And the most obnoxious people are the ones who base being a fan on being alumni...........and the ones who speak on things they know nothing about. Mike I AM the biggest Cowboys fan on this board. I was with them during the Staubach era, Danny White, Aikman and now Romo. So take your opinion and shove it. Don't question my love for my sports teams. And its not my fault NCSU will never EVER have the athletic department that UNC does. And most of all, GoWulfpack knew I was jerking their chain. At least I put it out there who my teams are. Have you the balls to?
I give more money to The Wolfpack Club in a year than most UNC non alums make in a quarter. Because I have a vested interest, I consider myself more of a fan than someone that couldn't find Chapel Hill on a map of Orange County. Particularly when you consider my ROI is doing as about as well as my 401K. Having said that, I long for the day when people who didn't attend NCSU choose them as "their team" in like numbers as those who adopt "Kerliner." When I was a kid, everyone in NC liked either NCSU or UNC. Now it seems Dook has taken our place thanks to Coach K's hoop program taking off and ours being average at best. Oh well.
I'm glad we have the hatred of Duke in common. And I was all worked up last night too, so I'm sorry for the overkill. I'm sure NCSU will regain their mojo and beat the Heels in football on Nov. 22. Will Lowe have the boys in better shape this year than last at least?
No sweat about last night. I don't see us beating UNC this year in football. We are banged up and playing freshmen and walk-ons. We have some talent redshirting and the kids getting experience now bodes well for the future, which has me encouraged as badly as I want to win now. Lowe's recruiting gets better with every year so we'll see. I think '09 will be a good year but I don't expect much this year. Both programs are having to rebuild and implement a new style of play.
Your abomination of the English language amazes me more and more with every post. I bet all you Wolfcrack fans appreciate Caulton Tudor for putting the jinx on UNC football with his 11-1 prediction, huh?
Blah, blah, liberal, blah, blah, liberal, blah. I'm no liberal my man. No earrings, no long hair, no butt plugs, no Obama sticker, actually no bumper stickers at all, but I do drive a Toyota. Avert the issue, which is collegiate sports. Keep up with the "liberal" talk and the "I didn't attend UNC" crap. I'll continue to cheer on the team that I grew up loving. You remember that don't you? Not having to have a reason to be the State fan that you are because you just were one? All State fans go to the two things you've mentioned because they have no argument about the actual play on the field, court or what have you. If State beats UNC this year in football it'll not be a biggie. It's just a game. If they pull it out of their 12th place butt and win against the Heels in basketball this coming season again, it's just a game to Heels fans but it's as good as a ACC Championship to a State fan. I will say this for Duke and Carolina together as it pertains to men's basketball. They're goals year end and out is to when National Championships. NC State's goals are to win against Duke and Carolina.
Ever heard the definition of a fair weather fan? If State beats UNC this year in football it'll not be a biggie. It's just a game. It's called building in an excuse before you even play and pretending you don't care. I'll add that to Webster for ya, tarhole. Seems to me like you care an iddy biddy bit or you wouldn't have gone postal on the response. we do care as State fans. And we'll be there win, lose, or draw. You guys might decide to show up if you decide to win, and haven't already made an excuse why you don't care. UNC fans will never have that level of support. never.
I'm trying to give State fans SOME hope. Lord knows you need it. OK, here goes.........State has no shot of beating UNC in football on Nov. 22. None. If Carolina's bus wrecks on the way over to the RBC, THEN you may have a shot of winning in basketball. State fan's whine like no other. They had a great coack in Sendek and they kicked his butt to the curb because didn't take the UNC rivalry serious enough for the Wolfpack club. Then they went a gave State a parade for beating ND in the Gator Bowl and finishing fourth in football during "Jesus" Rivers era. State fans hate not being included in the basketball elite as the Heels and Devils. You guys REALLY hate that and I really love it that. :lol:
Those winning years are in the "go" category lately huh? But at least your football team's fieldhouse was built one story higher that UNC's back during the redo huh? Coincidence? I don't think so. And again you avoid the actual play on the field and or court.
