I think the majority of people would deny care for YOU over an innocent companion animal. I'm outta here, gotta work for a living.
Ok all of you are taking this the wrong way. I was just wanting to inform everyone who CARES about how these poor animals are getting killed! They did not ask to be put in the gas chamber! It was the lack of their human owner for not having them fixed. Laws make it too hard to adopt a pet. You can go adopt a child faster then you could a pet! This is the #1 thing that makes me feel the way I do as for this law. As for killing the animals, NO there is no RIGHT way, just an easier way then them having to gasp for air and fight each other! Also there is no rule on double posting so Sorry!
Ok so everyone has their own out look on this subject and thats fine. It's just like a @$$hole everyone has one. But I just wanted to post this so people would know. I seen it posted on Craigslist and thought I would pass it on. As for the animals and how they die, No I have not seen it with me own 2 eyes just clips online and what others have said happens. So sorry for the mixed info. I hated I let loose a mound of Fire Ants with this forum. But then again I'm not. But like I said before I just thought I would pass the info on to people would like to come.