has nothing to do with being jealous! i want her to spend time with him and get to know him of course. dont say that BOTH of you will come over to our house to cook out and not let me know anything and then make other plans!! hello....common courtesy!! i have been there for her through rough times, if i call her upset and need some support then i friggin expect that support to be there not just be blown off b/c you cant find your head since it is so far up there!
SS, if you hadn't made it abundantly clear on here that you're into girls, I would beat the farm that you were a female yourself by the way your whole conversation just went on this very thread. :lol::lol::lol: When the newness wears off she'll come back; if she doesn't then was she a friend to start with? People shouldn't blow people off period. It's just down right rude, whoever you are and however you slice it.
I agree with SS to extent. It's a new relationship and the "newness" will wear off and she will then start to make time for her friends / other couples. I've seen this time and time again. If you cannot friend GIRL time then make COUPLE time. If she makes plans and does not keep them this is just a statement of the PERSON she is regardless of her relationship status. JMHO
IMO, if she made plans to come to your house for this or that and you were expecting her and she was a no show, no call. YES!!! RUDE and INCONSIDERATE!!! If she has a new boyfriend and is blowing you off by never calling or making plans, hang in there, as a true friend she will be back when the "newness" wears off and she needs a girlfriend to vent to!!
OK my take, it sounds like Crazyfab's friend is not your typical "fair weather friend" but somebody who has gone through some difficult times lately and has a new man to boot. Perhaps she is just not thinking clearly at all right now. Yes, when you meet somebody new there is a certain level of infatuation and wanting to spend the majority of your time with them. *However*, losing yourself in them and neglecting other friends, family, and responsibilites is a sign of an unhealthy person to begin with - and yes she will need a soft spot to land when her head is clear again or her heart is broken, crazyfab. And SS... I thought we had you on the calendar for just the other week. I am having a tough time keeping up with your cycle. Maybe you just need to get your levels checked overall.
I think it IS rude to blow someone off or not show, despite the relationship situation. This is probably my biggest pet peeve. I cannot STAND when someone makes plans with me and then doesn't show/call, nothing. I do understand SS's point of view about the new relationship being the most important thing in a person's life, but don't make the plans if you can't keep them. I, too, have been there, done that, and have the t-shirt to prove it. And I am always there to pick up the pieces.
You just have to face it that some people are "one way". I have a friend like that. She only calls if she has a problem. We make plans to meet and she doesn't show which is very uncool in my opinion. She has been like this for years and I doubt she will ever change. My solution, find new friends. Someone else may turn out to be your best friend and confidante.