. Thanks, Sherry
Kell - to be honest, my husband was the one that started messing around with it, then gave up and handed it over to me to figure out (I am not bright when it comes to technology, and I'll admit it!) So I don't know if he did things in the right order. But we do have an account set up, and it will have my name in the upper right hand corner, that much I remember. I do not remember seeing the credit amt on the top with it though. It says in a box to the right of our chosen songs something like "DC-2 of 15 credits expires December 2030". Or something like that, the 2 would be the number of songs we have in our cart, the 15 is the number of songs we have coming to us. So it must know we have the card with the 15 songs, but it won't let us buy them, I keep getting this same stupid error message!! :banghead: My poor son is being so patient, he just keeps listening to his same songs over and over, but he wants others that we just don't have on cds.
in the 'search' area of the tunes store, when you type in a song title, what comes up? do you not see the song searched for and a button to 'buy' with the price?
Yes, I find the song, add it to my cart and it says $0.00, which is what it says will happen when I activate the card online. It's supposed to do that for 15 songs, since that's what I bought, then after that it will charge .94 I think. I can do everything up to the point of checkout, then I get an error message. Have you bought songs from Walmart before, I'm assuming you have?
I have bought many many songs, but it shows my credit at the top, say if the gift card was $25, and when I put it in, it shows the $25.00 at the top, then as I buy songs, it decreases. So in other words, it should not have $0 it should show the dollar amount of your card.