New Superintendent named

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dephygravitee, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    Well Lil Bratz I will have to say you are one of the few calls that Mrs. Honeycutt and her staff actually returns. I am not the only one. I have a friend who called and emailed several times last year and never got a return call or email. I know they are busy but if it is important enough for the part of a high schooler to address it should be important enough for the principals to address.
  2. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I too have friends who've said she doesn't return calls. I personally have no dealings w/ her in particuliar. Oh wait, is this the same lady that used to be at Cleveland Elementary? If it is, then she accused me of something unspeakable.

    And when I talk to folks or write them, I always give them at least a week to respond b/c I do know they are busy. But, if you come to me w/ a serious situation, address it right then and there. I even had an experience where a middle school principal did NOT take my call and then the secretary told me she wasn't there. Umm...put the phone on hold BEFORE you decide to have a discussion about me while I'm on the other line. I know there is good and bad everywhere. But when you consistently demonstrate the bad, you are going to get people who feel the same about you. I've had 10 years of trying to deal w/ the school systems here. Each year I say "w/ everyday there is fresh hope." And every single year I'm let down again and again. Right now I'm involved in a crazy process for one of my children. Doctors & therapists that the child sees still can not believe it is happening. I've had someone at central office just look at one of my kids and then say, "she'll never pass a second grade level." She was in K at the time. She is at home w/ me now and I'm teaching her at around a 6th grade level. Ha! shows you what they know at central office. Some of my kids have lost YEARS of learning due to the inefficiency at central office. Most of my stuff is documented and I have even been approached by lawyers. I chose not to go that route and hope that things will get better. Well, after almost 10 years and now Croom being in charge, I highly doubt it will happen. Again, just MY two cents, based on MY experiences w/ MY children. Everyone has a different perspective. This is just mine. Good luck to you all w/ schooing. Again, I have to state, it is NOT the teachers at JCPS that I am unhappy w/. IT is the administration of it all and lack of common sense in regards to rules.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    So are your thoughts that Ed will do a good job? What a tough position to fill and be in. Would not want it for anything because of the demands. While I have had my disagreements with our school system I think overall they are great. Each and every one of them is making a difference. Now, in saying "a difference", don't get me wrong...not all make a good difference.

    We feel lucky to be in this school system and hope that we have a smooth transition from one Superintendent to another.

    Good wishes,
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Hey Sherry,
    I think it will be a wait and see thing. I have not gotten info on Dr. C yet. There are a few families that I have spoken with in the LOVE him, sun, moon, stars, he's the best ever, camp.


    I am still shocked at how QUICKLY he was named & that the powers that be did not go outside of JOCO for a new Chief.


    Did you see the headline of this week's Herald --$$$--- how the School Bd needed more $$$ for the in-progess new Cleveland HS & other building plans.

    I smell another BOND VOTE... just around the corner.
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I, too, am shocked at how quickly they arrived at this decision and wonder what the thought process was. I do believe if a person is qualified that they should be promoted within any organization but most places take longer to evaluate all candidates.

    Time will tell and I wish him all the luck and support.

    Your nose and mine must be smelling the same thing. How funny!

  6. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    A lot of teachers are very excited about this move. He should be very good for the studetents and the school district.:popcorn::)
  7. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    That is true! I can vouch for that!:lol:
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Well, it is a good sign when teachers are excited.

    Thanks so much,
  9. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    I don't understand how u all can be shocked about how fast he was named.....Dr. Croom was actually looked over when Dr. Parker came into position. Dr. Croom had more of an understanding even at that time about this county school system. The board did not at that time want to put someone from in the school system in that position.

    I think it is great that he will be new super & he has a great new board to deal with. Hopefully no back door or underhanded things to go on like with the last of the few board members -who are now gone. We will only see from 3/1/09 on out over 3.5 years.

    as for a new bond YES they are going to ask for another one. They will not get my vote no way no how. This county has not even paid back the other three. If they would make the schools larger-I know what they have to do to get this done & they need to & use the land more wisely then maybe we would not be in this position. Over & over again the population will come to a standstill. Then the schools will not be used & then they close them. My opinion that is all & went through this growing up on LI. Same thing happening here.
  10. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    I understand they are busy as well. I have yet to have a problem with WJHS. I will say differently about certain elementary schools & a certain middle school. In those cases I would have to wait for hell to freeze b4 I ever got a call back from the elementary & middle school. That ticks me off. I can not speak for anyone else involved with WJHS as in a parent or staff member. All I know is that every phone call I have made to anyone there I have gotten a response back within 24 hours. I can't speak for what happened to you & or what your circumstances were. I can say also that in every instance that a call was made & returned the situation was handled ASAP. I am sorry for whatever your situation was & or your friends. I will be sure to monitor the progress as well & will post if in fact I am put in your postion & then as I did with the elementary & middle I make a phone call to my friend in the media who calls & questions & that is how I got responses back from elementary & middle. So maybe i am marked-so to speak. Better to get the answer via school ASAP instead of the 5pm news
  11. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    There will be two bonds. Please consider voting for the bond that will build a school to split West Clayton. We have 1000 students and have no room for any more trailers. Since we cannot add classrooms, the class sizes are getting larger and larger. When Powhatan was built, no students from WCES were placed in that attendance area.
  12. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    Now that explains why out of 2500 students you are the only parent I have come into contact with that has had a pleasant expreince with the adminstration at West Johnston. It shouldn't be that way. They should make every effort to return calls and emails of all concerned parents not just the ones with media connections.
  13. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Right now I will also be VOTING NO on any Bond plans.

    We do have a child in the JoCo schools and we do pay TAXES.

    Sheeeze---$$$$$$$$$ they want more $$$$$$$ sheeeze.

    As my Granny would say "Plan for war in time of peace"

    Voters beware.
  14. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    Ok I really don't want to get slammed here and I am probably just not informed correctly. I was told that Johnston County would continue to have bonds every two to three years. They only borrowed enough money to complete what they could in that time frame. This meant more smaller bonds. It seems like a good way to do things rather than having debt on money that won't be used for five years. In theory that seems fiscally responsible. I was also told that borrowing that way kept our bond rating higher. Also-do we see tax increased with each bond. I don't recall a property tax increase since around 2002. I have my own set of issues with Johnston County schools and am very glad Parker is gone/going. I guess I just don't really understand how bonds effect taxes other than it is debt the county owes.
  15. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Do we have a vote coming up soon for Bonds, again?

  16. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

  17. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Thank you. Not sure how I missed that in the paper.

  18. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I'll post when a date is set for the School Bond vote.
  19. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    and it is better here now without him how?????????
  20. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    weasel is the only thing that comes to mind...

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