My poor doggie....

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by MommySAIDno, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member


    Well, I called my vet and asked about using the heartgard and the doxycycline for a few months. I asked if I could email the link Ready gave here and have them take a look.

    I only talked to the receptionist and I'm not sure she really understood what I was saying. She kindof seemed like she didn't want to be bothered with some lady who dared to suggest another approach to the problem. Maybe I misread her. :?

    She put me on hold and went to find out if they have an email address. Came back and said the vet had told me how they treat heartworms on my visit when the test came up positive. I told her I understood that (I was careful to be VERY nice so as not to put anyone on the defensive to start with) but that I had read of a fairly new approach and I'd just like to speak with the vet about trying it out.

    She said she would just take a message and the vet would call me later. Also, I got the email address from her and I have emailed a link to the article Ready listed and asked if they will consider trying the heartgard and doxycyline for the next few months, after which, I will have Jake tested again and if the HW are still present, I will go ahead with the other treatment. I just figure it's worth a try and I've had many with regular experience in the vet field tell me it IS worth a try now. They already told me they never treat their way in the summer months because it's just too hard on the dog. So, clearly, they have to put off treatment for a few months for some dogs anyway. Why not TRY this method in the intirem. What would it hurt?

    I'm feeling like the vet may not appreciate my asking them to consider this. When the receptionist came back to the phone and told me the vet had already told me how they treat HW, she also told me that they would be happy to fwd Jake's records if I want them too. :? I took that to mean that if he tested positive for HW, they refuse to prescribe Heartgard at all. Where will I get Heartgard without a prescription, or the doxycycline as well. I usually order from 1800petmeds but they still need a prescription. I guess I will have to go to a different vet if they refuse and that really frustrates me because that means hauling Jake to a new place (he hates to ride) and paying another initial vet visit fee.

    Guess I will see how it goes :?

    Any thoughts, suggestions??
  2. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Going back throught this thread trying to rethink everything...I saw this post again. I'm hoping you are right in this case too ZOO. It just didn't feel that way when I called :? :-(
  3. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    There are options for getting the active ingredient in Heartgard (ivermectin) without a prescription. If the vet you are dealing with is too busy to discuss your dog's care I would suggest shopping around.--Rachael
  4. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Well, I may have to do just that. Looks like my email to the vet was rejected due to "extended inactivity on the email account", it said.

    What are the other options you speak of?
  5. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    We had the same situation in FL in the mid 90's. Had a dapple daschund who had heart worms. We were told the arsenic would either kill the heartworms or kill the dog. We went for the treatment and she lived for 7 more years, happy and healthy.
  6. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I know you can purchase ivermectin (Ivomec) from Tractor Supply. Speak with you Vet about it and see what he thinks. We used that growing up on a farm for all our animals if they got heart worms and as preventative. You definitely need to call the Vet and talk about the appropriate dosage for a dog depending on the strength of the Ivomec, since it's strength is for live stock.

    Here's a link I found about a Dog rescue that uses it to treat rescues that have heart worms.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  7. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Thanks SB, LOVE that link, very informative on the HW treatment, plus, it is such an interesting rescue group what with the sledrides, etc. And in South Carolina of all places. My DD has a fascination with Huskies. Might have to visit there sometime.

    Great, so I can get the ivermectin without a presc. and now I have a guideline on how to administer it. Any thoughts on where I might get the doxycycline as well. I guess I can check the Tractor Supply for that as well. Anyone ever use doxycycline?
  8. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    Try a fish labeled antibiotic. Same thing.
  9. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    Great Vet

    Call Dr Regina of Purr and Bark Mobile 919-676-9293

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