As far as being a fan......... I spent two years living on campus at NCSU, four years getting an undergraduate degree, and 2 years getting a master's. I've had season football tickets since '99 and life time rights since '02. With that level of dedication, it is impossible for me to see eye to eye with a fan whose sole purpose of supporting a team is "they win" or "my daddy and uncle Jimmy pull for them and I grew up in UNC diapers." As far as football.......... You do realize UNC has out gained 1 opponent all year. That was in a loss to Virginia Tech. They have had less yardage than Rutgers, UCONN, Miami, and MCNEESE STATE. If they stop getting the breaks (turnovers, blocked punts, dropped game winning pass in the endzone etc.) that allow you to overcome having the weaker team they could lose to everyone else on their schedule. But to hear the UNC "faithful" (and liberal media) describe them you would think they are the next Southern Cal. As far as our stadium........ Not only is it "one story higher," but at least you can watch a game without the lights going out or a chunk of concrete landing on your head. Guess when you give your coach a fat raise after winning 4 games (one of which a nail biter over Duke) you can't afford the light bill. As far as Chapel Hill....... It is well known that the place is crawling with beliefs matched only by San Francisco. As Jesse Helms once said when discussing construction of a zoo in NC, "they should just build a fence around Chapel Hill." If folks have strong liberal beliefs - that's fine. This is America! But for you to rant on and on about how you are no "hippy" or "Obama Supporter" then support UNC - just shows how little you know about the "institution" you "support." Take a trip to Chapel Hill, rub elbows with those SOB's, march down Franklin St boycotting something this country and state stand for. If you are "no hippy" as you say - it'll make you sick. But hey if the closest you ever come to UNC is the sporting apparel aisle at Wal-Mart and a bunch of brain dead rednecks like yourself - none of which have ever stepped on campus- I can see how you might not see the light. Just know what you are supporting.
As I thought, you have nothing to say regarding the thread All those degrees won't make NC State win total anymore than it is. So you attended there.....big whoop. I and my family attended other institutions and are still Carolina fans. I know exactly what UNC and Chapel Hill are. You basically equate their political leanings to what is played on the courts and fields. I don't. The same way I don't base what music I listen to based on people's sexual orientations. The whole Wal-Mart thing really is over done too by the way. I don't live in a trailer and have all my teeth as well. I don't go to family reunions to meet women and I don't put my shoes on to go use the bathroom. Save it. I'm a Carolina fan. So what?
Was this your opinion last year also? I believe the last time the Pack played tar heels in football: Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007 - N.C. State 31, UNC 27 The 2008 game is not over until the fat lady sings.
biguncfan represents everything NCSU fans hate about UNC fans This whole thread started because of a UNC fan taking a dig at NCSU. It wasn't provoked. UNC is better than State most years. We get it. No reason to be an ******* about it. Especially when you aren't an alum. Speaking of academics, where did you attend college biguncfan?
1. Sendek left and was never fired. 2. Sendek went to 1 sweet 16 in 10 years. 3. No ACC championships in 10 years. 4. The City of Raleigh gave NCSU a parade for winning a school record 11 wins and finishing 11th after winning a NY day bowl. NCSU has two national titles and 10 ACC titles. We arent Dook or UNC but we have a great tradition, 3rd best in the ACC, and deserved better than what Sendek delivered. There's no wonder UNC fans loved him, he sucked.
JCC. I didn't need anything more than that for my profession. Go ahead and bash away. I could have avoided all this and lied about being a UNC alum. And no I will not say what I do as it would be compromising for my profession. I'm not being an arsehole about it. It's part of the good fun between the fanatics of the area schools. Fanatics not alumni. State fans are just different. Most, not all, but most take UNC fans WAY to serious. So they automatically go for the "wal-mart' crap. State is just down right now in b-ball. So I poke fun? Big deal. You guys certainly remember the Doherty, 8-20 year. As for football, UNC has been the "poops" for a LONG time. They've matched last year's win total already. And Caulton Tudor just jinxed them anyways today in the paper. It's just poking fun geez. I've worked security at the RBC back in the day for NCSU b-ball. The students around the court are over the top. BTW, Gale Force Holdings despises having to take the extra time to put up those platforms for the students. But that's part of the deal with the building that they have to keep up that Reynold's tradition around the court. P.S. I felt safer as a Cowboys fan in DC at a Monday night game than I did as a Heels fan at a State event back in the day.