Near Lowes Food on Rt 42 and 50

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rhw7879, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Want to place money on it? :mrgreen:

    Hint - I never gamble
  2. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    Home Depot...Lowes... It's all the same. I don't gamble either.
  3. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I agree - I never buy Gap - but my dd loves Old Navy. Can't remember if they said they were going to close the stores - or just not open anymore new ones? I hope they'll at least keep what they have.
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Originally the old men who spend their mornings over at Bojangles were talking about it, and they had mentioned it being a Home Depot. But a few months ago, someone made a post and had a link to permits or an article, and it did say that it was going to be a Lowes.
  6. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  7. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

  8. JoCOminitrucker

    JoCOminitrucker Well-Known Member


    If all these stores are actually being developed or in the planning stages then this whole area has to be looking like a fat juicy steak to the town of Clayton soon.
  9. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Most of what they were talking about (Lowes /Home Depot & Target) are in Clayton already. Behind the Bojangles on 70 @ Shotwell (?). Isn't that right? Not near 40/42?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  10. JoCOminitrucker

    JoCOminitrucker Well-Known Member

    oh, I though they were referring to the bojangles at 40/42. my bad yo! lol:jester:
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I like that idea. Earn greenpoints for gas! Heck yeah!
  12. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Speaking of gas, my father in law said that if you get gas at the K Mart on 401 in Garner, and use your Sears/K Mart card you get an extra .05 off per gallon. I had not tried that myself yet.

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