He is interested. What is a good day and time to bring him up there. He said he would be interested in possibly staying on and learning with you. We need to talk about the cost of classes and such. He thought the board breaking video was pretty cool. "I would not want to mess with that guy", was his comment.:jester:
OMG....i am sorry your son went threw this! i hope he will enjoy the karate classes and they will help him heal. those bas-My Friend will get theirs!
He will be OK. One thing I can say is he one tough kid, especially going through this crap and still able to laugh and kid around with me. Either he hides it well or he is trying to let it slide as quickly as possible. He is a good kid and is very responsible (for a teenager, that is :jester.
keep a close eye on him.....teens like for us to think they are tough but are so tender. gawd....are ya'll sleeping? i would be a wreck!
We do keep a close eye on him as much as possible. Of course, he thinks we are too protective :roll: but what else do you expect out of a teenager, right? Things are definitely different from when I was a kid his age. We are sleeping fine. Maybe a bit more "lightly", but fine. Can't let fear control our lives. I have the faith that these guys will be (they might already be) caught and dealt with properly. Faith and fear can't live in the same body or in the same house.
I would say monday-wednsday-sat teen adult classes anytime, but we mostly spar on sats, that is good too though, Don't worry about cost for now, see how he feels in a month or so, if he is still into it we can go from there. but as my guys know, I'm about teaching, not business. so let's focus on getting him on his feet, after that whatever happens is all good. If you need to know, I charge a flat fee of 80 per month, no contract, per month only. hope to see you soon. b:hurray:
well put.....my mother tries to tell me this all the time. i worry....thats what i do. wonder.....have you been told if the car chase and arrest of the 4 guys the other day are related to what happened to your son?
Very scary - I hate that your son and your family are having to deal with this crap - I've not read through all the posts so don't know if someone already suggested this -- since the scum bags said they knew all this info about your son, why not try to talk to someone at the school to see if there is a student that attends there whose name is Kevin Morris.
We called the school the day after it happened because he went to school that day (I let him lay out on Friday) and told the principal about it. She contacted the JOCO Sheriff that is on duty at the school and he called my wife back letting her know that that person was not registered at WJHS and that he would keep a close eye on him for us. Still nothing if they have been caught or not but I am giving it a week before one of these bozos start bragging to a few "buddies" and someone overhears(sp) and turns them in. These idiots are not smart enough to hide for long. I have plenty of friends looking for them. They can't hide forever.
We live on Indian Camp road and I see a bunch of "undesirables" around the Cleveland area all the time. I had my car broken into and My neighbor across the street had his work truck broken into so I try to keep an eye out for people that don't look familiar or just don't belong in our neighborhood. I am sorry to hear about you son and I hope that they catch the scumbags who did this. I also hope that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! I think that anyone that victimizes someone for their own personal gain should be strung up and flogged.
Amazing...... It is hard to believe this kind of thing is starting to happen in our area. We will pray for your teen. A real shame when this kind of crime starts hitting so close to home. I remember 25 years ago when the worst thing that ever happened around the Cleveland area was kids throwing dirt clods at each other. One thing I can tell you, according to Scripture.....those that live by the sword will die by it........In my humble opinion, those that rob and hurt at the point of a gun will die by that same law of justice if they do not change their ways. Hang in there! SAL