New Store Opening at White Oak

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KellBell, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I used one--actually two--just to be sure! It was positive and I now have a 6 year old to confirm the accuracy!
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I'll chime in on this one...

    Back in the day, when DH and I were trying to get pregnant, buying dollar store pregnancy tests made a helluva lot more sense than paying $10 each for them.

    And yes, they work!
  3. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I find the pregnancy test curious.

    When you read the instructions it says:

    If it shows positive, see your doctor to confirm.

    If it shows negative, see your doctor to confirm (and find out why you missed your monthly visitor).

    Either way, you still need to see a doctor who will do their own test. So why waste money on the home version?
  4. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    so you'll confirm your doctors appointment. duh!
  5. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    That's awesome!
  6. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    For real! I think back when I had my second daughter, I paid $15 or more for the "digital" reading. :lol: So I could see a "yes" or "no." Waste of money...but fun!
  7. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Who would have thunk that peeing on a stick would be considered fun.....LOL
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    That depends on what you want the results to be. :jester:
  9. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Well, the digital reading was fun when it said yes. :lol:
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Well I have found that peeing on a lot of things is fun . . . well with the exception of that electrified thing back when I was 12.
  11. gdogg79

    gdogg79 Well-Known Member

    Same here!
  12. old school

    old school Well-Known Member

    big whoop indeed, yet you thought it was worth a new thread. Seems kinda of dense.
  13. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Yet, you felt the need to post a dense 1:43am. Were ya drunk or just bored?
  14. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    yes I did start a new thread buttlick, because I know these folks around here enjoy the information about new stores in the area. :rolleyes:
  15. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    This is true. Even if we don't like the store, or care if we ever go there (I will! Fun times! ;) ) we like to know what's a-comin'!
  16. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

  17. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    Five Below opens on November 4th.
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest


    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the information. It isn't just about the store opening, but a possible job opening for someone too.
  20. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    I had a great time shopping at the Cary store for stocking stuffers last year! They had the eraser shapes that my kids were crazy about as well as some great board games and crafts. Store may not be for everyone but I had fun and welcome the chance to shop closer to home.:hurray:

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